Fern Flower
Published on December 11, 2019


TV Show Episode1994
The Movie DataBase
February 4, 1994
When FBI Agent Jack Willis and bank robber Warren Dupre are both shot at the same time during a robbery attempt, Dupre dies when Willis is brought back to life. When Willis rushes out of the hospital and begins acting strangely, Mulder concludes that Dupre has come back to life in Willis' body.


"Lazarus" (orig. "Lazarus") is the fifteenth episode of the first season of the TV series "Secret materials". The episode refers to the type of "monster of the week" and is not associated with the main "mythology" of the series.

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FBI agent Dana Scully helps former colleague, Jack Willis, in apprehending violent Bank robbers Warren Dupre and Lula Phillips. Following an anonymous tip-off, the two agents chase Dupree in the corner during a bungled robbery. Dupree Willis seriously wounded by a shotgun blast, but he is shot dead by Scully. At the hospital, doctors trying to revive Willis, but the actions of a defibrillator applied to the agent, the body reacts Dupre, whose death doctors have stated.

Willis regains consciousness in the hospital several days later. Stealing clothes from another patient, he goes to the morgue where he finds the body of Dupre and cuts off the ring finger to pick up an engagement ring, and then escapes from the hospital. Scully explains to Mulder that Willis was obsessed with the fact Dupree-Phillips for years, and confesses that he had met with Willis when he was her instructor at the FBI Academy. It is found that for cutting fingers Dupree scissors used left-handed, while Willis was right-handed. This fact suggests Mulder on the idea that in the body of the Willis home to the consciousness of Dupre. The agents visit Professor of medicine at the University of Maryland, who created the theory that while cases of close deaths of released energy can radically change someone's personality.

Willis, Dupre discovered the tattoo on my hand, burst into the apartment of Lula's brother Tommy and kills him, knowing that this Tommy handed it to the FBI and caused his "death." The next day Willis undergoes several tests that Scully gives him, but when Mulder offers him to sign a fake birthday card for Scully's birthday which passed a month ago, he signed, with the left hand. Scully is skeptical of Mulder's claims that Dupre had settled in the body of Willis, confident that Willis just in a state of stress due to the fact that I was so close to death.

When a homeowner calls the FBI to give up the location of Lula Phillips, Scully and Willis rush inside to grab her. However, when Scully pushes Phillips to the corner, Willis takes Scully at gunpoint and forces her to put on handcuffs. Scully kept in the house of Phillips, where she is strapped to a radiator and beaten. Meanwhile, Willis convinces Lulu that he actually – Dupre. Willis calls Mulder and reports that he and Phillips are holding Dana hostage.

After Scully sees that Willis Dupree drank a lot of soda, she knows that Willis is diabetic and in order to survive, he'll need insulin. Phillips and Willis Dupree Rob a drugstore to get the medicine. Phillips calls Mulder and requires 1 million dollars ransom for Scully. The sound of the plane flying next to Mulder calculates the approximate location of criminals, and the FBI sends police disguised as civilians to sweep every house in search of Lula. However, Lula refused to allow Willis to take insulin, saying that she doesn't love him and she told the FBI about the planned robbery in which Dupre was ambushed.

Willis Dupree pretends to be dead, and when Lula throws his engagement ring, he grabs her gun and shoots her. A second later he dies from lack of insulin. Mulder arrived on the scene, frees Scully. Later, Scully takes things Willis from the morgue, including a watch that she gave him on the day of the 35th anniversary. They stopped at 18:47, the moment Willis died after being shot in the Bank.

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Directly Ghost in the series do not show, however, her story is the spirit of one person after death is infused into the body of another. This is due to the proximity of people as individuals (both men were shot almost simultaneously and fell into a coma) and spiritual (one of them was literally obsessed with the second, working on his catching during the year).

The movement of the spirit occurs during the resuscitation. Arose between men the relationship demonstrate, showing how tremors from the defibrillator, acting on the body of one person are transferred to another.

An indwelling spirit migrates into a new body all his knowledge and memories, including the time of death. On the body of the new host also appears the tattoo (although this point is not explained and is likely to need the authors of the series as an artistic technique, visually demonstrating the transmigration of the soul).

The knowledge of the old "the owner of the body" almost completely lost, and awake only in fragments at the moment of imminent death. Tone of voice and manner of speech are the same, while the handwriting and the lead hand change. Chronic diseases also remain, including the diabetes that eventually leads to death. After death, the tattoo disappears.

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