Fern Flower
Published on July 19, 2020

Operation Mainbrace

TV Show Episode2020
The Movie DataBase
Operation Mainbrace
March 24, 2020
Strange interlopers in the sky and sea, and the actions of a rogue admiral, threaten to turn a naval exercise into World War III. It's up to Hynek and Quinn to stop the rogue admiral.


The tenth episode of the second season of "Project "Blue book" called "Operation Mainbrace" (orig. "Operation Mainbrace") and focuses on events that took place during some of the most large-scale military exercises during the cold war.

In the episode is a play on the famous photo of an unknown object, made in March 1971 in the sea between Iceland and the island Jan Mayen. As is clear from the date, this case has nothing to do with the military exercises held in the fall of 1952.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


Senator Kennedy personally comes to the office of the project "Blue book", to request help from the Heineken and Quinn. In the Northern part of the Atlantic ocean begin large-scale exercises of NATO ships, and in the same area begin to appear mysterious Ghost ships and unidentified floating objects.

Arriving at the ship, Hynek and Quinn find out what is the opinion of Admiral unknown object is the latest Soviet weapons. He is preparing to attack and prohibits members of the ship's crew to admit that they saw something unusual. This time from the investigation project "Blue book" not only truth, but also to prevent a third world war.

Hynek and Quinn decide any way to prove that an unidentified object has nothing to do with Soviet troops. They are the two senior ship's officers who tell the truth and report that made the mysterious object. But Admiral is not convincing and the photo, which depicts a ship of obviously alien origin.

Hynek and Queen against the orders of the Admiral are sent to the Ghost ship. There they find the captain, who says his fishing schooner instantly moved from Japanese waters in Norwegian.

The Admiral does not believe this and when a mysterious object appears again, decides to attack. Trying to prevent a war, Quinn immersed submersible to a depth. There he sees an unidentified object near the glowing pillar, which seems to him very beautiful. The object of the post is clearly not of earthly origin what Quinn reported on the ship. Despite this, the Admiral throws a deep bomb, but a second before the explosion, they (as well as the bathyscaphe Quinn) disappear from the radar.

Quinn officially presumed dead, but Hynek thinks that will be able to find it.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


In a series of shows several unidentified floating objects.

The first is the Japanese fishing schooner, unknown, moved to the waters of the North Atlantic ocean. Eyewitnesses claim that the boat appears and disappears. Boat found traces of thermal effects: melted window glass and the wheel. While the rest of the stuff intact, the captain of the ship alive.

The second object is a large flying ship triangular shape, emerges from the depths of the sea before the ships of the U.S. Navy. The water around him glows blue. Under the place of its occurrence is detected by a pillar of blue light, similar to the portal.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»