Fern Flower
Published on July 29, 2018


TV Show2015
The Movie DataBase
March 17, 2015
A medical student who becomes a zombie joins a Coroner's Office in order to gain access to the brains she must reluctantly eat so that she can maintain her humanity. But every brain she eats, she also inherits their memories and must now solve their deaths with help from the Medical examiner and a police detective.


"I – zombie" (orig. "iZombie") is an American television series based on the eponymous comic book series. Just the series 5 seasons (2015-2019)

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The world of resident Olivia "Liv" Moore turned upside down after the party she is turned into a zombie. The once cheerful and carefree young girl with a successful personal life and a promising medical career have to get a job at the morgue in Seattle to have constant access to the brain. But with each eaten brain, the winner of which became the murder victim, Liv takes over the personality traits of this man and his memories that often give her clues to how they were killed. She uses this new skill to help the Seattle police in solving crimes, and the police, in turn, thinks she's psychic consultant. With the help of his boss, Dr. Ravi Chakrabarti, who is more fascinated by her than scared, and detective Clive Bobino, who believes that Liv is a psychic, she must help the people of Seattle understand your own condition, find out how she turned into a zombie, and fight the evil that is gaining strength.

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From the first season of the show that the zombies in this series are different from the classic: they are conscious (at least most of the time), normally think, talk and move. From normal people, they are distinguished by the absence of pigmentation of the hair and skin, as well as the constant desire to eat human brains. They are quite able to eat normal food, but had almost no taste and all the food flavored great amount of hot spices. Also, they almost do not feel pain, and wounds, is not compatible with the life of an ordinary person, don't cause them any harm. These wounds eventually heal. To kill a zombie he can only be damaging the brain or severing the head from the body.

It is possible to allocate three of the zombies encountered in the series:

  1. Ordinary zombie is different from a man only pigmentation of hair and skin retains consciousness and is completely controlled.
  2. "Aggressive" zombie - a temporary condition in which "common" zombies can move under severe stress. Have aggressive zombies bloodshot (and glow red) whites of the eyes, get super-human strength. The zombies in "aggressive" state loses control over their actions, however it does not last long and very quickly the disappearance of the source of stress.
  3. "Irreversible" zombie state, which becomes a zombie if a long time not getting food in the brain. Are the zombies closest to classic: they look like the living dead, completely lose their mind, their actions are guided only by hunger and instinct.

Turning into a zombie occurs in two ways: when infected from the other zombies (and need only small scratches with a fingernail) or under the influence of a special blend of chemicals (it was the cause of the appearance of the first zombies). Using the same mixture you can prepare the antidote that turns zombie back to human.

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