Fern Flower
Published on September 16, 2019

Carnival Row

TV Show2019
A mystical creature with hooves and its tracks
Land creatures
The Movie DataBase
Carnival Row
August 29, 2019
In a mystical and dark city filled with humans, fairies and other creatures, a police detective investigates a series of gruesome murders leveled against the fairy population. During his investigation, the detective becomes the prime suspect and must find the real killer to clear his name.


"Carnival row" (orig. "Carnival Row") is an American fantasy television series.

List of episodes:

  1. "Some Dark God Wakes" ("the Awakening of the dark God").
  2. "Aisling" ("Aisling").
  3. "Kingdoms of the Moon" ("Kingdom of the moon").
  4. "The Joining of Unlike Things" ("Connecting the unconnected").
  5. "Grieve No More" ("do Not be sad.").
  6. "Unaccompanied Fae" ("Fairy"unaccompanied).
  7. "The World to Come" ("World to come").
  8. "The Gloaming" ("Twilight").

The plot is a book, later turned into a screenplay of the film, and only then adapted for the series. Thanks to this shown in the series the world is deep and detailed, contains a lot of detail and references to real mythology of various peoples.

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The plot of the series tells of mythical creatures (fairy), who left war-torn homeland and settled in neovictorian Burg whose residents don't like immigrants. The main character is a police inspector Rycroft Philostrate, who once participated in the war in the country of the FAE. There he met a fairy Vignette Stones, but during the attack of the enemy faked his own death to protect her. Fate again brings them to the Burg, where Philo tries to find the killer who hunts FAE. During the investigation, the inspector finds out that the ultimate goal of the elusive killer he is.

At the same time the wife of a politician struggling to fulfill the prophecy, which says that her husband will become a great man. She finds out that the illegitimate son of her husband is Philo, and tries to kill it with a monster, a lively black magic.

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Revived as a corpse in the series acts as a mysterious monster "Chernogor", which is a magically animated creature made from various body parts of many corpses. Chernogor is associated with a particular person that gave him life force (for example, a man who donated his seed). The monster has a will of its own, but may be directed by the will of the owner.

Chernogora cannot be destroyed as long as his master (even if you deprive the monster heads, it grows back). After the owner's death, the monster drops dead.

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Shown in the series werewolves are people infected by a particular virus transmitted through blood. Werewolves turn into big doglike creatures at night during the full moon, however, there is a way to trigger this transformation at any other time. The infected person remembers everything that happened to him at the time when he was in the reversed condition. Even in human form a werewolf has great strength and endurance, and a sensitive sense of smell.

The way to get rid of this disease is not open or does not exist. Infected do not experience any disease-related discomfort, however they are considered a danger to society and destroyed as soon as discovered.

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A mystical creature with hooves and its tracks

To mystical creatures with hooves in this series include the fauns – humanoid creatures with horse legs and twisted RAM horns. Generally they are larger people and superior to them in physical strength. Fauns can engage in sexual relations with people. About whether to receive the children of such a Union, the series does not say.

Mental abilities silenos little different from human, but like fairies, they don't own the technology.

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Shown in the series the fairies look very similar to people. The only significant difference are similar to strahinya wings growing from their backs near the shoulder blades. These wings allow the fairy high and fast flying, including hang out in one place. In the series mentioned that the bones fairies hollow, which makes them much easier people.

Fairies are physiologically very close to humans, so that they are able to join with them in sexual relations and have children. The descendants of such unions the wings are underdeveloped and do not allow them to fly normally. During intercourse fairy with another fairy, or blood on the wings of the luminous point. During sex fairies this is not happening.

The race of the fairies a lot of old men. Fairies age slowly and live much longer than humans. They have writing, know how to build buildings of stone, but their technical progress has stopped.

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Land creatures

Except fairies and fauns in the series casual shows and other live in a city full of magical creatures, including centaurs, trow and kobolds. The latter paid more attention than others.

The kobolds are small Goblin like creatures. They don't speak the language of the people, however, have reason and understand everything they say. The kobolds have tough skin and prefer not to wear clothes, but wear suits during performances in street theatre.

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