Fern Flower
Published on September 7, 2017


A vampire
Aleksey Konstantinovich Tolstoy


"Ghoul" is a Gothic tale of Aleksey Konstantinovich Tolstoy, published under the pseudonym Krasnoborskiy. It is believed that it was written under the influence of the novel "the Vampire" by John William Polidori, but the similarities of these works can not be traced. Plots different, different vampires, and even the ratio of these vampires have in the works varies greatly.

The plot of the novel is quite interesting:

During the ball nobleman Ranevsky meets a strange stranger, Rymarenko. He claims that tonight it's a lot of ghouls. Vampires, according to him, are, for example, the leader Suglobina wanting to kill my granddaughter Daria, or Counsellor TESEV, emits unusual sounds. After Ranevsky expressed doubt heard, Rymarenko tells the story of what happened to him in Italy. There he and his friends snuck into the "devil house", where mysterious events. All three of them slept in different rooms and met different mystical characters.

Ranevsky decides to visit Agrobios myself to make sure. There he meets the Ghost of a sister brigaders very similar to Dasha, who dreams that someone got engaged with her portrait. He wants to ask Daria, but her cousin Sophia had already told everyone that Ranevsky wants to get married to her. Brother of Sophia is offended for his sister when he finds out that Ranevsky not going to marry her, and challenges him to a duel. After being wounded in a duel, Ranevsky in his delirium, sees a strange scene where the leader is going to drink the blood of the Dashi before his death.

Relationship to the mystical in the novel is twofold: the servants are very afraid of ghosts, while the other characters write off a meeting with the unknown in dreams, delirium, poisoning by opium, and the very belief in the mystical characters on the patient's mind (Rymarenko).

Mystical transformations in work tied to a certain stone tables with cabalistic signs:

The city has long been a rumor that he sold his soul to the devil and that the devil gave him a stone Board with cabalistic signs, which till then must give him all the pleasures of the earth, until it is broken. With the destruction of her magical powers damn it, the contract got the right to take the soul of don Pietro.

This same Board in some way was connected with the leader of Agrobiol:

Here Ranevsky noticed that the leader was wearing a dress of bright red, with visitou on the chest large black bat with the mouse. At LVL Talaeva figured was the owl, and the helmet its sticking out Filinova wings.

Cleopatra Platonovna, which features found a terrible inner agony, went to the wall and tore from it a small Board with a strange, incomprehensible signs, and threw her to the floor and shattered.

Wallpaper suddenly opened, and from a hidden door came into the room a tall man in a black Domino and mask, at sight of whom Ranevsky immediately guessed that this is the same man who was seen Antonio in Villa don Pietro d Ordina.

Suglobina and TESEV fainted from fear when he walked in.

— Are you really here? said, shivering, team leader.

— It's time! replied the stranger.

— Wait one day, wait at least until morning! You are my father, provider, friend, benefactor!

The old woman fell to her knees; her face was a terrible way to wriggle.

— Don't want to wait! replied the stranger.

— One more hour! — cried the leader. She did not say a word, but his lips still moved frantically.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


The phenomenon of Ghost in the work presented living portrait of sister brigaders Praskovya Andreevna. In the room, remaining unchanged from the day of her death, hung a portrait of her, which shows that sister brigaders was very similar to Dasha. As said the servant in the room since then, not only has no one lived, but was not consecrated them.

Ranevsky waited for the portrait the night will come alive. And so it happened.

A heavy groan escaped as if from a cramped despair strong chest, he was suddenly awakened. He opened his eyes and by the light of a fire not yet extinguished in the fireplace, he saw beside him Dasha. It really surprised him, but it was even more struck by her attire. It was absolutely such a dress as in the portrait of Praskovia Andreevna; pink bouquet was pinned to her breast, and in her hand she was holding the old fan.


– Ranevsky she said, after a silence, I need a favor. In the corner, near the couch, on the shelf there is a box; in it you will find a gold ring; take it tomorrow and get engaged with my portrait.

