Fern Flower
Published on February 9, 2020

Harry and the Hendersons

The Movie DataBase
Harry and the Hendersons
June 5, 1987
Returning from a hunting trip in the forest, the Henderson family's car hits an animal in the road. At first they fear it was a man, but when they examine the "body" they find it's a "bigfoot". They think it's dead so they decide to take it home (there could be some money in this). As you guessed, it isn't dead. Far from being the ferocious monster they fear "Harry" to be, he's a friendly giant.


"Harry and the Hendersons" (orig. "Harry And The Hendersons"), or "Harry the snowman" is an American Comedy film of 1987.

The film received the "Oscar" for best makeup and inspired the creation of the series of the same name. In addition to the award for best makeup, the film was nominated in other categories: "Best fiction film", "Best actress", "Best Director", "Best young actress in a Comedy", "Best young actor in a Comedy" and "Best family movie".

In the UK the film was released under the name "Bigfoot and the Hendersons" ("Bigfoot and the Hendersons").

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Returning from the forest walk to the car, the family of the Hendersons throws a huge hairy creature. First they get scared, the man she hit, but then you realize they brought down the Yeti! Thinking that he was dead, they take this miracle of nature with him to the town.

There is a huge (over two feet tall and about two hundred pounds of weight) a humanoid creature comes to life and starts to bring the Hendersons a lot of hassle and trouble. And if at first the head of the family George Henderson sees this hairy carcass only a means of enrichment, then soon he under pressure from his two children — Ernie and Sarah — you have to radically change their opinion.

His wife Nancy also gets rid of fear and tied to this bully named Harry Henderson. Despite its huge size and rather intimidating appearance, Harry has a very kind and vulnerable soul. Why is only one the fact that he entered the house to the Hendersons, burying in the garden a mink coat Nancy, as well as hunting trophies George, and with a reproach looks at the home that George will never take up the gun.

So, apparently, and left Harry to live in the home of the Hendersons, if not the Jacques La Fleur is a professional hunter, decided in whatever was to get a copy of Yeti. George Henderson and family have to take the gentle giant Harry in his native forests, where, as it turns out, lives still a lot of Bigfoot. This helps them doctor of anthropology Wallace Raitvud many years searching for Bigfoot.

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The film shows a classic Snow man: tall humanoid creature with large feet and thick brown fur, which covered the whole body. He lives in the forest, feeds mainly on plant food and fish.

Yeti good-natured and shows the beginnings of mind. He quickly becomes attached to people, try to copy their behavior. Dead animals, which they seem to be stuffed in the home of the Hendersons, he buries, as well as a mink shawl and meat products. Bigfoot is clearly trainable, understand simple the request addressed to him and in the end of the movie even says one word ("okay").

In the last frame, we see that Harry is not the only Yeti in the woods when he goes out, followed by two more adults and one child.

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