Fern Flower
Published on November 13, 2019


TV Show Episode1993
The Alien
The Movie DataBase
December 10, 1993
When two fathers on opposite sides of the country are inexplicably murdered at the exact same time in the exact same way, Mulder and Scully are called in to investigate. When they discover that the two fathers' eight-year-old daughters are identical twins, they realize that something even stranger is going on.


"Eve" (orig. "Eve") is the eleventh episode of the first season of the TV series "Secret materials", in which agents Mulder and Scully investigate two identical murders, committed at the same time on different coasts of the USA. During the investigation the agents find that daughters of both victims are the product of a secret government project to clone humans. The episode belongs to the category of "monster of the week" and is not associated with the main "mythology" of the series.

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In Greenwich, Connecticut, the couple during a morning jog notices standing alone near his home 10-year-old Tina Simmons. In the backyard, they discover the dead girl's father, Joel, on the neck of which there are two circular puncture wounds.

Mulder tells Scully that because of Joel Simmons was deflated more than 4 liters of blood and in the tissues was detected sedatives of plant origin. Mulder is sure that the death of the man is similar to the cases of maiming cattle, which is associated with UFOs. Arriving in Connecticut, agents learn from Tina that she saw "red lights" and "the man from the clouds" I wanted to suck the blood of her father. Agents receives a call that in California the same way at the same time as Simmons, (considering the time zone difference) was killed by a man by the name of Reardon. Having arrived at this crime scene, the agents discover that the witness to the murder, 10-year-old Cindy Reardon, as two drops of water similar to Tina.

Mother Cindy tells Mulder and Scully that the girl conceived through IVF at a clinic in San Francisco. In the clinic, Scully discovers that both families – the Simmons and Rigoni – was treated by the same doctor, Sally Kendrick, who was dismissed for carrying out selection experiments with the oocytes in the laboratory of the clinic. The U.S. Department of health refused to investigate, and Dr. Kendrick disappeared. Meanwhile, in Connecticut, someone kidnaps Tina from a shelter where she was placed by the social services.

Mulder comes into contact with Deep Throat, who reveals the details of the government's efforts during the Cold war to create genetically enhanced children as a future super soldier. The project was called "Lichfield experiment". Children who were born during the experiment, increased in the camp near Litchfield (Connecticut) and wore identifiers "Adam" or "eve" in accordance with their gender. Deep Throat tells Mulder of a woman connected with the "Lichfield experiment," which is currently contained in a hospital for the mentally ill.

Mulder and Scully travel to the hospital and meet with eve 6, which tells them that the clones created in the "Lichfield experiment", have an extra chromosome, giving them superhuman intelligence and power, coupled with the obsession with murder. The last three clones eve-6, -7 and -8, was placed in jail after the completion of the experiment. However, eve 7 escaped, got to the center of in vitro fertilization as Kendrick and modified the oocytes of patients of the clinic to create a new clones. Eva-8 also fled and remains at large. On the wall of the chamber agents see pictures of young S, and they all look like Cindy and Tina.

In anticipation of the abduction of Cindy, Mulder and Scully are watching the girl's home. Their forecast is justified by: Cindy someone is trying to steal. In the light of the lantern Mulder finds Sally Kendrick, but she manages to escape with Cindy. Agents declare Kendrick wanted and publish her photo in the media. Kendrick takes Cindy to a Motel, which already contains Tina, and introduces girls to each other. Sally tells the girls about the project and explains that they must adapt to life in society and to suppress the genetic urge to murder. But as it turns out, the girls had slipped poison into her drink, and Kendrick, though, and grabs a kitchen knife but do not have time to "correct his mistake".

On a tip from the Motel owner who recognized the Kendrick in the news, arrive, Mulder and Scully discover eve-7 dead. Girls claim to have been abducted EVAs-7 and -8, which tried to persuade them to commit mass suicide. Death of Eva-7, they explain the actions of runaway Eva-8. Before leaving, the agents decide to take the girls with her. That night, when the company stops at a roadside truck stop, one of the girls pours poison in Coca-Cola, which ordered agents. Mulder figured it out in time a plan girls, but they escape. After a short pursuit they manage to catch.

Prisoners in separate cells in the same compartment with Eva-6 Tina and Cindy are there, under the nickname eve 9 and eve 10. Woman in medical clothing – Eva-8 – included in the Department. When she asks the girls how they know she will come after them, each of the girls answered – "We just knew".

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The Alien

Suspicion of involvement of aliens appear in agent Mulder because of the strange way of killing: two men were found drained of blood near their homes, and their death at the same time. On their necks were found two puncture, through which was taken the blood. Mulder finds in these murders similar to the cases of mutilation of cattle, the responsibility for which is attributed to aliens. His suspicions were confirmed the daughter of one of the victims: she talks about "red lightning" which is supposedly seen shortly before the death of his father, after which she suffered a blackout. She also mentions the "people of the clouds", who allegedly came earlier for her father to take his blood.

In the course of the investigation it appears that no alien was not, and in the death of the fathers blame the girls themselves.

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