Fern Flower
Published on July 11, 2021

The Invisible Man Returns

The Movie DataBase
The Invisible Man Returns
January 12, 1940
The owner of a coal mining operation, falsely imprisoned for fratricide, takes a drug to make him invisible, despite its side effect: gradual madness.


The Invisible Man Returns is an American science fiction horror film released in 1940, the sequel to the 1933 film The Invisible Man. The film won an Oscar in the category "Best Special Effects".


Sir Geoffrey Radcliffe has been sentenced to death for a crime he did not commit – the murder of his brother Michael. Dr. Frank Griffin, the brother of the first invisible man and a friend of Jeffrey, gives the prisoner a drug that makes him invisible. The night before the execution, Radcliffe suddenly disappears from his cell. Detective Sampson from Scotland Yard is investigating the escape, and Radcliffe, who has become free and invisible, is looking for the real killer, trying to make it before the drug drives him crazy.

The Radcliffe family owns a mining company. An employee of the company, Willie Spears, who used to barely cope with the work of a watchman, recently received an unexpected promotion, which raises Radcliffe's suspicions. Horrified by the invisible man's attack, Spears reveals that Michael was killed by Richard Cobb, Radcliffe's cousin. Jeffrey reveals Cobb's guilt, but during the shootout he is wounded by Sampson. Cobb, who fell from a coal van, confesses to killing Michael before his death.

Radcliffe, dying from blood loss and a poisonous drug, goes to Dr. Griffin. Radcliffe employees voluntarily donate blood to give him a transfusion. Radcliffe becomes visible again, which allows the doctor to operate on him.


As in the original film, the results of the actions of a person who became invisible as a result of an injection of a special drug can be taken as a manifestation of a poltergeist. The substance also acts on animals (guinea pigs), which also become invisible.

The body and all internal fluids of creatures exposed to the drug become completely transparent and are visible only in smoke and rain. The substance also affects the human psyche and gradually drives him crazy.

Throughout the film, the characters do not manage to create a safe antidote that returns visibility without a threat to health. The main character becomes visible only after a blood transfusion.