Fern Flower
Published on December 9, 2019

The Little Cuckoos Of Midwich

Circles on the field and other formations.
The Alien
The Midwich Cuckoos
John Wyndham

The novel is set in a small British village called Midwich. It was an ordinary village, some hundreds and thousands, there over the centuries there was nothing, but one day everything changed after one autumn day in a strange way fell out of the life of Midwich (all were in the village and its vicinity this day, just woke up)...

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"The cuckoos of Midwich" or "little cuckoos of Midwich" (orig. "The Midwich Cuckoos") is a science fiction novel written by English author John Wyndham and published in 1957. He was twice (in 1960 and 1995), filmed under the title "Village of the damned."

The novel consists of two parts and 21 chapters:

Part one

  • Chapter 1, "the Entrance to Midwich closed"

  • Chapter 2 "the Midwich all is calm"

  • Chapter 3 "the Midwich sleep"

  • Chapter 4 Operation Midwich""

  • Chapter 5 "the Midwich resurrected."

  • Chapter 6, "the Midwich comes to life"

  • Chapter 7 "Start events"

  • Chapter 8, "Meeting"

  • Chapter 9, "top secret"

  • Chapter 10 "the Midwich agrees"

  • Chapter 11 "Bravo, Midwich!"

  • Chapter 12 "the Crop in the bins"

  • Chapter 13 "one to One"

  • Chapter 14 "Problems are complicated"

  • Chapter 15, "Emerging new issues"

Part two

  • Chapter 16 "We have nine,"

  • Chapter 17, "the Midwich protests"

  • Chapter 18 "an Interview with a child"

  • Chapter 19 "the dead end"

  • Chapter 20 "Ultimatum"

  • Chapter 21 "Syllabi – Macedonian"

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A small British village called Midwich was just an ordinary village, some hundreds and thousands, the life in it for centuries, it was serene and familiar, but one day everything changed. One very ordinary autumn day out of life of the inhabitants of Midwich. On this day, no one could enter or enter the village without losing consciousness. Midwich blocks army. Experimentally found out that around the village appeared a kind of hemisphere with a diameter of 2 miles (3.2 km) and air photographic reconnaissance shows an unidentifiable silvery object on the ground in the center of the zone.

One day the effect disappears along with an unidentified object. It turns out that the inhabitants of Midwich slept all day, moving this event with no apparent side effects. A few months later it becomes clear that all the women of the village able to bear, turned out to be pregnant, with all indications that the pregnancies were caused by xenogenesis during the period of unconsciousness.

Soon born 31 boys and 30 girls. They look fine, with the exception of the unusual gold color eyes and pale, silvery skin. These children do not have the genetic characteristics of their parents. As they grow, it becomes increasingly clear that they are not quite human. Zolotoglazye children have telepathic abilities and can control the actions of others. In addition, the children receive two group mind: one for boys and another for girls. Their physical development is faster than in normal children: upon reaching nine years of age they appear to be sixteen.

Children protect themselves as they can, actively using mind control other people. A young man who accidentally runs into one of them, forced to kill himself by crashing into the wall. A bull who chased the children thrown into the pond and drowns. The villagers gathered together, trying to burn down the Midwich Grange, where the children live and study, but instead attack each other.

Military intelligence learns that the same phenomenon was observed in four other parts of the world including the settlement of Inuit in the canadian Arctic, a small settlement in the Northern territory of Australia, Mongolian village and the town of Girinsk in the East of Russia, northeast of Okhotsk. The Inuit killed the newborn children, sensing they were not their own. The Mongols killed the children and their mothers. Australian babies died within a few weeks, which suggests that something went wrong with the process of xenogenesis. Russian city was "accidentally" destroyed by the Soviet government, using the "atomic cannon" from a distance of 50-60 miles.

