Fern Flower
Published on August 16, 2021

Resident Alien

TV Show2021
Circles on the field and other formations.
The Alien
Mysterious substance
The Movie DataBase
Resident Alien
January 27, 2021
Crash-landed alien Harry takes on the identity of a small-town Colorado doctor. Arriving with a secret mission, he starts off living a simple life…but things get a bit rocky when he’s roped into solving a local murder and realizes he needs to assimilate into his new world. As he does, he begins to wrestle with the moral dilemma of his mission and asking the big life questions like: “Are human beings worth saving?” and “Why do they fold their pizza before eating it?”


"The Alien from Outer Space" (English "Resident Alien") is an American fantasy television series. The first season premiered on January 27, 2021 on the Syfy channel, in March 2021 the show was renewed for a second season.

The literary basis of the script was the comic "Resident Alien", first published in 2012.

The plot of the comic book in the series has undergone some changes. So, the mayor of the city, who plays an important role in the action, in the series turns out not to be an old man, wise with experience, but a young and rather naive person; the policemen in the show are not a white fat sheriff with a skinny assistant, but a dark-skinned sheriff nicknamed "Black big Guy" and a buxom female assistant. Finally, the main character turned from an intelligent and extremely tactful being into an evil cynic.


The main character of the series is an alien sent to Earth to destroy humanity. He is hiding under the guise of Dr. Harry Vanderspiegel, who lived alone near the small town of Patience in the US state of Colorado.

Shortly after the arrival of the alien, the city doctor is killed, and the fake Vanderspiegel has to take over his medical practice. The hero's ignorance of human mores, his inability to empathy and misunderstanding of sarcasm create a lot of comical situations.

Despite all the difficulties, the alien makes friends, participates in the investigation of a murder, and fights with secret agents looking for him. Living in a new body, he becomes too human-like and begins to doubt the justification of his mission.

In the finale of the first season, the alien decides not to destroy humanity. He leaves Earth, but suddenly learns that one of his new friends, a boy named Max, has made his way aboard the ship.


Unidentified flying objects in the series are represented by alien spaceships. One of them (on which the main character arrives) falls to the Ground as a result of a lightning strike.

The shape of the ship is quite complex and very far from the classic "flying saucer".

The technologies with which the spacecraft was created are significantly superior to those on Earth. The ship is equipped with disguises that make it invisible to the human eye (although it becomes visible in the light of ultraviolet lamps). The broken parts of the spacecraft are self-spliced.

Circles on the field and other formations.

The footprint on the snow from the alien's foot looks like a miniature copy of the circle on the field.


During the appearance of a huge UFO over the lighthouse, all the clocks located in it stop (their pendulums stop moving - perhaps this is due to the strong magnetic field of the alien spacecraft). At the same time, people act as usual.

The Alien

The alien shown in the series has an original appearance. It is a tall humanoid creature, slightly resembling a reptile, naked, with glossy skin, two pairs of hands and huge black eyes. In his own opinion, the alien has common ancestors with terrestrial octopuses.

The alien has great physical strength. He is able to change his body at the molecular level, turning into a human. At the same time, about one person in a million has the ability to see him in his true form; these same people are able to see a green glow around objects of alien origin. When the alien weakens (for example, seriously injured), the disguise on the parts of his body disappears. The alien's blood is blue, glows in the dark. The alien planet is very cold, so the cold helps them recover. Severed limbs grow back quickly.

Aliens are asexual, any of them can get pregnant. A pregnant alien carries hundreds of children who tear his body apart during childbirth, as a result of which he dies.

The alien has a high intelligence and considers himself a superior being compared to stupid and emotionally prone people. According to his own statement, he needs nothing but food to survive.

Initially, the alien is not socially adapted, but after undergoing a molecular transformation, he gradually begins to experience emotions and becomes attached to people. Physiological changes also appear: the alien eats human food and drinks alcohol, after which he experiences a hangover syndrome; reacts to morphine injections.

An alien has arrived on Earth to activate a device that is supposed to destroy humanity. The device directs the energy of the planet against people. Also, this energy can be concentrated on one particular person or group of people, destroying only them. It should not affect the alien himself, however, after a long time spent in the human body, he becomes exposed to the device.

The alien says that in ancient times aliens came to people and taught them science and technology. He speaks with confidence about the existence of other aliens and confirms the existence of many species known to ufologists: gray ("cunning bastards"), Arcturians ("goats and terrible cheapskates"), green ("cuties, but they use it too much"), mantises and blue ptitsoids ("but they are nice"). He also talks about reptilians: these are "scaly, insidious creatures who strive for universal domination and use the Earth as a laboratory for hybridization"; they are "vile and do not follow hygiene at all." At the mention of anal probing, the alien refuses, stating that "this is a trick of the grays." The Greys, he claims, really kidnap people, implant them with implants and take unborn children from pregnant women.

Apparently, the technologies used by different types of aliens are close to each other: an alien repairs a device for destroying earthlings using an implant implanted by the grays.

Mysterious substance

The series shows a substance that can levitate objects above it. The alien calls it "telur", but the element known to science with this name does not have such properties.

Apparently, this substance is used in alien spacecraft and is necessary for their functioning.