Fern Flower
Published on April 11, 2019

Invasion of the Body Snatchers

The Alien
The Movie DataBase
Invasion of the Body Snatchers
February 5, 1956
A small-town doctor learns that the population of his community is being replaced by emotionless alien duplicates.


"Invasion of the body Snatchers" (orig. "Invasion of the Body Snatchers") is a science fiction film based on the novel by Jack Finney "the stealers of flesh" (orig. "The Body Snatchers"). The film was released in 1956 and was the first film adaptation of this novel.

It was later lifted for at least another three: "Invasion of the body Snatchers" (1978), "body Snatchers" (1993) and "the Invasion" (2007).

In the movie you can also find reference to a little-known Australian novel of the priest and writer Robert Potter, "sprout Grower," written and published in 1892, i.e. more than 60 years before the publication of Finney's novel. The plot of the novel masquerading as a human form, the aliens are trying to develop is detrimental to human infection, in order to facilitate a full-scale conquest of the planet. Any popularity of this book had, and shortly after publication was forgotten, pushed out of the minds of the readers which was a huge success novel by Hg wells "war of the worlds".

After the release of the film some saw his story as an allegory. Someone thought that the film is about the Communist threat, while others saw him as antimechanistic calls. However, the film's Director don Siegel claimed he didn't mean anything like that, and just made a film about an alien invasion.

The film has religious significance and is widely loved by the audience all over the world. His story repeatedly parodied, including in the cult cartoon series: "the Black Cloak" (series "Cabbage monster"), South Park (episode "Goth Kids 3: dawn of the posers") and "the Simpsons" (episode "Treehouse of Horror XXIX").

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In a psychiatric hospital takes Dr. miles Bennell. Trying to prove you're not crazy, he tells the doctors of his extraordinary story.

Back in the town of Santa Mira in California after a two-week medical conference, miles meets Becky Driscoll – a childhood friend who spent several years in London and returned home after a divorce. The doctor witnesses a strange event: the little boy was crying and screaming that his mother – not his mother, and sister Becky says that her uncle seems not like himself. From a friend of the psychiatrist of Daniel Kaufman, miles finds out that such patients in the last days was a lot. Thus after a few days the symptoms disappear and they claim that everything is fine, despite the fact that the doctor gave them no help.

Miles and Becky begin Dating again. They go to cafes, but miles asks him to urgently come to his friend, Jack Belicec. At his house they find a strange body with a face vaguely similar to the face of Jack. Body, which they at first mistaken for a corpse has no fingerprints and seems not dead, but as if in a cataleptic sleep. Miles asks Jack to look after the body and all changes to inform him. During their conversation Jack accidentally cuts the arm with a shard of broken dishes. Miles takes Becky home, where they meet her father emerging from the basement, but do not attach much importance. Meanwhile, Jack and his wife fall asleep and when you Wake up, you find that the body finally formed by copying the shape of the Jack up to the cut on her hand. They're terrified resort to miles, and that there is a terrible suspicion. He goes to Becky and deciding not to knock, crawls through a basement window. In the basement he discovers the lifeless DoppelgangeR of a young woman. Miles takes Becky home, where they, along with Jack and his wife find in the greenhouse of giant plants, the pods, the fruit of which quickly grow and take the form of humanoid creatures similar to real people. Miles pierce them with a pitchfork. Friends understand that the majority of the inhabitants of the town replaced by doppelgangers that emerged from these pods.

Trying to call for help on the phone, miles discovers that all telephone lines are blocked, and send Jack with his wife in the car to warn the inhabitants of the neighbouring town. Then he and Becky are leaving themselves at home. The owner of the service station puts them in the trunk two pod, which miles finds and burns. Miles decides to return to Santa World for his nurse, however, sees with horror how her double, prepares the pod for her child. Miles and Becky realize that they were the only inhabitants of the town, to avoid duplication. They hide in a clinic miles and take pills to stay awake: during sleep doubles take the place of a man, removing from his memory the information about his personality.

The next morning the city begins recovery. All the inhabitants gather in the square and greeted the trucks filled with pods that are grown in the vicinity of Santa Worlds. The town Sheriff tells citizens to carry pods for all my friends in the neighboring towns. In the clinic appear-alikes of Jack Belicena and psychiatrist Daniel Kaufman. They call miles and Becky let go and join a world where faith and emotions, desires and ambitions no longer exist. Kaufman tells how profits from space seeds that germinated pods that gave rise to creatures that simulate a more perfect likeness of men. This process is the first stage of colonization of the Earth.

Miles and Becky cut down doubles Belicena and Kaufman and run out of town. The entire population of Santa Mira catches them. They hide in the grotto. Miles for a few minutes, leaving Becky, intrigued by the wafting of the way music sounds. However, he soon sees that the music sounds from the radios in the trucks that ship the pods. Back, miles discovers that Becky was unable to resist the dream, and its place was taken by emotionless DoppelgangeR. She calls the other twin and tells them to escape the miles. Tom manages to get to the freeway. Running between cars, he tries in vain to warn drivers about the terrible dangers that threaten them. "Soon be your turn," he shouts.

The story of miles completed. The doctor listened to him, skeptical about his mental state. But when uses medical brother, and tells of strange pods, which he only saw scattered on the road in a car accident, one of the doctors decides to call the FBI.

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The Alien

As the aliens in the film are the counterparts of the inhabitants of the town of Santa Mira, emerged from pods of plants grown from the alien seed. Seeds themselves in the movie not show, but one of the twins says that before you fall onto the farmer's field over the years, they traveled through space. Bodies appear from the opened pods covered with something resembling a soap foam. Immediately after the appearance of the body, deprived of individuality. They gradually take the form of those people, next to which are. In addition, the twins can take the memories and personality at a time when a person sleeps. Formed double externally indistinguishable from the original, copied even the recent damage, such as cuts. Unlike copied people, doppelgangers devoid of any emotion.

Many of the issues in the film remain unsolved. It is unclear what happens to the bodies of people copied. It is unclear the time required for copying the personality: if in the beginning of the movie it takes a few hours, the identity of Becky at the end of the film is copied in a few minutes the lack of miles. It is unknown what happens to the pods ripened away from people or in close proximity to animals. Unsolved remains the goal of the aliens, their actions after copying all earthlings.

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