Oh, my God! – exclaimed Ranevsky – what do you need from me!

The third time she moaned even jalonnee than before.

– For God's sake, ' he cried, unable to resist internal shudder, for God's sake, don't mess with me! Tell me, what brings you here? Why are you so dressed up? Do me a favor, believe me your secret!

He grabbed her hand, but grasped only cold bone fingers, and I felt that holding the hand of a skeleton.

– Dasha, Dasha! he shouted in a frenzy, what does that mean?

– I'm not Dasha, answered a mocking voice of a Ghost – why you took me for Dasha?

Ranevsky almost fell into a swoon; but at that moment they heard a strong knock at the door, and his friend the footman entered with a candle in his hand.

At this point, Ranevsky realized that what he had taken for Dasha, was the portrait of Praskovia Andreyevna, and when he wanted to take her hand, he grabbed a hard brush of lace, and it seemed to him that he keeps the bony fingers of the skeleton.

Lackey also was frightened by the Ghost in the neighboring room:

That same spirit that he saw in his room, they sat on old chairs, and seemed lost in thought. The features of his face were pale and beautiful, because it was the traits of Dashi, but it raised his hand, and her hand was bone! A Ghost for a long time looked at her, shook his head sadly and groaned.

This groan penetrated the very depths of the souls of Runescape.

He himself is not remembering, he opened the door and saw that the room is unoccupied. What seemed to him a Ghost was nothing like motley livery, hung over the back of chairs, and which from a distance could be mistaken for the woman.

Thus, it is difficult to understand whether it was a real Ghost, a dream or some illusion. The author proposes to solve to the reader.

Ghosts are also found in the story of Rymarenko about his trip to Italy when you visit the damn house (la cassa del diavolo). The story is very complicated. Three friends (he, Vladimir from Russia and the Italian Antonio), sitting in a tavern, decided to make his way in the mystical house to spend the night there and hear the sounds of the guitar, which, according to local legend, plays the Ghost in the portrait. They decided to split up and sleep in different rooms, then to compare the sensations.

In the room, Rymarenko was visited by the Ghost of Vladimir, talked to him and wanted to hug:

– Hug me! – continued Vladimir, the extraordinary way waswasa voice. The features of his face changed, his eyes were bloodshot and burned like a coal. He stretched his hands out to me and wanted to hug me.

Then came to him the girl Penina and her brother Titta Cannell, who was a robber and was in dire need of money, so the "sold" Rymarenko something from the loot of your choice ("a bottle of Rococo, the size of a large Apple and set in gold with extraordinary taste"). This flask for the morning was the skull of a child.

Vladimir was visited by the Ghost of Antonio, after a shot, it fell, it beat fountains of blood, but then he went somewhere.

Antonio also saw the Griffin, which took him to some rooms with river and gods of Roman mythology, where it was necessary to judge which of the goddesses is the most beautiful.

Later it turned out that the gorge doesn't have a brother, and all that dreamed friends was probably a result of poisoning with opium, which they took in the tavern.

Despite the fact that the ghosts are very close to classical descriptions, the author does not leave their mystical essences, and give these visions a rational explanation.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

A vampire

Despite the title, the vampires, or as they are called here, vampires are found in it quite a few.

– Vampires, – replied the stranger very calmly. You, God knows why, called vampires, but I can assure you that they present the Russian name: a vampire; and since they are of purely Slavic origin, although there are throughout Europe and even in Asia, and unjustly to adhere to the name, warped by Hungarian monks who had decided to turn all the Latin way and vampire made vampire. Vampire, vampire! – he repeated with contempt – it's all the same, that if we, Russian, say, instead of a Ghost – a phantom or a revenant!

Description of vampires is already on the first pages of the novel. In the beginning, at the ball, Rymarenko tells Runescape that the majority of people in the room are vampires, because he personally was present at their funeral. He immediately explains how you can easily distinguish a vampire from a living person:

But you asked how to find the ghouls? Notice just how they meet each other click language. It's not really a clunk, and the sound is similar to the one produced with the lips when sucking an orange. It is their symbol, and so they will know each other and greet.

