Fern Flower
Published on January 23, 2019

The Lubbock Lights

TV Show Episode2019
The Movie DataBase
The Lubbock Lights
January 22, 2019
When the citizens of Lubbock, Texas witness a mysterious V-shaped craft in the night sky, Hynek and Quinn are brought in to investigate the mass sighting. Based on the “Lubbock Lights” case.


The third episode of the first season of the series "Project Blue Book" is called "Lubbock Lights" (orig. "The Lubbock Lights"). In it, Heinek and Quinn investigate mass UFO sightings in the city of Lubbock (Texas). This episode is based on a case widely known as "Lubbock Lights", to which, in addition to the cases in Lubbock itself, UFO sightings over Texas and the state of New Mexico, which took place over two weeks in August and September 1951, are also attributed in the ufo literature.

This episode is based on a real case that occurred in Lubbock (Texas) on August 25, 1951.

The episode pays little attention to the Lubbock Lights themselves. Basically, he talks about the conspiracy of the military. The plot mentions the most popular version explaining the appearance of lights – the reflection of light on the breasts of birds (although it was previously shown that at the time of the object's appearance, the light in the city was turned off, so this version is erroneous), as well as a new assumption about a top-secret US aircraft. The version with the falsification of the photo in the episode is not even mentioned, since the number of witnesses shown in it is estimated in tens, if not hundreds.

Differences in the plot of the series from the real case:

  1. Lights in the city of Lubbock were seen only by three teachers of the local university, as well as an 18-year-old student who took a photo a week after the first observation. There was no mass surveillance, as shown in the series.
  2. The first witnesses observed an ordered wedge-shaped structure only for a few seconds. The subsequent formations they observed were chaotic, which fits well into the version of a flock of birds. In the episode, the lights appear only in this form, are observed for a long time and perform complex maneuvers in the air.
  3. There is no evidence of a power outage in the city or electro-thermal effects on cars, as well as reports of casualties.
  4. The UFO in the real photo is represented by lights of approximately the same brightness, arranged regularly. The episode also shows lights of different sizes, brightness and arranged chaotically.


The series begins with an employee of the control tower talking on the phone with his girlfriend. Suddenly, electricity goes out all over the city, and a strangely shaped object with glowing lights flies past the control room.

A little later, we are shown a speech by the famous journalist Keiho, presenting his new book. After the speech, the sheriff's son from Lubbock tells him about the incident.

Heinek and Quinn arrive in Lubbock to investigate. They are shown an air traffic controller who is in a coma. His car is deformed, as if melted, and he is clearly electrified. Heinek and Quinn see the fear of the locals before what happened. They decide to interview witnesses at the local university and find out that a lot of people saw the lights. One of the professors shows them a photo of the object and makes the assumption that these are birds flying in a wedge.

Heinek and Quinn go to the place where the strange object is most often observed. Quinn, while in the car, is exposed to electricity, after which he and Heinek observe a UFO.

The military in charge of the "Blue Book Project" threaten Keyho, demanding that he stop spreading information about flying saucers, and also tell Heinek and Quinn that the source of the Lubbock lights is an airplane, a top–secret development of the United States, and they need to accept the professor's version about birds to hide it from the public. They pretend to agree and go home.

Heinek's son, having read Keiho's books about aliens, hides in the closet and is afraid to sleep. Heinek's wife notices that she is being followed. After talking to a neighbor about a possible war with the Russians, she decides to buy a bomb shelter so that the family feels protected.


UFO looks like a set of bright lights in the sky moving wedge. The appearance of the object is accompanied by a power outage in the city.

Also with the appearance of UFOs presumably associated with the effects of some electromagnetic forces on nearby cars and being in them. One of the cars looks as if his body melted and "floated"; the driver of that car ended up in a coma. In the second case, there is a strong vibration of the body, but heat and significant impacts on the human body was not. The people nearby, no impacts have not experienced.

The series consists of two versions, explaining the appearance of the UFO: the reflection of city lights from flocks of birds and flights of secret aircraft developed by the US government. Both versions are questionable, since it does not explain the incident with the car.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»