Fern Flower
Published on March 11, 2022

The Invisible Ray

Spontaneous spontaneous combustion of a person
Glowing people
The Movie DataBase
The Invisible Ray
January 20, 1936
Dr. Janos Rukh discovers a certain type of radium that has almost magical healing properties. But the element has a dangerous side, too, and it has already started affecting Rukh. Consumed by paranoia, he begins to suspect that his wife is having an affair. Wild for revenge, Rukh hatches a deadly plot...using his own poisoned body as a weapon to kill.


"The Invisible Ray" is a 1936 fantasy film directed by Lambert Hillier. The film is part of the classic series of Universal horror films.


In the living room of Rukh Castle, located in the Carpathians, Dr. Janusz Rukh's mother and his wife, Diana, are talking, waiting for the arrival of foreigners to whom the doctor will demonstrate his inventions. In the conversation, the doctor's mother mentions that she went blind during one of her son's previous experiments. A car appears on the road, and Diana goes to the astronomical laboratory to notify Dr. Rukh of the arrival of guests.

Dr. Rukh shows the guests - Sir Francis Stevens, his wife and her nephew, and Dr. Bene accompanying them - his modified telescope, as well as information about the Earth's past, obtained by him with the help of this telescope from a beam of light from the Andromeda nebula. In particular, the scientist's long-standing theory about a meteorite that fell in Africa containing a very strong source of radiation is confirmed.

Two months later, Dr. Rukh, as part of an expedition equipped by Sir Stevens, finds in Africa the site of the fall of a meteorite consisting of a radioactive substance unknown to science. After contact with the substance, the doctor acquires extraordinary abilities: he begins to glow in the dark, and those he touches die.

Dr. Bene is developing an antidote for Rukh, and now he has to take it regularly, otherwise the symptoms will return. To relieve symptoms, Bene makes a stock of an antidote. Meanwhile, Rukh is studying the possibilities of a substance with enormous energy. With the help of a small amount of it, the doctor creates a weapon capable of destroying entire cities. At this time, the rest of the expedition members leave Africa. Sir Stevens leaves for a scientific symposium, where he and Dr. Bene present the discovery of the Rukh. Diana Rukh, who has fallen in love with Ronald Drake, is also leaving.

Feeling cheated and robbed, Dr. Rukh returns to the Carpathians, where he discovers the ability of a substance (called "Radium X") to heal and returns his mother's sight. Dr. Rukh goes to Paris, where he meets with Dr. Benet, who made the same discovery and successfully treats patients. Dr. Bene reports that Dr. Rukh has been awarded the Nobel Prize for the discovery of radium x, but Rukh is not interested in this. After learning that Diana has become Lady Arabella's secretary, he leaves the Bene Clinic. Dr. Rukh fakes his death and then quietly watches the wedding of Diana and Francis. Soon after, Sir Stevens is found dead, and Dr. Bene identifies Dr. Rukh as his killer from the postmortem image in the eyes of the deceased. Lady Arabella dies soon after. Dr. Bene discovers glowing fingerprints on her neck and tells the police about his suspicions.

Bene suggests setting a trap for Rukh by announcing his lecture on radium x, where he and Ronald Drake and Diana will be. The lecture is scheduled to take place at midnight. Rukh enters the building unnoticed and kills Bene. Dr. Rukh's mother comes to the lecture. At the same time, at midnight, the lights go out all over the house – this is a trap to catch the Roc glowing in the dark. Dr. Rukh is going to kill Diana, but he can't– he still loves her. On the stairs, he meets his mother, and she breaks the remaining bottle of antidote. Rukh, who did not take the drug in time, jumps out of the window and burns from the inside.

Spontaneous spontaneous combustion of a person

A substance with the conditional name "Radium X" is a source of energy of enormous power. A person who has fallen under its influence begins to glow in the dark, and his body gradually collapses. You can stop this process by injecting a specially developed substance that needs to be done regularly at the same time. If only one injection is missed, the infected person's body begins to smoke and soon self-ignites.

Glowing people

After interacting with a fragment of a meteorite containing a super-powerful substance, conventionally called "Radium X", the main character of the film Dr. Rukh begins to glow in the dark. His touches on the skin of living beings become deadly, while he leaves glowing prints on them.

"Radium X" affects the doctor's brain, gradually destroying it and driving him crazy. To temporarily stop the process and eliminate all the effects, you can use injections of a substance specially developed by another scientist. In order to continue to exist, Rukh must do these injections regularly, at the same time. In case of a pass, his body begins to smoke and soon self-ignites.

Concentrated Radium X radiation can be used as a weapon - a destructive beam capable of melting stones. It can also be used for good purposes: for example, with the help of a low-power beam, many diseases, including incurable ones, can be treated, even blindness.


According to the theory of the main character, the scientist Dr. Rukh, information about all events that have occurred in the Universe is stored in cosmic rays. These rays can be overtaken and reversed in order to reproduce in the present time the recording of what happened. This is how Rukh demonstrates to its guests the image of a meteorite that fell to Earth hundreds of millions of years ago.

Everything that has ever happened has left its mark, an image on a film of nature. Every sound, from the very beginning of time, still vibrates, recorded somewhere in outer space. The cataclysm you saw today was transported back to us on the beam from Andromeda.