Fern Flower
Published on March 27, 2019


The Alien
The Movie DataBase
December 1, 1986
Two Soviet humans previously unknown to each other are transported to the planet Pluke in the Kin-dza-da galaxy due to a chance encounter with an alien teleportation device. They must come to grips with a language barrier and Plukian social norms (not to mention the laws of space and time) if they ever hope to return to Earth.


"Kin-DZA-DZA!"- tragic and comic two-part full-length feature film in the dystopian genre, filmed at the Studio "Mosfilm" in 1986 by Director George Danelia. Rental license the film received December 1, 1986, and premiered on 30 March 1987 in Moscow at a cinema "Russia". The film consists of two episodes.

This movie is known worldwide and beloved by many people. It has had a considerable impact on modern Russian culture: a fictional word from the movie entered the spoken language. Interestingly, the screenplay was partially published in the magazine "Soviet screen" in 1985 (provided that its content is somewhat different from the shot in the film).

One of the features of the film is the fact that the characters are speaking in Russian, are constantly inserted into their speech words of the language of the inhabitants of the planet Plyuk. The authors of the language are Danelia and Gabriadze, who wrote the script for the film.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


Moscow, 1980-ies. Foreman Vladimir Nikolaevich Mashkov ("uncle Vova") comes home after work, where his wife asks him to go to the store for bread and pasta. Near the bakery to him comes a young man with a violin (student Gedevan, "Fiddler") and drew his attention to the strange barefoot man claiming to be an alien. The stranger shows Mashkov and Gedevan a small device ("machine move") and asks a room of their planet in the "tenture". The foreman, considering the crazy stranger, reaches out to the "machine" hand and, despite the assurances of a stranger, what you need to know how to use it, presses a button on it. As a result, the uncle Vova and the Fiddler instantly find themselves alone in a sandy desert under the scorching sun.

It is later revealed that they were in the galaxy kin-DZA-DZA on the planet Plyuk, whose inhabitants are divided into two categories – "chatlians" and "patsaks". Uncle Vova and the Violinist, patsaks stranded, looking for a way to return to Earth. They come in contact with two local artists, pacak Bi and catlaina UEFA with their own spacecraft – "stone". However, the pepelats is no necessary for interstellar flights the node "gravicappa". Looking for new gravicappa earthlings and have to deal with.

Unexpected help is the fact that the greatest value on Plyuk is "CC" – ordinary match, which the Smoking uncle Vova is a boxes. UEF decides to save money and instead fly to a city for normal gravicappa, directs the ship to smugglers. Not knowing the true value of KC, uncle Vova gives them all of their matches, but gravicappa receives, as the smugglers escape on his ship. The result is bereft of its capital earthlings throw and artists. Uncle Vova and the Violinist are forced to look for other ways of earning and survival. They soon discover a new source of income: the earth songs in their performance suddenly very popular with plyukan.

During a new meeting of earthlings with Bi and UEFA there will be a small fight, which is broken violin Gedevan, and the characters in it find a match, accidentally caught inside. Artists hoping to buy gravitsapa (she's a half-match) and come down to Earth where you can purchase a large number of KC, taking their Gedevan and Mashkov in a local "planetarium" to learn the whereabouts of the planet Earth ("planet number in tenture"). Knowing the number of Land tenture, Bi and UEF are trying to steal from Mashkova last match, but Gedevan appealed for help to the local guardians of the law – "allopas". The result is Bi and UEF are arrested and imprisoned in the local jail ("Aceh"). Match ("contraband KTS") of ecilop withdraws and assigns the amount of the fine that you must pay to get artists out of jail.

At this moment there stranger, whose "machine move" sent earthlings on Plyuk, and invites the heroes to immediately move to the Ground. However, Mashkov refused to go back since and can't throw artists. The wanderer disappears. Mashkov suddenly finds gravicappa that Gedevan picked up in the "planetarium" on the memory (to show scientists on Earth), having no idea what it is. Deciding to get owning replacem artists, the humans begin to sing songs and endure numerous humiliations, earning the ransom money. During one of the talks they meet those smugglers that stole a box of matches, uncle Vova. The leader of the smugglers handsomely rewarded earthlings for performance, but all the money they have takes ecilop, and ordered them "to wear muzzles and be happy". This is the last straw, and they, taking allopa hostage, commit mutiny against the head of local government (Mr. RV) and independently released UEFA and Bi of Aceh.

