Fern Flower
Published on July 11, 2023

School Spirits

TV Show2023
The Movie DataBase
School Spirits
March 9, 2023
Maddie, a teen stuck in the afterlife investigating her own disappearance, goes on a crime-solving journey as she adjusts to high school purgatory.


School Spirits is an American supernatural television series for teenagers based on the graphic novel of the same name by Nate and Megan Trinrud.

The first season was released in 2023 and consists of 8 episodes. In June 2023, the series was renewed for a second season.


The series takes place in the fictional town of Split River, Wisconsin. The series tells the story of Maddie, a teenage girl stuck in the afterlife and investigating her own mysterious disappearance. The closer she gets to the truth, the more secrets and lies she discovers.


The series shows several ghosts of people who died on the school grounds of the town of Split River at different times, starting in the 60s of the XX century. They look like ordinary people, on whose bodies there are no signs of premetric injuries or decomposition. The age of the ghosts corresponds to the age of their death. As a rule, they retain all the memories of their life up to the moment of death.

Ghosts can move around the school and the surrounding area, but they cannot leave it: when they try to cross the school boundary, they are instantly transferred to the place where they died. Repeated repetition of such escape attempts only leads to a deterioration of the ghost's well-being - he begins to experience severe pain.

The mechanics of the interaction of ghosts with the real world shown in the series raises many questions and does not seem to be fully worked out. So, they cannot touch physical objects, but they are able to create their "astral copies": if a ghost takes an object, then a duplicate appears in his hand, and the object itself remains in the same place. Ghosts can break copies of real objects, smash them, set them on fire, eat, etc. Technical devices turn on and perform their functions, as well as copies of electronic devices. As a result, ghosts can, for example, change clothes, draw a poster, set things on fire on a football field, cook a burrito in the oven, and one of the spirits uses copies of smartphones to go online. At the same time, all these actions do not affect the real world in any way. It remains completely undisclosed how long astral copies of real objects exist, where and when they disappear, as well as other questions that arise in the course of the plot. At the same time, a ghost can still have some influence on the real world - so, next to the spirit of a girl who died from an electric shock, lamps are constantly flickering.

The interaction of ghosts with each other is also no different from how it happens in the world of the living. Spirits can hug, fight, kiss and even have sex. They still have emotions and characters that were characteristic of them during their lifetime.

Thus, ghosts live the lives of ordinary people on the school grounds, existing in parallel with the physical world. The series has never shown that the ghost is immaterial: they do not pass through doors, walls or other objects – on the contrary, a door locked from the outside is able to keep them indoors no less effectively than living people.

The main character turns out to be the only ghost capable of interacting with a living person – with a best friend who has been in love with her for a long time. He can see and hear her, but only in those places of the school where someone once died (oddly enough, there are many such places in the school). Some of the characters call these places "school scars". At the same time, the heroine herself also heard the conversation of ghosts in the basement of the school, but this episode is shown briefly and is not explained in any way.

Ghosts can "move on" and go to the afterlife, but it is not known when this will happen and what may cause it. According to the plot of the first season, only one ghost makes such a transition, having finally found peace of mind. This moment was felt by all the ghosts in the school: goosebumps ran over their bodies, they heard some high-frequency sound, and the ceiling lamps lit up with a blinding bright light.

A ghost can push the spirit out of the body of a cheslovek and take its place. One of the characters says that this can happen if a person is under hypnosis, while he turns out to be defenseless, as if "a message appears over his head that the place is free." In the course of the plot, it turns out that this is possible under other conditions, for example, in moments of extremely depressed mental state. The repressed spirit behaves like an ordinary ghost, but does not remember how he died.