Fern Flower
Published on June 18, 2018

Red hand, black sheet, green fingers

The Moth Man
Land creatures
Красная рука, черная простыня, зелёные пальцы
Eduard Uspensky


"Red hand, black sheet, green fingers" is a novel by Eduard Uspensky, written explanation of children's horror stories.

In 1986, speaking in the radio program "pioneer dawn", he asked the students to send the known scary stories. Received letters written by the children of horror stories became the basis of the work. Assumption collected many of these stories and combined them into a little story of the detective genre.

For the first time the story was published in "pioneer" magazine (№ 2, 3, 4 1990) with a subtitle of "a terrible tale for intrepid students." In 1991 he published a book, which then was reprinted several times.

The story tells about the adventures of a young police officer-trainee Victor Rachmaninoff, who at the time of summer internship are assigned to investigate the mysterious murders. In the list of "suspects" – the unexplored science of mystical creatures from children's horror stories: a glowing red hand coming out of the wall, a woman with a red face, we see a murder or a fire, etc.

The story begins with the death of a boy at summer camp. The Director suspects that the Red hand that flies at night in the window and strangling people, and tells the police captain. He shrugs off this version, and instructs to conduct business teacher Victor Romanino. The next day, the camp also turns out to be strangled by the red hand. Victor Rachmaninov wrote in the "Pionerskaya Zorka" and asks children from all over the country to send information about similar cases. In response, he receives very many letters.

Victor undercover send in Pokrovsk for finding antique samovar for the purpose of investigating cases with appearance of red spots. There he communicates with the head of the thrift shop, and finds in his hotel room a strange red spot. Then he visits the orphanage that sent children whose parents were killed by a Red spot. After talking with the children, he discovers that they Red spot are not afraid, and the Director of the orphanage, is afraid. The next morning, the Director found strangled. The Intern reports to his boss about the whole situation. Together they meet in a cafe a Girl with a Red Spot. After that, the captain decides to take a vacation and bring in all the cases of the children's letters. Rachmaninoff, walking down the street, gets into some strange place, where comes the tram hearse with years of life instead of the number.

Victor, along with the boss and a driver by the name of Fierce go to the orphanage to find out the circumstances of the death of the Director. The Intern is alone in the office and falls asleep, but it wakes up the appearance of a Ghost Director. They again go to Moscow. There, Victor learns that his friend the old lady, collecting for him from the neighbors rare and interesting things, died, and the neighbors ask him to come. Coming at the right stop, he notices a ruined house, over which hovers the Ghost of the same house. Victor went to the familiar old man. Among the property left to him is a strange symbol in the shape of a möbius strip. The old man tells Victor a few stories. Outside, Victor notices the strange creatures around: a five-meter snake in the sky, huge eyes the size of a pumpkin, etc. after Returning to the house-Ghost, Victor realizes that he sees through him and on the second floor of the hidden treasure.

Victor decides to follow the strange creatures and find out where they're moving. They lead him to an abandoned boiler room. He goes down to the basement and is faced with a huge variety of creatures, but does not mind that is aware of their presence. There on the platform he sees a giant Mobius strip, which runs down some information. Victor leaves the basement and goes home to his grandfather. He notices that he was watching a Black sheet. At home he discovers that a drunken grandfather also sees these creatures. The red hand attack on his grandfather, but he remains alive. Victor sends a mail heirloom to Mobius strip and went to Moscow. There he tells the captain that the creatures were killed and their victims died from fear.

This story is not only interesting for both children and adults, but also teaches you to overcome your fear, including the fear of the supernatural. The author does not deny the existence of mystical creatures from childhood horror stories, but indicates that they can be quite dangerous, unlike fear itself.

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In the story there is a Ghost of the late Director of the orphanage:

That seemed white hand, here in the room came a funeral suit. The suit – man was Alexander Pavlovich Milk.

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The Moth Man

A creature resembling a man-moth, in the story called "master of the Graveyard". It looks like a large humanoid creature with red eyes and wings like a bat.

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Land creatures

In the book there are mystical creatures from childhood horror stories:

  • A black sheet;
  • Red hand (lit up like a bulb, strangling people);
  • Red Biscuit;
  • Red Hoof;
  • The coffin on Wheels;
  • The owner of the Cemetery (a humanoid creature with red eyes and wings like a bat);
  • Red Spot (appears on the wall, drinking the blood of their victims, ie in fact is a vampire);
  • Red Cookies (made from the brain and erases the memory);
  • The Head Of The Green Goat;
  • Glass Doll;
  • Flying Syringe (kills drug addicts);
  • Green Eyes (denies strangling limbs adults and children);
  • Green Gun;
  • Woman with a Red Face (which appears next to a fire);
  • White Gloves;
  • The Black Tulip;
  • Girl in wedding dress white with red spot;
  • Black Death (black foggy mass envelops and devours people without leaving even a bone);
  • Space Hypnotic Eyes;
  • Yellow Curtains;
  • People with Blue Teeth (appeared in the city, when the place of the cemetery built a dance floor);
  • Green Fingers.

Their origin remains unknown. The author of through the Intern Rachmaninoff makes the following version:

VERSION OF THE FIRST. Red Hand, Black Sheet and Green Fingers are aliens from outer space. Maybe robots, maybe alien beings. They kill children, or scientific purposes, either of war or of energy.
THE SECOND VERSION. These beings are representatives of evil forces. That is to say, the hands of the Devil, Fantomas. They kill children for reasons of religious. For example, future of the righteous, the future major figures of the Church, which can cause great damage to the hell of human vices.
VERSION OF THE THIRD. This is some random product, random clumps of matter, living by themselves. A freak of nature, endowed with a random mind and random tasks.

All these characters can be found in the book "a Spooky children's Ghost stories" by Eduard Uspensky, first published in 1995, so it makes sense to give here the stories. We can only describe the feelings of the hero when meeting with these creatures, for example, Black Sheets:

The sheet had slipped past his face, as the milk foam when pouring milk into the Cup, as the shadow of a tree branch, leaving not the slightest sensations of touch, and planirovala down the street.
Rachmaninov followed her. She moved in the same direction that the Eyes and Cobra. Moving slowly, avoiding, flowing passers-by, sometimes a hundredth of a second from hitting the ground by large display Windows.
Strangely, it was black, but the sun's rays passed through it freely, the shadow she cast.

and the red hand:

Hand slowly, shining began to fly around the room. It seemed that she what is looking. It is getting closer to approaching Romanino, and this time he couldn't pretend not to notice. Not only that, she shone herself, she was still illuminated with its light the room.

The book also has a story about the mysterious castle on the Soviet-Finnish border, which is considered a mystical place. It guards died of fear, having met with something horrible. Probably here a play on the real castle, such as Imatrankoski (Imatra 55100,Finland), known for its mystical stories.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


  • Эдуард Успенский. Красная рука, черная простыня, зеленые пальцы: Страшная повесть для бесстрашных школьников. — Ставрополь, 1991