Fern Flower
Published on February 7, 2021

The Purple Ball

The Alien
Unknown creatures
The Movie DataBase
Лиловый шар
January 1, 1988
Alisa Seleznyova and her father professor Seleznyov are traveling in space. They meet their old friend archaeologist Gromozeka, who's just discovered a planet all inhabitants of which died. It became known that they discovered a virus of hostility, got infected and killed each other. Gromozeka also discovered that they had left the virus on Earth 26000 years ago, and the virus is about to become loose. The only chance to save the Earth is to travel 26000 years back in time - to the epoch when witches, dragons and magicians lived along with usual people.


"The Purple Ball" is a Soviet children's feature film made in 1987 based on the novel of the same name by Kir Bulychev from the series "Alice's Adventures". The film is a free continuation of the series "Guest from the Future" and is associated with it by the main character-a girl from the future Alice Selezneva.


The film is set in the year 2087. Alice Selezneva, along with her father (Professor Seleznev) and the captain of the Pegasus spacecraft Zeleny, went into space to meet the ship of the Seleznevs ' friend, the space archaeologist Gromozeki. Along with them on board is a frog that Alice picked up from the Age of Legends. According to her, the frog is an enchanted princess, which, according to the wizard Uuuh, can only be disenchanted by love. Green can't stand the frog (since it's against the rules), but still gives in to Alice, who agrees to keep the frog in her cabin. At the rendezvous point, they find an empty, inertia-driven spaceship of unknown origin. There, the heroes meet Gromozeka – he had already found this ship and began exploring its interior.

The ship turned out to be the "Black Wanderer" -a legendary conquering ship that, according to space legends, conquered many planets in the distant past. Studying the materials found on the ship, the heroes learn that many thousands of years ago, its owners, having arrived on Earth, left a purple ball on it – a kind of bacteriological time bomb. This ball should explode when the aliens, who are making a vicious circle around the Galaxy in their ship, again approach the Earth. After the explosion of the ball, a terrible virus of hostility will break out of it, under the influence of which the earthlings will immediately hate each other and begin to kill everyone who comes to hand. After all living things died, the owners of the "Black Wanderer" were going to take over the Land with ready-made infrastructure and settle on it. The estimated time of the explosion of the purple ball is August 16, 2087 at 8: 45. But, as our heroes have already found out, the aliens from the" Black Wanderer " died long ago – the same purple ball was broken on it in the distant past, and its inhabitants killed each other. Their dead ship only continues its way through the Galaxy by inertia, but the trouble is that the purple ball, left somewhere on Earth, is still waiting in the wings to explode, because the death of its owners did not affect it in any way. Seleznev, Zeleny, Gromozeka and Alice calculate that the explosion of the ball should take place in ten days, and immediately, without wasting precious time, send their ship back to Earth.

When approaching the Earth, they try to explain to the ground services of the cosmodrome what danger threatens the Earth in a few days, but they do not believe them and forcibly put the Pegasus on the ground inside the quarantine cruiser, as its crew is suspected of mass psychosis. Meanwhile, the place on Earth where the aliens placed the ball is not known to anyone, and it is impossible to find it with any modern devices. It is only known that a previous trip to the Land owners, "the Black stranger" was the end of an Era of Legends – discovered by employees of the Institute a time period in the history of mankind when there was indeed miracles, wizards, dragons and other fairy-tale heroes. Alice decides that the only possible course of action in this situation is for her to travel in a time machine to that very Era of Legends (fortunately, she was there once before and made friends there) and, having tracked down the Black Wanderer scout car, find out where the purple ball was placed by the aliens, and then somehow defuse this time bomb. Alice and Gromozeka travel back in time with the help of a smaller, mobile version of the time machine aboard the Pegasus.

There, despite all the obstacles by Alice Gromozeka natives (fairy tale villains by Koschei the Immortal, Baba Yaga, an Ogre and Condom), Alice through Gromozeka, local boy Gerasik and kind wizard Uuuh, and with the cap of darkness, arrives at the landing site of razvedchitsa "Black stranger" and discovers that the aliens are hiding the ball with a virus of hostility under a huge boulder in the meadow spruce forest. After getting the ball, Alice and Gromozeka say goodbye to Uuuh and Gerasik and return to their time on their ship, still blocked by ground services at the spaceport. Suddenly, after Alice and Gromozeka, the wizard Uuuh suddenly appears from the time machine and says that he remembered what he wanted to say to Alice back in the Age of Legends, but Alice stops him and says that he urgently needs to solve something with the ball, which can explode at any moment. Then Uuuh takes the ball from them and throws it into the Sun with the help of magic, and the Earth is saved from disaster.

After that, Uuuh finally says what he wanted to say – that the enchanted frog can only be disenchanted by love, and after these words, she turns into a beautiful girl. It is clear that the captain of the ship Green was still not indifferent to her. The film ends with a close-up of Alice's eyes as she watches Uuuh say goodbye to her and is transported back to the past.


The film shows a large number of flying objects.

First of all, it is a spaceship of earthlings, similar to the classic flying saucer. A reconnaissance capsule of the same shape, but much smaller, is docked to it. During the landing, he is met by a special aircraft designed to isolate ships with dangerous cargo.

Two alien ships are also shown. One of them is a mother ship with invaders encountered by earthlings in space. It has a huge size and a spherical shape with a surface similar to stone. This ship has been traveling through space for thousands of years, and the generations of aliens living in its depths do not leave its limits. The second ship is a scout ship, much smaller, shaped like a bullet or an acorn, and has a shiny metal surface.

In addition, the flying object can be called the magic carpet of the wizard Uuuh.


On the spaceship of the earthlings is a time machine, with the help of which Alice and Gromozeka move to Earth during the Era of Legends – in the old days, the memory of which remains only in fairy tales. In the past, they appear on a special site, and it remains unclear who and when it was installed there.

The Alien

The film shows several types of aliens from other planets. All of them are humanoids.

One of the aliens is Gromozeka, a friendly space archaeologist. He looks like a big man with a body completely covered in red hair and two pairs of hands.

The rest of the aliens are representatives of the race of space wanderers-invaders from the ship "Black Wanderer". Outwardly, they look like people in silver suits that completely hide the body. They travel through the universe and leave purple balloons on inhabited planets with a "hate virus" that causes uncontrolled aggression. The ball releases the virus at a strictly set time by the aliens, so that by the time their mother ship arrives, the inhabitants of the planet kill each other and provide the aliens with an opportunity for looting. By the time of the film, all the aliens of this race have died due to an accident, as a result of which the virus broke free within the mother ship.


In the Age of Legends, Alice meets a dragon named Drakosha.

Its appearance is different from the classic one: the dragon is small in size and covered with hair. Its webbed wings are torn, but this does not prevent it from flying and hovering in one place. On the head are huge ears, also similar to torn webbed wings. The dragon has only one eye in the center of its head, and its mouth is always open. The dragon periodically makes sounds similar to moans.


The film shows a Roc bird chick hatching from a giant egg. The chick has no wings, and its size is huge. Periodically, he makes loud sounds, similar to the death screams.

Unknown creatures

In the Age of Legends, the heroes of the film meet unknown creatures: living flying stones with eyes, mouth and tentacles, as well as a tree with one eye and one ear.


Met by Alice in the Age of Legends, the wizard Uuuh demonstrates the ability to conjure: he lifts a huge stone into the air with an effort of will, and also sends a purple ball with a hate virus to the Sun.

In addition, Uuuh has magical artifacts – an invisible hat and an airplane carpet.