Otherwise, ghouls are no different from ordinary people, until they decide to attack the victim with the intent to suck blood.

The suspicion that came from Runescape after talking with Rymarenko that my grandmother Dashi is a vampire, gradually finding confirmation in different cases and stories. So, Dasha talks about the death of his mother:

... mother suddenly for no reason became sick, began to wither and lose weight and a week later died. Good grandmother until the very last minute did not depart from it. She passed whole nights sitting by her bed and looked after her. I remember the last day her dress was covered in Mama's blood. It made me a horrible experience, but I was told that the mother died of tuberculosis and hemoptysis.

Also during divination by the book Dasha reads as predictions of his line from a poem: "Let grandma vnuchkin suck blood."

And, of course, at the jump after the injury of Runescape:

One night, when a strong fever hadn't let him sleep, a strange noise was heard near him. He listened, and it seemed to him that this noise occurs in the chambers adjacent to his room. He soon began to distinguish the voices of brigaders and Cleopatra's Platonovna.

– Wait at least one day, Martha S., – said Cleopatra Platonovna, – wait at least until morning!

I can't, mother, ' replied Suglobina. – And expect-what? Sooner or later, and the same end. And you, Madam, I will always rechniques like a girl what. And at that time was the same story as to the Dasha a mother it came. What would I and the leader was if of blood, then could not see?

– You don't want? "what!" cried Cleopatra Platonovna you don't want to abandon...

Knight Ambrose! – cried Suglobina.

Ranevsky couldn't help it that when these words do not stand up and don't make an eye to the key hole.

The middle of the room stood a semen Semenovich TESEV, dressed head to toe in iron armor. Before him on the floor lay an object, an indoor red carpet.

– What do you want, Martha? he asked in a rough voice.

Oh, my father! – whispered the old woman.

Here Ranevsky noticed that the leader was wearing a dress of bright red, with visitou on the chest large black bat with the mouse. At LVL Talaeva figured was the owl, and the helmet its sticking out Filinova wings.

Cleopatra Platonovna, which features found a terrible inner agony, went to the wall and tore from it a small Board with a strange, incomprehensible signs, and threw her to the floor and shattered.

Wallpaper suddenly opened, and from a hidden door came into the room a tall man in a black Domino and mask, at sight of whom Ranevsky immediately guessed that this is the same man who was seen Antonio in Villa don Pietro d Ordina.

Suglobina and TESEV fainted from fear when he walked in.

You're here now? said, shivering, team leader.

– It's time! replied the stranger.

– Wait one day, wait at least until morning! You are my father, provider, friend, benefactor!

The old woman fell to her knees; her face was a terrible way to wriggle.

– Don't want to wait! replied the stranger.

– One more hour! – cried the leader. She did not say a word, but his lips still moved frantically.

Three minutes! – he answered. – Use them if you can, you old witch!

He made a sign Teleevo. Semen Semenovich bent down, picked up the candy red cloth, and Ranevsky saw Dasha lying unconscious, with his hands tied. He gave a loud cry and lunged off the sofa, but he flashed the little white eyes of the black Domino and nailed it in place.

Thus, the vampires in the story are virtually absent, as absent any of their "classic" description: external similarity with the dead, red or glowing eyes, sharp elongated teeth, etc. the Only thing that somehow speaks of the possible presence of bloodsuckers (vampires/ghouls) is detected Ranevsky on the neck she has a small scar, as if from a recently sagusa sores. She says she got it the same night, when grandma passed away, a few minutes before she died (the same night he saw in a delirium himself Ranevsky).

Moreover, these characters work not at all surprised the possibility of the existence of vampires in their world. Even though they attributed these visions of sickness, sleep and poisoning, however, do not exclude the possibility of the actual existence of such beings.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


  • А.К. Толстой " Упырь", 1991