Fern Flower
Published on November 27, 2021

Revenge of the Zombies

The Movie DataBase
Revenge of the Zombies
September 17, 1943
When Dr. Von Altermann's wife Lila dies mysteriously at his spooky mansion her relations suspect murder. They also suspect the doctor is turning her into a zombie, to join the army of living dead he hopes to devote to the Nazi cause. However, Lila, though dead, has developed a will of her own.


Revenge of the Zombies is a 1943 horror film. The film is a continuation of the horror comedy "The Zombie King", released in 1941.


Dr. Max Altermann arranges the funeral of his unexpectedly deceased wife Lila. Soon it turns out that she didn't really die – her husband turned her into a zombie. However, the "deceased" Lila shows signs of free will and challenges the mad scientist.

Lila's brother Scott Warrington, along with Dr. Keating, are investigating the strange death of a woman. Dr. Keating disappears after discovering a secret room in the basement of Altermann's house. Scott finds a radio station in Max's office, with which Altermann communicates with the Nazis. Max finds out about this, ties Warrington up and shuts him up.

Scott is found tied up by his chauffeur Jeff. Warrington tells everyone about his find, and Max tries to escape. However, at this moment, zombies appear under the leadership of Lila and attack him. Max escapes to the swamp, Lila and hordes of zombies are chasing him. In the end, Altermann and Lila plunge into quicksand together.


Zombies look like ordinary people. They are not dead in the full sense of the word, although they consider themselves such and even sleep in coffins. They don't feel pain, and gun shots don't hurt them.

To create a zombie, you need to poison a person with a decoction of grass growing in a swamp. The victim falls asleep quickly, the processes of his body slow down (there is no pulse and breathing, body temperature drops). After that, it is necessary to carry out a number of manipulations (including injecting a drug whose name is not pronounced in the film). A zombie wakes up reacting to a specific howl-like sound that can be made by both a living person and a zombie.

The process of turning into a zombie may not go through to the end. In this case, the victim's brain is not completely paralyzed, she retains the ability to think and act not only independently of the will of the owner, but also against it. Such a zombie can even turn other zombies against their master.

Zombies gain their will after the person who made them such dies.