Fern Flower
Published on January 30, 2022

Groundhog Day

The Movie DataBase
Groundhog Day
February 11, 1993
A narcissistic TV weatherman, along with his attractive-but-distant producer, and his mawkish cameraman, is sent to report on Groundhog Day in the small town of Punxsutawney, where he finds himself repeating the same day over and over.


"Groundhog Day" (English "Groundhog Day")  is an American comedy film released in 1993.


Phil Connors is a meteorologist on the PBH television channel Pittsburgh, a reasoner and a cynic who has long been tired of monotonous work and has forgotten how to enjoy it. On the first of February, Phil, along with new producer Rita Hanson and cameraman Larry, should go to the town Punxsutawney (English Punxsutawney) to conduct a report from the Groundhog Day holiday. If colleagues are happy to visit the holiday and unwind, then Phil, who has already gone on similar trips three times, is frankly bored.

Having settled in a local hotel, on February 2, Phil wakes up at six in the morning to a radio alarm broadcasting the song "I Got You Babe". He goes to the city square, casually conducts a report. Refusing to attend the gala ball, Phil returns to the hotel, hoping to return home as soon as possible. But a sudden blizzard sweeps all the roads, it turns out to be impossible to leave, and Phil and his colleagues are forced to return to Punxsutawney.

The next morning, the inexplicable begins. Waking up again at six in the morning to the same song from the radio alarm clock, Phil discovers that February 2 is on the calendar, and the same events are happening around him as yesterday. Being completely at a loss, he goes to the groundhog festival, getting his shoe wet again on the way and meeting a classmate, again leads a boring report, returns to the hotel again, goes to bed... and wakes up in the morning on February 2, at the same time and to the same song.

The next day does not come. After several repetitions, Phil unsuccessfully turns to a neurologist, to a psychiatrist (who offers to "come back tomorrow"). Realizing that his actions cannot have any consequences for him, Phil tries to enjoy the situation: gets drunk and hooligans, eats sweets, meets and seduces a girl he likes, robs collectors and squanders money. Soon he gets tired of all this. Phil, driven to desperation by the time loop, tries to commit suicide, even taking his namesake groundhog with him for the first time. It's useless: in the morning he wakes up in the same bed.

The tragedy of the situation is that no one around remembers what is happening. Phil tries to share his trouble with Rita. Knowing the town and its inhabitants inside and out, he declares to Rita: "I am God!" and tells the biography of many residents of Punxsutawney. He also tells the life story of Rita herself, touching on very personal details. Rita hardly accepts his explanations and says that maybe it's not a curse, and he needs to change his outlook on life. They spend the day together, but nothing changes. Phil gradually gets into feelings for Rita and tries to explain his love. Nevertheless, even the deepest knowledge of her personal life, which he learned during endless repetitions, does not help them to get closer. Rita repeatedly makes it clear to him that they will not be together.

Phil begins self-improvement. He's trying to save a dying homeless old man. He is learning French. Takes music lessons. Masters medicine and the skill of creating ice sculptures. He devotes the next day entirely to good deeds: rescues the mayor of the city, who choked on a bone, helps elderly ladies whose car broke down. Appearing at the Groundhog Day ball, Rita sees Phil playing synthesizer in a local band. Impressed by his transformation and everyone's attention, Rita buys Phil out during a comic auction of bachelors. They spend the evening and night together. The next morning comes "tomorrow" - February 3, and this means that the time loop has disappeared and Phil is free. Phil decides to stay in Punxsutawney.


We are not told about the reasons for the formation of a time loop. Only the main character gets into it, and no one else remembers that this day repeats itself over and over again. He can't get out of it by any means, even if he dies. To break the noose, the hero needs to morally and emotionally change. He begins to understand the problems of others, becomes kinder and more humane, devotes a day to good deeds, which finally attracts the attention of the woman he loves.

The concept of a time loop in which the hero experiences a moral transformation and builds an ideal day from time to time has become a good illustration for many religious doctrines, philosophies, and is also often used in psychology and economics.

The expression "groundhog day" has steadily entered the languages of many peoples of the world as a synonym for a routine recurring event, monotonous life, as well as a similar time loop of one day.