Fern Flower
Published on March 6, 2021

Invisible Fiend

TV Show Episode2021
Unknown creatures
The Movie DataBase
Invisible Fiend
February 24, 2021
After getting called out to a mysterious home invasion with no visible signs of entry, Minogue and O'Leary manage to arrest an invisible entity and bring it in for questioning.


The first episode of the third season of the series is called "The Invisible Demon" (orig. "Invisible Fiend).


Officers Minogue and O'Leary receive a report of a mysterious home invasion with no visible signs of entry. They manage to arrest the invisible entity and bring it to the police station for questioning. The entity turns out to be a huge invisible creature with many tentacles.

Despite the efforts of Minogue, O'Leary, Sergeant Maaki, and Constable Parker, the creature manages to escape. Minogue and O'Leary track the creature back to the house where it was discovered. There they meet the child of the owners of the house, a little girl, from whom they learn that the creature is called Daisy, and that it is more afraid of the police than they are of it. The officers join in a tea party with the girl and her monster friends.


For the action of the poltergeist in the episode, you can take the results of the interaction of an invisible monster with surrounding objects: hovering objects and people in the air, the destruction of interior items and structural elements of buildings, etc.

Unknown creatures

The unknown creature turns out to be an invisible monster with many tentacles that lives in the girl's room. It is large in size and extremely strong. The monster can be seen with a thermal imager.

A tentacle accidentally severed from a monster quickly regenerates, and the stump immediately becomes visible. The blood of the monster, once on a person, after a while makes him invisible (clothes also become transparent). The effect is temporary and lasts less than a day.

Later it turns out that many invisible creatures of different shapes live in the girl's room. All of them are friendly and despite their intimidating appearance do not pose a danger to others.