Fern Flower
Published on March 29, 2022

Quatermass and the Pit

The Alien
The Movie DataBase
Quatermass and the Pit
November 9, 1967
A mysterious artifact unearthed below a London subway station proves to have powerful psychic effects on the people around.


"Quatermass and the Pit" (English: "Quatermass and the Pit") is a fantasy film released in 1967. The film is based on the television series of the same name, shown on the BBC Television channel in late 1958 – early 1959.

The tape is the third full-length film about the adventures of Professor Quatermass and is part of a series of classic horror films made by the British studio Hammer.


During construction work in the London Underground, workers discover several ancient skeletons. Paleontologist Dr. Roni estimates their age at about 5 million years, which makes the find a valuable source of information on human evolution.

Further archaeological excavations reveal a large smooth object similar to an unexploded shell. A unit of sappers arrives at the excavation site. Since the nature of the object baffles them, the sappers decide to invite a well–known expert - Colonel Brin from the Missile Group headed by Professor Quatermass. The latter also arrives at the excavation site and is immediately intrigued by the find.

Based on the data on the depth of the ancient skulls and the mysterious object, it is suggested that this "projectile" also has an age of at least 5 million years...


An alien spaceship has been discovered underground in London during work on the expansion of a subway station. The ship is made of an unknown material, when touched by which a person feels cold and may even get frostbite. The ship's material is resistant to corrosion and other influences, including heating and attempts to drill with a super-hard drill. The ship has a cone-shaped shape and several internal compartments. One of them turns out to be empty, and the second is occupied by aliens located in honeycomb-like containers. On the partition between these compartments there is a symbol representing 7 intersecting circles, which the characters of the film for some reason call a "pentagram". The controls of the ship are not visible, and the characters of the film make an assumption. that he himself is reasonable.

After a while, the ship activates and turns from dark gray to bright white, with pulsating veins. The ship turns out to be not only a means of transportation, but also part of the destruction system of "mutants" bred by aliens, who later evolved into humans. The ship draws energy from the London power grid and controls the minds and telekinetic abilities of people, forcing them to destroy everything around.

A fully activated ship projects a huge image of an alien's head into the night sky. It is possible to disable it only by grounding this head with the help of a construction crane.


When you are near an alien spaceship, some (but not all) people wake up with telekinetic abilities. They move objects, make them fly, and can even shift soil layers, which can be mistaken for poltergeist manifestations. In modern terminology, these people can be called focal persons. When such a person is removed from the ship, the effect of exposure and telekinetic abilities are preserved.

People lose control of their actions and, yielding to the commands of the ship, begin to destroy everything around with the help of telekinesis. The more people fall under the influence of the ship, the more destructive the consequences become.

The effect stops after the ship is disabled.

The Alien

The aliens (presumably from Mars) are classic insectoids (one of the characters in the film refers to them as arthropods) and look like terrestrial grasshoppers with three pairs of limbs. Their bodies were stored in a spaceship for millions of years, but under the influence of the earth's atmosphere they began to decompose rapidly. Alien blood is green.

Aliens arrived on Earth more than 5 million years ago in search of a planet to colonize after it became impossible to live on Mars. However, the Earth also turned out to be unsuitable for their existence. The aliens took several ancient primates to their planet and subjected them to mutations, crossing them with their DNA. The mutants were brought back to Earth, and much later they evolved into modern humans. The aliens were divided into two camps: supporters of the survival of civilization through mutation and interbreeding and supporters of the purity of the race. Apparently, this confrontation led to a conflict in which all the aliens died.

Because of the mutations carried out by aliens, all modern people have hidden abilities for telekinesis and memory of an alien civilization. These abilities can be awakened with the help of alien technologies – for example, when being near an alien ship. Near this ship, people periodically experience hallucinations and see images of aliens who, due to the similarity of forms, are mistaken for devils (gnomes, gargoyles, demons, goblins, etc.). These visions are reflected in ancient drawings, ritual masks, folklore and chronicles. The number of such visions increased dramatically when people approached the ship underground – after they first dug a well nearby, and then built a subway.