Fern Flower
Published on January 23, 2022

This Island Earth

The Alien
Parallel world
The Movie DataBase
This Island Earth
June 1, 1955
Aliens have landed and are hiding on Earth, but need Earth’s scientists to help them fight an inter-planetary war.


"This Island Earth" (English: "This Island Earth")  is an American color fiction science fiction film, one of the later films of the classic Universal horror film series.

It's interesting

In the film "This Island Earth" (English "This Island Earth", 1955) for the first time in the history of cinema, a capture beam is shown that allows you to attract an airplane to a flying saucer


Dr. Cal Meacham, who studies nuclear energy, receives by mail parts from a certain device called "enterositor" and assembly instructions. The enterositor turns out to be a means of communication through which a certain Exeter, who appears to be the head of the union of scientists intent on making the world a better place, contacts the scientist immediately after the assembly is completed. He informs me that a plane will arrive for the doctor. Leaving the laboratory under the supervision of an assistant, Meecham arrives at the airport at the appointed time, where an unmanned aircraft is waiting for him (the pilot's seat is present, but no one is sitting in it), glowing green. The plane takes Mitcham to the mansion, where many scientists are already working, including his acquaintances - Ruth Adams and Steve Carlson. After a while, Cal begins to realize that Exeter and his assistants - people with strange facial features and white hair-are holding them by force and watching their every move through enterositors standing in every room. Ruth and Steve explain to him that some scientists are brainwashed at this facility, thus subjugating their will. Exeter urgently needs new sources of atomic energy, and it is doing everything to find them.

Exeter and his assistant Brak eavesdrop on the scientists' conversation with the help of a spy cat, seeing people through his eyes. Brak suggests completely subjugating the rebels with the help of a transformer, but Exeter replies that this is impractical: the transformer suppresses the initiative, and this will negatively affect brain activity and may interfere with the work of scientists. Then he contacts Meecham and asks him to work calmly and not be distracted by meetings with colleagues at an unspecified time, and also demonstrates another possibility of the enterositor - a neutrino beam used as a laser. Despite the warning, scientists continue to meet. Cal is told about the principle of the enterositor and that there is a kind of man-made cave near the house. Scientists decide to see what's there.

Exeter and Brak are contacted by the same blond man with the same facial features, asks if they are ready for departure and informs them that transport is needed. He orders people to take with them.

Cal, Ruth and Steve steal a car and drive to the cave. The owners notice their escape and bombard the road from the air with neutrino rays. Steve is dying. Cal and Ruth try to hijack the plane, but Exeter intercepts the controls and plunges the plane onto a spaceship. He explains to people that he, Brak and the crew of the ship are aliens from the planet Metalluna, which is continuously fired at by enemies. Metalluna has been protected for a long time by a force field powered by atomic energy, but now resources have been depleted, and the field can turn off at any moment. They arrive on the planet. Exeter leads people to a Mentor - the head of the government of Metalluna. He informs that the evacuation from the dying planet has already begun, and the planet to which the refugees intend to resettle should be Earth. The mentor plans to colonize her. To the earthlings who resisted, he orders to use a transformer. Exeter, who does not approve of the Mentor's plans, takes people to the transformer. Cal knocks Exeter out, and together with Ruth they head to the spaceship. They are overtaken by the awakened Exeter and escapes with them. They leave the planet, which immediately dies. The damaged ship reaches the Ground. Mortally wounded, Exeter tells Cal and Ruth to get on the plane left on the ship and fly home. After their departure, the alien spaceship, along with Exeter, falls into the ocean.


The alien spaceship from the planet Metalluna has the shape of a classic flying saucer. With the help of a green beam, he can attract a small plane to himself. Inside the ship there is a large almost empty hall, equipped with several places to accommodate crew members.

Aliens from the Metal Moon on Earth use an unmanned aerial vehicle to move people, indistinguishable in shape from an ordinary passenger plane. Inside, the plane is empty, has no windows, and there is a single passenger seat in the center of the cabin. The pilots' seats are also present, but they are empty, and the control levers move by themselves.

Spaceships of representatives of a hostile civilization have a triangular shape and are able to control the flight path of small asteroids.

The Alien

The aliens arrived from the planet Metalluna, dying from the effects of war, hoping to use the scientific potential of earthlings to maintain the energy of the protective screen of their home planet. They are human-like creatures with white hair and bulges on their foreheads. They speak all the languages of the earth and have high technologies: they manufacture heavy-duty capacitors, video communication means, sources of energy ("neutron") rays. With the help of these rays, aliens can both destroy objects and people (red ray) and remotely control equipment (green ray): disable it or take control of it. An alien spaceship with the help of a green beam can attract a small plane to itself.

On the planet Metalluna, another type of alien is found – a mutant with virtually no intelligence. He has an ugly humanoid body with a huge head and large eyes framed by red vessels. Instead of hands, he has claws. Such mutants have been living on this planet for a long time and are used as a labor force to perform simple work. After death, the mutant's body quickly decomposes and actually disappears. Interestingly, according to the representative of the aliens, mutants "resemble terrestrial insects in many ways," although visually they do not have a noticeable resemblance to insects. Probably, this does not mean external similarity, but ubiquity on the planet.

The film mentions other aliens (Zegons) waging war with the inhabitants of Metalluna, but they are not shown.

Parallel world

The film shows the planet Metalluna, from which the aliens arrived. Its surface is dotted with craters leading to caves, at the bottom of which there are alien cities. The planet is surrounded by an energy shield protecting its inhabitants from asteroids directed by a hostile civilization. Atmospheric pressure on the planet is very high (as at the bottom of the deepest oceans of the earth), so arriving people undergo a special procedure ("conversion") before disembarking, changing their bodies. After departure from Metalluna, the reverse procedure is necessary before returning to Earth.