It turns out that, even with the head with gravicappa, return to "being in anticentre" the Ground is extremely difficult, as between Pluk and the Earth is the planet alpha, whose inhabitants despise "consumed with passion" the inhabitants of the galaxy kin-DZA-DZA. Bi and UEF decided first to hide this fact from humans, taken them for dead, ravaged by war with Pluk, baracskay planet Hanud, which is their homeland. There they explain to the earthlings the problem and propose instead returning to Earth to stay with them to save money to buy the planet and manage to force future immigrants to crawl on all fours and spit on them (the settlers). Realizing that they will never return to the Earth, and uncle Vova and the Violinist prefer such a life to death from asphyxiation in oxygen-poor atmosphere of the planet Hanud. Impressed by the artists decided on a risky plan – stumbling stone in orbit of alpha, catapulting the Earthmen on the surface, and then return back to the galaxy kin-DZA-DZA. However, this plan doesn't work: Bi with UEFA be at the mercy of the inhabitants of the alpha, and they turn them into plants. Local head alfies Abbadox offers the heroes a choice: either to bring them back to Earth or back in time when they themselves could decide their fate. Uncle Vova asks to return them to the past, back to pluk.

Again, once on place before they second time met with the owner of the cars moving, Uncle Vova and Gedevan again make their way into the prison, free the UEFA and the BBC, giving them gravitsapu and say goodbye, after which they again finds the wanderer. He returns uncle Vova and Gedevan back to Earth, and in the past (for a few minutes before their first meeting).

After returning to Earth, all the events shown in the beginning of the movie, again, but neither Mashkov, nor Gedevan not remember what happened while on the same place where they first met, by them not passing tractor with an orange flashing light that reminds them allopa. They both reflexively squat and saying "ku!", then get to know each other. At the end of the film uncle Vova looks at the sky, where is heard the song of UEFA and the BBC.

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The film shows several flying machines aliens.

Ship UEFA and Bi (stone) is a not very large capsule in the shape of an inverted bucket is similar to the propeller mechanism at the top. She's clearly in a bad technical condition, which is associated with the poverty of its owners. In addition, it lacks important detail – gravicappa, which allows not only to fly over the surface of the planet, but interplanetary travel.

The ships of the local authorities (Acropol) similar to head and UEFA b, but have the shape of an egg, and on the "propeller" their shining light, similar to the flashing light. The status of these devices is much better.

In addition, on the planet Plyuk there are aircraft to jet propulsion. Such are hidden smugglers. It is noteworthy that this device can be started from under the layer of sand.

As fuel for aircraft used a substance "Luts", produced, apparently, out of the water.

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The Alien

The vast majority shown in the film aliens are the inhabitants of the planet Plyuk. They look like people, but is able to read minds. The planet pluk is technically more advanced than Earth, but all the equipment is completely rusted, worn and not functioning well. Flora and fauna completely destroyed, all the water turned into "Lutz" (fuel), and the only food is edible plastic. The population Plyuk, as well as other planets in the galaxy kin-DZA-DZA, is divided into two categories: "chatlians" and "patsaks". Belonging to one of these categories is defined exclusively by means of a special device – "visitor": moving the device to chatlanin the orange lamp lights up, pacak green. No other differences between them.

Pluk – atlanska planet, so the patsaks on Plyuk discriminated against: they have to wear special nose bell ("CAC") and when meeting with catlaina to Crouch in a special way ("do cs"), it assigns more stringent penalties for offences; artists-patsaks have the right to act only in an iron cage, there is a segregation in public transport, etc. the Greatest value on place are "KC" – ordinary matches.

Local (cetlinski) language consists of several words. In the opening credits of the second episode of the audience even shows how to "Short chatlan-patsanski dictionary", which includes the following concepts:

  • KTS – match
  • Tsak – bell for nose
  • Aceh – a box for prisoners
  • Ecilop, – the representative of the government (derived from the English "police" (police), readable Vice versa)
  • Pepelats – interstellar spacecraft (derived from the Georgian word ash - butterfly)
  • Gravicappa – detail from the motor stone (iskoverkannyh the word gravity)
  • Kyu – acceptable in the society a curse
  • Koo – all other words

In addition, the movie uses other words: anticancer, visitor, Kappa, Lutz, nick (from a combination of Ukrainian "Katsap" and "the kid"), Plyuk, tentura, thing, Zappa and catl, chatlanin (a curse on some Eastern languages, which, according to G. Danelia, means "bastard, bastard"), etc.

In addition plyukan the film shows the inhabitants of planet alpha. They also look like people, but on their planet (unlike planets in the galaxy kin-DZA-DZA) harmony and happiness. They live in accordance with the established rules, don't give in "vicious passions" and consider it their duty to rid them of other races, transforming into plants (cacti).

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