Children know about the threat to their lives and use their power to prevent flying over the village of planes. During an interview with military intelligence officer, the children explain that if they exist, will dominate over humanity. They explain that you can kill them only with other villagers, and present an ultimatum: they want to go to a place where they can live in safety.

Older educated Midwich resident Gordon Zellaby understands that children should be killed as soon as possible. As for condition of the heart remained only a few weeks, he feels the obligation to do something. Gordon is a teacher and mentor children that allow him to be closer to them than the other villagers. One night he, using the trust of the children, hides a bomb in a projection equipment, which is going to show the children a film about the Greek Islands. The timer on the bomb is triggered, and syllabi kills herself and all children.

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The object that landed in Midwich, was described by one of the characters as "a bright oval, which had the shape of an inverted spoon (judging by the shadows cast by them)". Around the place of his landing was a sort of "protective zone" in the form of a hemisphere with a diameter of two miles. All inside that zone, people and animals lose consciousness. They came only after the disappearance of the object, and in that case, if carried out of the zone.

After waking up with no consequences in animals and humans of the male sex were not found (except perhaps the feelings of unreality because of a "lost day"). All women of the town at the same time got pregnant.

The work indicated that during the three preceding "Lost day" weeks the military was seen a significant increase in cases of "ticks UFO radar".

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Circles on the field and other formations.

The landing site of a mysterious object in the Midwich was found a deep hollow in the ground, looking like "recently, there lay something very heavy."

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The Alien

After a "Lost day" all Midwich women of childbearing age became pregnant and gave birth to unusual children. Externally, the twins (in the amount of 61) looked perfectly normal, except for the Golden eyes colors:

Were born alive – 100 %, with the result that on light there were 31 boys and 30 girls of this type. Although observations necessarily have superficial following are common to all children features.

Most striking is the eyes. In structure they seem no different from ours. But rainbow, I think, has a very unique color – it is bright, it is possible to tell, a glowing Golden color, and this color all children have exactly the same rut.

The hair is wonderfully soft and fine, in color closer to light brown.

Under the microscope, in a section of hair flat on one side and convex on the other – a shape similar to the Latin letter "D". Specimens taken from eight children, identical. In the literature I failed to find mention of such hair. The nails on the hands and feet a little more narrow than usual, but nothing like corticoste not observed. As far as I can tell, they are more flattened than most normal children. The shape of the head, perhaps somewhat unusual, but it's too early to judge with confidence.

In older age they have become more "foreign":

The everyone's hair was a dark Golden color, noses are straight and narrow, their mouths are quite small. But, perhaps, it is the position of the eyes more than anything else, caused the feeling of "corestrength". It was some kind of abstract corestrength not caused in the memory of a certain race or region. I didn't see anything that would help to distinguish one boy from another, and I doubt that, if not for the differences in hairstyles, would be able to distinguish boys from girls.

These children were able to mentally control people and animals. For example, their mothers, forcing them to return to the city, if they for some reason decided to leave or his assailant, forcing him to push the car and crash into the wall. Indicates that around kids people feel a certain "pressure" is gradually disappearing in the distance. The ability to exert "pressure" to have children not before the age of two weeks. They are not in control of thoughts and feelings: the ability to make the body obey to plunge people into a state of panic, etc.

Children develop faster than their peers in the year they have developed physically and intellectually as the two-year, 10 – they are like 16-17 years old. They have associated with the mind: all that is known to one boy, it becomes known and the rest, but the girls who remain in the dark. In a work called "two mental groups" – Adam and eve.

We thinkthat we have before us fifty-eight tiny figures, but looks can be deceiving, and we find out that is actually before us only two personalities, two beings – a boy and a girl, and the boy shall be composed of thirty components having the physical structure and appearance of the boys, and the girl has twenty-eight such parts.

"Lost days" was observed not only in Midwich, but in other localities around the world (in Northern Australia, on the island of Victoria, in Russia – Irkutsk and Gizinski). Children born in these places as a result of such incidents was also linked.

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