Fern Flower
Published on January 7, 2018

Mars Attacks!

The Alien
The Movie DataBase
Mars Attacks!
December 13, 1996
A fleet of Martian spacecraft surrounds the world's major cities and all of humanity waits to see if the extraterrestrial visitors have, as they claim, "come in peace." U.S. President James Dale receives assurance from science professor Donald Kessler that the Martians' mission is a friendly one. But when a peaceful exchange ends in the total annihilation of the U.S. Congress, military men call for a full-scale nuclear retaliation.


Science fiction film with elements of black humor and political satire "Mars attacks!" from Director Tim Burton was released in 1996.

It was based on a series of trading cards "Mars Attacks", which was created for the Topps Corporation, known for the production of chewing gum, candy and collectible cards of sports and other subjects, the product developer len brown, the comic book artist Wally wood (DC Comics, Marvel and magazine Mads), woody Jelena (publisher, artist and comic book writer) and Norman Saunders (advertising artist). The cards tell a sci-Fi story about the invasion of Earth by cruel Martians, eager to colonize our planet. The cards were colorful and depicted futuristic battle scenes. The story ends with arrival at Mars expeditionary force of the Earth and the destruction of the Martians.

A collection of 55 cards, which were sold in sets of five pieces published, was first published in 1962. After some time, parents complained that the pictures too much violence and sexual innuendo. To begin with, the publisher has redone five caused the greatest rejection of pictures, and then completely ceased production.

In the 1980s based on the original card series comic was released, prompting a new wave of demand, and in 1994 a set of cards was augmented up to 100 items, and in 1996, Tim Burton put on motives of the cartoon film, which card was re-printed to this day.

In the film, quite a lot of references to science fiction films about flying saucers of the fifties, such as "the Day the Earth stood still" (1951), "Earth vs. the flying saucers" (1956), and the sound of gunfire beam weapon was taken from the movie "war of the worlds" (1953). However, unlike the old movies, where aliens were often depicted wise elder brothers warning people about the necessity of peaceful coexistence, in the film "Mars attacks!" aliens originally evil, and all human attempts to establish diplomatic relations with them falls through, breaking about the lack of simple human morality.

Since the film is a parody character, he does not have a significant effect on future presentation about the aliens, but it concentrated images that emerged in popular culture in the past few decades. Despite the clearly ludicrous and even cartoonish appearance of the aliens and their ships, images from the film can still be found as evidence of 'real' encounters with aliens.

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One morning astronomy Professor Donald Kessler presented the President with a report which States that the earth orbit the Earth are hundreds of "flying saucers". Such a significant event, like First Contact, shook the whole planet, and the Martians decide to land on the territory of the United States, in the Nevada desert, rose and so considerable prestige of this country. At the point of contact was built podium, invited guests, television and radio journalists, correspondents of Newspapers, and everyone. Descended to the earth huge steel flying saucer, to the podium came a few Martians. Despite the fact that they appearance was comical, small and large head with bulging eyes, the Americans met them as peaceful envoys of the Supreme mind. However, after the words "We come in peace" aliens burned their blasters a few dozen people.

Martians were vicious and bloodthirsty creatures. But art earth diplomacy gave the Martians a second chance, and they were assured that what happened in the desert – no more than an error caused by the differences of the two cultures. The Martian Ambassador was an apology and to make amends, agreed to serve in the U.S. Congress to senators. But here was the same as on the flying field in Nevada. The Martians have begun a full-scale amphibious operation, and one Martian, disguised as a gorgeous blonde, even got into the bedroom towards the President and nearly killed the head of state and his wife.

On the streets of Washington, and then capitals of the world, the Martians began to burn and destroy everything, and would have accomplished his plan, if it were not for the grandmother of Richie Norris. And not so much herself, how much the music she was always listening on your player. Melody Indian Love Call is performed by slim Whitman's style of yodeling turned out to be deadly for the aliens: it their heads exploded like bubbles with green paint. This saved the American nation and the entire population of the globe from destruction. In the final survivor of the President's daughter taffy Dale solemnly handed the old woman and helped her grandson Richie medals for bravery.

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The appearance of alien ships copies of the UFO shown in American films of the 50s years. They have the classic shape of an inverted saucer, the motion of which the rotation of the body around the Central part.

Most shows the alien ships resemble UFOs from "Earth vs the flying saucers" in 1956. In addition to the shape of the ship was copied and the appearance of arms placed in the bottom of the pan. The interior of the ship is a vast laboratory and more like demonstrated in the movie "the Day the earth stood still", 1955

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The Alien

The aliens shown in the film a caricature of evil and ugly creatures who want to destroy the earthlings and take over the planet. In appearance they are more like a greenish skeletons of small stature with huge eyes and a giant skull. Obviously, this appearance refers to the popular title aliens "little green men". It is also likely that the image of the aliens is a reference to the 1957 film "Invasion of the inhabitants of the flying saucers".

It is noteworthy that the writers of the film couldn't figure out how to talk to Martians, and wrote the scenario of "ack, ack, ack, ack" as a replacement for dialogue. In the end, the working version became the official language of the Martians.

The motives of the Martians remain unclear. If at the beginning of the conflict, we can assume that their actions were provoked by the birds, then they kill people and destroy the city completely for no apparent reason. Thus the actions of the Martians can be called a hooligan. So, taken prisoner by Donald Kessler and journalist Natalie lake Martians for laughs a little "embellished". From the astronomer's just a head, and the head and torso of a journalist and her beloved dog generally swapped. During the invasion one of the flying saucers decided to play with the stele of Independence memorial, which has undermined its Foundation, and then start to throw in different directions, like a swing. Moai on Easter island they destroyed the giant bowling ball, like bowling pins.

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