Fern Flower
Published on January 28, 2019

The Secret of the Loch

The Loch Ness Monster
The Movie DataBase
The Secret of the Loch
May 7, 1934
A batty Scottish professor attempts to prove the existence of the Loch Ness Monster, but everyone thinks he's crazy. Meanwhile, a foolish young reporter attempts to get a scoop on the story.


The Secret of the Loch is a 1934 British film about the Loch Ness Monster. This is the first ever movie about this monster. Screenwriter Charles Bennett claimed that the film was based on his original idea.

The film was shot on the wave of popularity of the Loch Ness monster. Until the 30s of the XX century, the Loch Ness monster was described as a classic Kelpie (water horse). But in 1932, after a long break, a message appeared about a certain Miss McDonald, who claimed to have seen a creature resembling a crocodile with a short head in the lake. This story gave rise to the idea of the monster as a surviving dinosaur or a lizard-like cryptid. After that, many testimonies about the observation of this monster were published.

Obviously, this film could only strengthen these ideas in popular culture. Unfortunately, we have not yet been able to find it on media or in online cinemas, but it would be wrong not to mention it.

It's interesting

The film "The Secret of the Loch" (1934) is the first ever film about the Loch Ness monster

The film "The Secret of the Loch" (1934) filmed in the wake of the popularity of the Loch Ness monster. Until the 30s of the XX century, the Loch Ness monster was described as a classic Kelpie (water horse), but in 1932, after a long break, a message appeared about a certain Miss McDonald, who claimed to have seen a creature resembling a crocodile with a short head in the lake. This story gave rise to the idea of the monster as a surviving dinosaur or a lizard-like cryptid. After that, many testimonies about the observation of this monster were published.  Obviously, this film could only strengthen these ideas in popular culture.


Professor Heggie wants to prove to an incredulous society and the professional world that a monster similar to a dinosaur lives in Loch Ness. He is supported by reporter Jimmy Anderson, who is in love with the professor's daughter Maggie. A lot of journalists gathered at the hotel on Loch Ness, who drink whiskey and communicate with local residents in the hope of hearing new reports about the monster.

The professor hires Jack the diver to explore the lake. He sees a huge shadow when he descends from a small steamer to the bottom of the lake. And this is the last thing he sees: when the crew of the boat notices that the connection with Jack is lost, they try to lift him, but he disappears without a trace.

Now Jimmy decides to dive. He finds the monster of Loch Ness - a giant underwater iguana. It attacks Jimmy, but the reporter manages to get to the surface. The monster pops up and is seen by the entire crew of the boat. Professor Heggie's dinosaur theory has been proven.

The Loch Ness Monster

Thanks to frames from the movie are easy to find on various sites, you can get the idea of showing the monster.

The monster of Loch ness, refers to the phenomenon of aquatic creatures mystical, or believed to be extinct animals that live in ponds. Most often they are in the form of giant lizards or dinosaurs, and this film also adhere to this image.

It is filmed with an ordinary iguana, which is due to the special effects looks giant.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»