Fern Flower
Published on March 27, 2021

The Irregulars

TV Show2021
The man with the black eyes
Parallel world
Paranormal abilities
The Movie DataBase
The Irregulars
March 26, 2021
In Victorian London, a gang of troubled street teens are manipulated into solving crimes for the sinister Doctor Watson and his mysterious business partner, the elusive Sherlock Holmes. As the crimes take on a horrifying supernatural edge and a dark power emerges, it'll be up to the Irregulars to come together to save not only London but the entire world.


"Irregular parts" (orig. The Irregulars is a British science fiction television series that premiered on the Netflix streaming service on March 26, 2021.


Homeless teenagers living on the streets of Victorian London begin working for Dr. Watson and solve increasingly supernatural crimes.


In the sixth series, a terminally ill man is shown, whose wife, in an attempt to save him, replaced the affected organs with body parts of other people. As a result, while her husband was in an artificial coma, she implanted him with the organs of fifteen other people. She used an elixir made from plants, which could instantly heal wounds, to heal the organs.

After being brought out of the coma, the man died almost immediately, but later revived and killed her first, and then himself. After the resurrection, he retained his mind and the ability to talk.


In the fourth episode, the girl gains the ability to take on the appearance of other people by wearing a mask made of skin cut from their faces. At the same time, she changes not only her facial features, but also her physique, voice, demeanor, gender, and even clothing.

The man with the black eyes

The eyes of some people who have asked for help from spirits and received supernatural abilities from a parallel world turn black.

Parallel world

The series shows a passage (the characters call it the "gap") connecting our world to the spirit world. The gap is a glowing blue portal, near which a loud crack is heard. It appears in places where many deaths have occurred (in London, it is a place where there was a huge gallows, as well as a plague pit).

The first gap appears as a result of the impact of an unknown artifact, the second opens a medium who has fallen into the spirit world and seeks to return to his family.

Only a medium (called "ipsissimus" in the series) can close the portal by touching it. Everyone who touches the portal is drawn into it with a force that can only be resisted by the efforts of a few people.

Through the gap from the parallel world, energy seeps into our reality, giving people supernatural abilities. Abilities are obtained by people who ask for help from the spirits through the Ouija board or prayer. The energy of the portal gives such people strength, but distorts them, turning them into monsters that bring death to others. After the medium closes the portal, the paranormal phenomena stop, and people lose their supernatural abilities and come to their senses.


The second episode shows a woman who can break into people's homes and remove all their teeth. Subsequently, she uses her teeth to grow the twins of these people. She can control them from a distance with her mind, make them repeat what she says. After the death of a woman, the doppelgangers cease to function.

Paranormal abilities

Paranormal abilities are possessed by a girl-medium (in the series, such as she is called "ipsissimus"). At first, she only sees strange dreams in which she moves between worlds and meets creepy figures. Later it turns out that she can get into people's memories by touching them. These abilities of the girl from birth and inherited from her mother. A man living in Louisiana has similar abilities. By penetrating people's minds, he can send them visions of their innermost fears and even force them to commit suicide.

Other people with supernatural abilities get them from a parallel world by asking for help from spirits using a Ouija board or a prayer.

The first episode shows a man who can control birds with his mind. He can summon them, gather them in packs, and control their behavior and movement. It can also materialize them out of itself.

In the second series, a woman is shown who is able to enter people's homes and remove all their teeth. Later, she uses the stolen teeth to grow duplicates of their former owners. She can control these doppelgangers from a distance with her mind, make them repeat what she says. After the death of a woman, the doppelgangers cease to function.

In the third episode, a woman gains the ability to conjure with Tarot cards, creating spatial and temporal anomalies and summoning lightning.

In the fourth series, the girl gains the ability to take on the form of a human by wearing a mask made of his skin.

In the fifth episode, a singer is shown who can use her voice to bend other people to her will.

In the sixth series, a woman begins to "understand plants at the molecular level" and as a result creates an elixir that can instantly heal wounds and heal organs of different people.


In the third episode, a woman performs witchcraft rituals with the help of sacrifices and Tarot cards. She kills people, places the victims ' bodies in poses that mimic the images on the maps, and casts a spell. Thus, she manages to achieve the submission of people to her will, create an abnormal zone with stopped time in the vicinity of the mansion, and also summon a thunderstorm.