Fern Flower
Published on December 7, 2017

Lokis (Professor Wittenbach's manuscript)

Locis (Le Manuscrit du Professeur Wittembach)
Prosper Merime


The story "Lokis" (in the original "Lokis" from the lit. lokys - "bear") Prosper Merimet was first published in the French magazine "Review of Two Worlds" (Revue des Deux Mondes) in September 1869. Depending on the translator and publisher, it may have other names: "Bear [Lokis]. Lithuanian Story", "Lokis. Lithuanian legend", "Lokis. From Professor Wittembach's manuscript."

The story is written in the style of a manuscript in which the main character (Professor Wittenbach) outlined the circumstances of a trip to Medintiltas Castle, made by him in 1866. The castle was located in the Lithuanian hinterland, and its owner, Count Mikhail Shemet, amazed with his animal habits.

Despite the fact that this story is attributed to one of the first literary works devoted to werewolves, there is no classical description of a werewolf here.

It's interesting

In the story "Lokis" (in the original "Lokis" from the lit. lokys - "bear", Prosper Merime, 1869) there is no classical description of a werewolf, but it is attributed to one of the first literary works devoted to this phenomenon.


Professor Wittenbach from Konigsberg, who studies linguistics, comes to Medintiltas Castle, where there are priceless sources of the "Zhemaidsky" dialect spoken by local peasants.

The owners of the castle are the young Count Mikhail Shemet and his mother, whom everyone considers crazy. The Countess behaves strangely, and is subdued by three servants. House Doctor Freber tells Wittenbach that twenty-seven years ago, the Countess and her husband went hunting, where she was attacked by a bear and dragged into her lair. Wittenbach notices oddities in the behavior of the young count.

Wittenbach and the young count go on a forest walk to the Countess Dovgello castle in search of the Countess's niece. In the Countess's castle, the professor observes the reaction of animals that are afraid of Count Shemet.

The professor and the count are placed in the same room. In a dream, the count snores so loudly like an animal that he wakes up from his own snoring. Returning to Medintiltas, the professor talks with Dr. Frebere about the count's sleep disorders. He explains that, most likely, the madness of the countess was transmitted to her son.

After Wittenbach leaves the castle, he receives an invitation to the wedding of Count Michael and Countess Dovgello's niece. The professor accepts the invitation. During the wedding, the groom's mother appears on the porch of the castle and shouts: "Bear! Grab your guns!.. He's dragging a woman! Kill him! Shoot! Shoot!". She is taken away, and the guests are calmed down.

The next morning, the young wife is found torn to pieces. The Count disappears forever.


The phenomenon of lycanthropy in the story is represented by the character of the young count Mikhail Shemet. The circumstances of his becoming a werewolf is not mystical, but quite interesting: a mother gave birth to Michael after she experienced violence from the side of the bear. In the book it's only hinted at, without specifying directly:

The Countess was covered with abrasions, unconscious, of course; one leg she had broken. Brought her home, she recovered, but her mind left. She was taken to Saint Petersburg. Called a consultation of four doctors, hung orders. They say: "the Countess is in position; it is highly likely that the resolution of the burden will result for him favorable fracture". Prescribed fresh air, life in the village, the serum, codeine... Each received a hundred rubles. Nine months later the Countess gave birth to a healthy baby boy... But where is the favourable fracture? No way!.. The tumult of her doubled. The graph shows her the baby. It always produces an irresistible impression... in the novels. "Kill him! Kill the beast!" - she shouts. Just his head did not turn.

Externally, the graph looks like a normal man, quite large and powerful in appearance. His face, the author describes in the following way:

He was tall, well-developed, though somewhat narrow forehead. Facial features was absolutely correct, only the eyes were too closely set to one another, so that, as I thought their lacrimal glands would not fit another eye, as required by the Canon of Greek sculpture.

While it is described as an educated and interested person:

[...] read some incredible books... German metaphysics... physiology... God knows what. Yesterday he sent a bale of books from Leipzig.

If you believe the notions about werewolves, then they, as a rule, animals react. This is usually associated with the "unclean", otherworldly and magical origins of the werewolf, because this belief extends to other mystical entities (e.g., ghosts or poltergeist). In the story, in spite of the particular, not a mystical origin, to count the animals also reacted:

The dog is already used to the servant and have fun jumping, alive like fire. But a few steps from the count she suddenly pursed her tail and began to back away, as if she was attacked by sudden fear. Earl stroked her, from which she plaintively howled.


... when suddenly dislove horse, frightened, perhaps, by the rain of flowers, which the peasants showered the bride, or suddenly feeling a strange terror that the count Shemet inspired animal whinnied and reared.

While in the entire story except the last paragraph does not describe a single event, which would have revealed the behavior of the werewolf. There are only slight hints of the beastly nature of Michael and the injection of tension. The only lines that tell us about the werewolf attack:

The young Countess was lying dead on his bed; her face was torn and open chest covered with blood. The Earl disappeared, and since nobody never saw him again. The doctor examined the terrible wound of a young woman. - This wound is not the blade! - he cried. Is - bite!

The reader not tell you about any metamorphosis, the transformation of man into a bear, do not show situations in which the count "zverela", etc. Thus, it remains unknown whether the graph is a true werewolf, that is half man and half beast, or the incident with the young wife was the result of his madness.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


  • Проспер Мериме. Новеллы М., "Художественная литература", 1978