Fern Flower
Published on October 23, 2019

Fallen Angel

TV Show Episode1993
The Alien
The Movie DataBase
Fallen Angel
November 19, 1993
Mulder puts the future of the X-Files in jeopardy when he heads to a UFO crash site being rapidly covered up by the military. He is arrested, and while in jail he meets Max Fenig, a UFO nut whose NICAP group has followed Mulder's work on the X-Files. When Mulder is released, Scully urges him to return to Washington to face his superiors and try to save his job, but Mulder finds out that Max is more than meets the eye and ignores Scully to try and save him instead.


"Fallen angel" (orig. "Fallen Angel") is the tenth episode of the first season of the TV series "Secret materials". The episode delves into "the mythology of the series," the Foundation of which was laid in the pilot episode.

The invisibility of the stranger, according to writer Frank Lovech, is a direct reference to the film "Predator". Chris Carter said it did more to frighten the viewer.

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In the forest near the town of Townsend (Wisconsin) crashed UFO. The Sheriff's Deputy arrives at the scene where he kills the invisible creature.

With the crash of a UFO watching the military, the U.S. air force, under the radar in Colorado. Colonel Calvin Henderson, the military expert on UFOs, orders the staff to consider the incident a meteor. Then he starts clearing which is presented to the local population as liquidation of consequences of wreck of a freight train with chemicals.

Mulder on a tip from Deep Throat arrives in Townsend and secretly penetrates to the forest. Photographing how people of Henderson clean up the place of the accident, the agent falls into the hands of the military. In the brig, Mulder meets with an eccentric representative of the National research Committee on aerial phenomena (of Nikp) named Max Fenig also caught in the forest. Feng confesses that he is a fan of Mulder and followed his career, as the costs of Mulder for travel is public information. The next morning Scully rescues a colleague and declares that, in accordance with classified information in the forest crashed Libyan jet with a nuclear warhead on Board, but Mulder does not accept this explanation. Meanwhile, the invisible pilot in a UFO crosses the electronic fence installed around the wreck and escapes to the outside world.

The agents returned to the Motel where Mulder rented a room, and finds there max. In the trailer max they got caught by the recording of the last session when a Sheriff's Deputy, immediately after the crash. Mulder and Scully visit the widow of an assistant, which says that the government doesn't give her the body of her husband and forcing her to silence. Agents also meet with the doctor who had examined the murdered policeman and a member of the assault team. Based on his testimony, the cause of death of both was abnormally severe burns. He also reported that the men in uniform intimidated him. Henderson arrives at the hospital with a new batch of toasted soldiers who were attacked by a stranger once drove his corner.

Mulder returns to the Motel and finds max in the trailer – in fact, had an epileptic seizure. Behind the left ear at max Mulder notices a mysterious scar. Agent couple of times already faced with similar scars in the Affairs of men, claimed that they were abducted by aliens. However, Scully believes that "abduction" by max – a result of his schizophrenia and hallucinations: she saw in the trailer the guy the appropriate medications. But Mulder is sure that Max, despite his fascination with UFO's, does not remember what happened to him, and in Townsend the night of the crash he was lured by the kidnappers.

The BBC discovers over Townsend UFOs more than ever. Invisible alien climbs into the trailer to max and kidnaps him. Later in the trailer come Mulder and Scully notice the loss of Feiga and hear is passed on the army channel, the message that he discovered at the shoreline. Mulder and Scully rush to the rescue of max, and the people of Henderson, meanwhile, is already searching the area in search of Fenosa. Alien kills two soldiers accidentally collided with max, forcing him to hide in the warehouse. Mulder finds Fenosa inside the building, surrounded by soldiers of Henderson, and tries to reassure the UFO, but his attack, knocks down and injures the alien. Rising, Mulder sees Feng floats up in the light post and disappears. When Henderson discovers the loss of max, he orders to arrest Mulder.

Later in Washington, both agents report to the chief offices of the McGrath about the incident, but he does not believe. McGrath makes Mulder a particularly severe reprimand and a is the written testimony of Henderson: the body of Fenosa was discovered in a cargo container a few hours after the disappearance. McGrath and the Disciplinary Board decide to close the x-files and dismiss Mulder, But Deep Throat does not allow it to do so, claiming that for them it is more dangerous to let Mulder and thereby allow him to tell what he knows, than to allow the agent to continue its work.

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The alien ship show only after a disaster, and even then not completely. According to the military controlling the airspace of the United States, before the crash object was moving with great speed (more than 800 miles per hour, or about 1,300 km/h) and performed maneuvers beyond the reach of existing aircraft earthlings.

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The Alien

Alien is evacuated the pilot of a crashed UFO. He is likely dressed in a protective suit, as it is practically invisible to the human eye (in the imager alien is visible).

The alien can attack people, leaving severe burns (5th and 6th degree), the cause of which is alleged to ionizing radiation. At some point the military instrument locks the signal at an extremely high frequency (200 000 MHz), probably emitted by the alien (possibly a distress signal).

The appearance of the stranger was somehow connected with a man (max), earlier pojisanska aliens. Him behind the left ear revealed a scar the likes of which Mulder had seen before in people who considered themselves victims of abduction. Perhaps this scar is the cause of the disease (epilepsy and schizophrenia), which suffers Max. He is a kidnapping not remember, but feels the approach of strangers and clings to the scar, complaining of acute pain in the head. At the end of the series the stranger finds him and takes with him, disappeared without a trace from the closed warehouse.

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