Fern Flower
Published on November 27, 2019

Beyond the Sea

TV Show Episode1994
The Movie DataBase
Beyond the Sea
January 7, 1994
When death row inmate Luther Lee Boggs claims to be psychic and can lead Mulder to a serial killer in return for a lesser sentence of life in prison, Scully becomes an unwilling believer when Boggs tells her that she can communicate through him with her recently deceased father.


"Somewhere beyond the sea" (orig. "Beyond the Sea") is the thirteenth episode of the first season of the TV series "Secret materials". The episode belongs to the category of "monster of the week" and is not associated with the main "mythology" of the series.

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Scully takes at the home of his parents, William and Margaret Scully, a few days after Christmas. After seeing them, Scully falls asleep on the couch and wakes up in the middle of the night, seeing sitting in front of his father. The phone's ringing, and Margaret Scully tells her daughter that her father died of a heart attack. Looking back, Scully sees only an empty chair where just a second ago was sitting her father.

Disguised as a police man kidnaps a young couple. Several days later Scully and Mulder are discussing a kidnapping case in the office of Mulder in the headquarters of the FBI. Mulder says that the crime is likely the work of a repeat offender and there is reason to believe that the abducted are killed within a few days. He also tells Scully that Luther Lee Boggs, a serial killer whom he helped to arrest some years ago claims that he had a vision about this abduction, and offers assistance to the police in exchange for replacement of death sentence to life imprisonment. Mulder manifests an unusual for him skeptical of claims of Boggs.

The agents visit Boggs in prison, where that happens to a vision of the stolen pair, based on the piece of "evidence" which really is just a piece of t-shirt Mulder. Satisfied with the fact that Boggs is lying, agents are preparing to leave. Scully turns around and sees Boggs is the father talking to her and singing a song that was played at the funeral – "somewhere beyond the sea." She tells Mulder about this. The agents discussed the possibility that Boggs organized the kidnapping along with an accomplice, in order to avoid penalty. They made a fake newspaper, which reported that the pair found, in the hope that Boggs would contact his accomplice. Boggs is not conducted for the trick, but gives agents the veiled hints. Scully, on the basis of those keys, finds the warehouse where he was held a couple. Further hints Boggs lead Mulder and several other agents to a boathouse where the kidnapper is holding hostages. Save the girl, but the kidnapper shoots at Mulder and disappears with the second abducted. Boggs again talking with Scully, claiming that can get in touch with her father. He offers to give her last message from his father, under condition of presence of Scully in his execution. It also provides information about the new location of the kidnapper, warning her to "avoid the devil". Scully leads several agents to the specified by the Boggs beer factory, where they rescue the kidnapped guy. The offender flees, Scully rushes after him, but stopped, seeing the logo of the brewery – crafty devil. The rotten boards of the platform are broken and the thief falls to his death.

Boggs led to execution, and he sees that Scully didn't come. That at this time visits Mulder in hospital, where he is recovering from a gunshot wound. Scully came to tell Mulder that he believes him – it was organized by the Boggs. Mulder asks why she gave up the chance again to hear the father through a medium, to which Scully replies that she doesn't need to hear anything, because she already knows what her father said.

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Ghosts in the series several times.

The first is the spirit of the father Scully, who is to her after his death. He sits in the chair and moves her lips as if she's trying to say something, but voices are not heard. This episode illustrates real cases of visions of ghosts, reports of his death, loved ones or relatives.

Other ghosts are linked to a serial killer Luther Lee Boggs, who, after an unsuccessful attempt of the death penalty allegedly gained supernatural powers and can communicate with the afterlife. If you believe his story, he saw the ghosts of the dead people on the way from the camera to the place of execution, where they entered his body, setting a bond that lasted until his death.

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