Fern Flower
Published on July 19, 2018

Demon Girl

TV Show Episode2018
The evil eye, curses and corruption
Fire Poltergeist
The Movie DataBase
Demon Girl
July 11, 2018
Officers Minogue and O'Leary bring in what appears to be a projectile-vomiting drunk teenager. Sergeant Maaka delves deeper and invites the officers to join his Paranormal Unit.


This is the first episode of the series in which two policemen (Minogue and O'Leary) are transferred to the paranormal investigation department. The episode is called "Demon Girl".

The series demonstrates what obsession might look like in the modern world. Some elements of the script and direction imitate techniques often used in horror films. At the same time, the authors approach their product with a fair amount of humor, and it's not scary to watch, but extremely funny. There are a number of references in the series that both horror fans and paranormal researchers will understand. In particular, there is a direct reference to the series "The X-Files" ("The X-Files").


The series begins with the main characters discovering a girl in the park who is mistaken for a drunk. She spews out a transparent green slime with a sulfurous smell and calls herself a "Basual from the Devil's kingdom." The girl is taken to the police station, but she escapes from there.

Later, the police receive a call for a domestic quarrel. When Minogue and O'Leary arrive at the scene, they discover that the family of the runaway girl lives at the specified address. They find the head of the family in the garage, standing on the ceiling and levitating various objects around him. He also calls himself a Bazoual. After a while he comes to, and his wife runs away.

The police catch up with the girl's mother on the playground. There, Officer Minogue is attacked by a talking dog, also calling himself a Bazoual. She talks about buckets of blood and the dead rising from hell. The police realize that a demon is possessed by people and a dog, and decide to expel it.

They arrive at the fountain with buckets, from which blood begins to flow and flames erupt. They perform an exorcism and the demon leaves.

The evil eye, curses and corruption

The residents of Wellington possesses a demon named Basal (apparently invented by the writers and do not have a prototype). The victims observed the illumination of the iris change the shape of the teeth and distortion of the face (veins, etc.). In addition, victims discover supernatural abilities such as telekinesis, the ability to walk on walls and ceilings, turn your head 360 degrees and bend unnaturally. People in whom dwell Basal become extremely strong and fast. The demon can inhabit not only in humans but also in animals (at least dogs).

The purpose of the demon is opening a portal to Hell by sacrificing a virgin. Stop the daemon manages with the help of exorcism, the description of which is found in YouTube.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Fire Poltergeist

The poltergeist phenomenon fire can be attributed to the fire of hell, divorced a demon in a city fountain with the aim of bringing the sacrifice of a virgin.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»