Fern Flower
Published on June 23, 2018

The UFO Incident

The Alien
The Movie DataBase
The UFO Incident
October 20, 1975
In the early 1960s, an interracial couple undergo hypnosis, which unlocks memories of a forgotten event on a lonely road. Soon they believe they were abducted by extraterrestrials.


The film is based on the real "alien abduction story" of a married couple Betty and Barney Hill. This incident occurred on September 19, 1961 in Whitfield, New Hampshire, USA.

The film is quite controversial and very boring. The relationship of the spouses and the problem of their interracial marriage is given much more time than the actual incident with UFOs and alien abduction. The film inclines the viewer to the version that these people dreamed everything, but at the same time does not deny the possibility of the existence of UFOs and aliens. Through the opinion of a psychologist, the film concludes that the Hill couple's experiences about the difference between their races and life in a "white" society, thanks to the popularization of the UFO theme, were modified into false memories of alien abduction. Spouses do not feel comfortable with others, like test subjects on the table of a doctor or scientist. Aliens in their fantasies, similarly to the surrounding society, closely study them and the differences in their appearance.

It's interesting

The film "UFO Incident" is based on the real "alien abduction story" of a married couple Betty and Barney Hill, which took place on September 19, 1961 in Whitfield (New Hampshire, USA)


Betty and Barney Hill are driving down the road. They got lost and are driving through the same section not for the first time. Barney is already very tired and is starting to fall asleep. Betty tells her husband that her friend saw a UFO, and they argue whether it can be true. Suddenly, young guys appear on the road ahead, and a car is parked on the side of the road. The couple get scared and leave. The guys jump into the car, catch up with the spouses, honk at them and shout something. Then they overtake and leave.

Next, they demonstrate the experiences of Betty and Barney, who are married and are an interracial couple who are faced with a misunderstanding of society. They visit a psychologist, and Betty says that she often has nightmares related to UFOs and aliens. She writes down all these dreams. The psychologist asks for these records to be studied. Betty and Barney undergo a course of regressive hypnosis, during which it turns out that they were abducted by aliens and conducted experiments: they took scrapings from their skin, and also checked Betty for a possible pregnancy. The woman recalls that she communicated with the aliens telepathically. At the end of the film, it turns out that everything that the couple described under hypnosis coincides with the content of Betty's dreams. The psychologist concludes that these experiences are a figment of the imagination of spouses who are in a stressful situation due to problems associated with their interracial marriage and the reaction of society to it. The spouses calm down and begin to live a normal life. The psychologist communicates with his military acquaintance, who says that he does not know what a UFO is. The film ends with Barney dying of a stroke, and scientists find a cluster of stars in the universe similar to what Betty drew from memories of her dreams.


The alien ship in flight in the film does not show. It only show landed in the forest, from afar and in the shadows, so to see a UFO in detail is not possible. It is seen that in form it is a "plate".

The inner part of the ship was also not paid much attention: we see only a corridor and a room for experiments. The corridor, lit very well, and in the medical room twilight reigns. The walls are made of like a colored metal material.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

The Alien

The aliens are some variation of "grey aliens": they are short, with grey skin, big head and huge eyes. The difference lies in the fact that in the eyes of the visible iris, and also that they wear clothes.

The purpose of the visit of the aliens remains unclear. They kidnap the spouses hill and carried out some medical tests (in this case, using items similar to those on earth medical instruments), and then erase their memory and go. They communicate telepathically and mostly with Mrs. hill. They won't let her take the book as evidence of the truth of what is happening, but show her a star map, which pointed out the star system that the aliens visit.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»