Fern Flower
Published on February 19, 2022

Bird Woman

TV Show Episode2022
The Movie DataBase
Bird Woman
February 16, 2022
Minogue and O'Leary tackle a half bird/half human that's been stealing shiny objects from around Wellington including the 'W' from the Wellington sign.


The first episode of the fourth season of the series is called "The Bird Woman" (orig. "Bird Woman").


Police officers Minogue and O'Leary take on the capture of a half–bird-half-man who steals shiny objects all over Wellington, including the letter "W" from the city's logo. They connect an ornithologist girl to the investigation, who is eager to take revenge on the monster who killed her great-great...great-grandfather. It turns out that the creature is female. From stolen items, she builds a nest for her chicks. She returns the items after the police promise her protection. A female bird is settled in a nature reserve, where she soon eats an ornithologist girl.


The creature is a huge bird, slightly larger than a normal person, with a female head. It has great physical strength, can lift a person and even a car into the air. Also, the creature is intelligent, can speak English.

The bird woman enters apartments on the upper floors of buildings and steals shiny objects. Of these, she builds a nest on a windmill, in which she raises chicks. The creature feeds on humans; it is able to swallow a person whole and then regurgitate him as food for the chicks.