Fern Flower
Published on August 11, 2018

The Ghost Breakers

The Movie DataBase
The Ghost Breakers
June 21, 1940
After intrepid working girl Mary Carter becomes the new owner of a reputedly haunted mansion located off the Cuban coast, a stranger phones warning her to stay away from the castle. Undaunted, Mary sets sail for Cuba with a stowaway in her trunk—wise-cracking Larry Lawrence, a radio announcer who helps Mary get to the bottom of the voodoo magic, zombies and ghosts that supposedly curse the spooky estate.


"The Ghost Breakers" or in the Russian localization of "Ghost Hunters" is an American Comedy film of 1940. Its plot is based on the 1904 play "The Ghost Breaker", which was first shown on stage in 1909 and twice previously was taken as a basis for film scripts of the same name (1914 and 1922).

The film received positive response from critics and the love of viewers around the world. He now looks with great interest.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


Mary Carter inherits a castle on an island near the coast of Cuba. Cuban lawyer involved in the execution of its taking possession of the estate, tries to convince her to go to the island on the grounds that the curse, which lies on the castle. He gives her the offer to purchase the castle from an anonymous client, but the deal Mary advises a Mr. Mederos, who is calling her on the phone.

At this time, the radio journalist, criminologist Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence or Larry just says local mafia authority. He immediately calls the radio station and asking Larry to come to his hotel. The hotel killing Mr Mederos, and suspicion falls on a journalist, in whose hands was the gun. Larry tries to hide from the police and sails to Cuba with Mary and his assistant. Along the way he learns about the threats to girls and tries to help her. On the ship Mary meets Jeff Montgomery, a young Professor who tells her about the local superstitions (witchcraft, voodoo, ghosts and zombies). On the shore, she meets the twin brother of Mederos who is trying to figure out what happened to his brother.

Arriving at Cuba, the heroes are trying to enter the castle and meet in a hut on the banks of the old woman and her son, whom they mistake for zombies. Entering the castle, they meet a real Ghost, a Cuban lawyer and twin brother of Mederos. It turns out that the brothers found a silver mine under lock and key. This became known to Montgomery, and he decided to take over the castle at any cost. Assistant Larry accidentally brings down the attacker part of the ceiling. Larry and Mary leave the island by boat and decide to get married.

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The heroes meet in the castle of the Ghost rising from some sort of sarcophagus, in which lies someone's skeleton. He looks classically: translucent glowing silhouette, passing through material objects. The Ghost appears with the chiming of the clock makes round the castle and returns to his sarcophagus. While mumifitsirovalis the body of the owner of the spirit found in the crypt under the castle, and what does skeleton in the sarcophagus have to do with the Ghost – is unclear.

Original characters do not believe in the reality of the Ghost and trying to find a rational explanation for his appearance, but at the end of the film the twin brother of Mederos confirms his sverkhyestestvennogo nature.

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For zombies, the main characters accept the son of matron of the castle. The basis for this decision is the story of Professor Montgomery, and strange looking men and the unusual manner of his movements only strengthen the heroes in their suspicions.

It remains unknown whether this character is a zombie in fact, the strange and the reasons for his attack on the heroes. In the description of the film on Wikipedia that it is an ordinary man, who suffers from catatonia.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»