Fern Flower
Published on August 28, 2021

Invisible Agent

The Movie DataBase
Invisible Agent
August 7, 1942
The Invisible Man's grandson uses his secret formula to spy on Nazi Germany in this comedy-thriller.


"Invisible Agent" (English: "Invisible Agent") is a horror film made in 1942. The film is part of the classic series of Universal horror films.

The plot of the film is a direct continuation of the history of the first two films about the invisible man, and the main character is the grandson of the main character of the original film.

At the same time, apparently, the story told in the film has nothing to do with the plot of the film "The Invisible Woman".


Manhattan, Frank Raymond Printing house. A group of foreign agents (Germans and Japanese) tries to persuade Frank Griffin (the grandson of the first invisible man, hiding under the name Frank Raymond) to sell them a drug that makes a person invisible. Frank refuses, then agrees under the threat of torture, but instead attacks the agents, breaks the window and runs away.

After the attack on Pearl Harbor, Frank agrees to cooperate with the US army, but with one condition: only he will use the drug himself. On a reconnaissance mission, he is thrown into Berlin, where he must meet with a contact.

The contact points Frank to an American agent, Maria Sorenson, who has contacts with senior Nazi officers. Frank goes to her house and makes an agreement with Maria about cooperation. Gestapo Standartenfuhrer Karl Heiser comes to Maria and brings everything for a delicious dinner: Moet Chandon champagne, caviar, lobsters, etc. During dinner, the invisibly present Frank gets drunk and angrily makes fun of Hyzer. As a result, an enraged Heizer leaves the house, leaving Maria under house arrest.

At the Gestapo, Heiser reports everything that has happened to his boss, Konrad Staufer. Staufer (he was the one who tried to buy the drug from Frank at the beginning of the film) immediately understands what's going on here. He goes with Heizer to Maria, where he orders the arrest of Heizer and blurts out about the list of German and Japanese agents in the United States that he has.

Frank enters Staufer's office in the Gestapo, but then the doors are locked and Staufer appears: it's a trap. Staufer again tries to persuade the invisible man to cooperate, but Frank sets a fire in the office and escapes with the list in the confusion.

After giving the list to a contact for transfer to the United States, Frank returns to the Gestapo and enters Heizer's cell, where in exchange for information about the date of the German attack on the United States, he promises to save Heizer. After stunning the officers who came to kill Heizer and changing into their clothes, Frank and Heizer escape from the Gestapo and go to the house of the messenger, but there Frank is ambushed by Japanese agents and he and Maria, who has become an unwitting tipster, are taken to the Japanese embassy.

Heizer, who saw everything that happened, calls Staufer and arranges for his pardon in exchange for the invisible man. The Gestapo break into the Japanese embassy, a fight ensues between the Germans and the Japanese, in the confusion Frank and Maria escape. Baron Ikito, the head of the Japanese agents, kills Staufer and commits suicide.

Heiser, who has decided that he has become in charge after Staufer's death, chases a car with Frank and Maria on the way to a military airfield, while he himself is chased by a car with Gestapo men. At the airfield, Frank hijacks a bomber and, taking to the air, bombs the airfield, destroying the rest of the aircraft. The Gestapo shoot Heizer.

Over the territory of England, the plane is shot down by the air defense forces, but Maria manages to parachute the unconscious Frank and jumps herself. At the hospital, she visits Frank and finds out that he has already become visible.


For the phenomenon of a poltergeist, you can take the movement of objects caused by an invisible man.

As in the previous films, a person becomes invisible after the introduction of a certain substance. Unlike the "Invisible Woman", this time no radiation is required to activate the drug. Also, unlike the first two films, they only talk about the danger of the substance for the human psyche, but its influence on the hero's mind is not manifested. The drug causes sudden attacks of drowsiness, which a person cannot resist.

Unlike previous films, the invisible man does not become noticeable in the smoke.

At the end of the film, the main character becomes visible again, but the reason for this is not disclosed.