Fern Flower
Published on August 9, 2021

The Ghost of Frankenstein

The Movie DataBase
The Ghost of Frankenstein
March 13, 1942
Frankenstein's unscrupulous colleague, Dr. Bohmer, plans to transplant Ygor's brain so he can rule the world using the monster's body, but the plan goes sour when he turns malevolent and goes on a rampage.


"The Ghost of Frankenstein" (English: "The Ghost of Frankenstein") is an American horror film released in 1942, which became the fourth in a row in the Classic series of horror films by Universal studios, based on the novel about Frankenstein by Mary Shelley.

It became the last film in which the monster is in the spotlight. Starting with the next film "Frankenstein meets the Wolf Man", and in all subsequent films, Frankenstein's Monster was part of an entire ensemble of Universal monsters.


There is a commotion in Frankenstein's village. People think that a curse has befallen them, and they blame the Frankenstein monster for all their troubles. There are rumors that Igor may be alive and trying to revive the monster. The villagers put pressure on the mayor, and he allows them to destroy Frankenstein's Castle. Igor tries to suppress the uprising, but the villagers break the gates to the castle and begin to destroy it. Running away through the catacombs, Igor finds a monster. Invisible to the villagers, Igor and the monster escape from the castle through the countryside. There they face a powerful thunderstorm. Lightning strikes the monster, but it does not kill it, but on the contrary, rejuvenates it. Igor decides to find Ludwig, the second son of Frankenstein, so that he can help the monster.

Ludwig Frankenstein is a doctor and psychiatrist who works in the city of Vasaria with two assistants-Bochmer and Kettering. Igor and the monster arrive in Vasaria and find out that Ludwig lives in a castle in another part of the city. The monster sees a girl on the street that he likes, because she is the only one who is not afraid of him. He tries to help her get the ball, but the locals think that he wants to kill her. The monster returns the girl to her father, and he is immediately attacked by the police.

The city lieutenant, Erik Ernst, arrives at Ludwig Frankenstein and asks him to come to the police station and study the sick giant they have caught. Frankenstein says that he will examine the monster when he finishes his work. The lieutenant leaves, and at this time Igor comes to Frankenstein and informs him that the giant is in the police station. Igor asks the doctor to heal the sick body of the monster. Frankenstein refuses to help Igor, he does not want to repeat the mistakes that his father and brother made. Igor threatens that he will tell the villagers the pedigree of Frankenstein, and they will find out that it was his father who created the monster, and the doctor has to agree. After Igor leaves, Frankenstein looks through the magazines of his father and brother and tries to hide the purpose of Igor's visit from his daughter Elsa.

At the police station, the monster is chained up. There is a hearing in the case of the murder of two residents of the city by a monster. The monster does not answer any questions. Dr. Frankenstein appears to examine the monster. The monster learns the doctor's last name, and everyone notices it, Frankenstein denies that he knows the monster. The monster goes mad, breaks the chains, people start running out of the hall. Igor takes the monster away.

Elsa goes into her father's office, finds Frankenstein magazines there and learns about the history of the monster (footage from the first film is shown). While she is sitting at her father's desk, Igor and the monster come to the window behind her. She turns around, notices them and shouts. Her father comes running to the screams and calms her down, telling her that it's just her imagination. Igor and the monster break into Frankenstein's laboratory. The monster kills Dr. Kettering and grabs Elsa, Ludwig runs into the laboratory and lets gas into the corridor where the monster and Igor are; they fall asleep. When Elsa wakes up, Ludwig tells her about Kettering's death and promises her that he will not let this monster destroy their lives.

Ludwig investigates his father's creation, but the monster wakes up and tries to kill him. Ludwig calms the monster. Frankenstein offers Bochmer to kill the monster, and you can only kill it by cutting it into pieces. Bochmer refuses, because he considers this action murder, because the monster is a living being. Ludwig still wants to destroy the monster, even if alone. Ludwig, who studies magazines, is visited by the ghost of his father, Henry Frankenstein. The spirit of his father tells him that he spent his whole life creating this creature, and you can't ignore it and kill the monster. He informs Ludwig that the monster's brain is the brain of a criminal, which is why the monster is so evil, and says that it is not necessary to kill the creature – it is enough to transplant another brain to it.

Ludwig tells Bochmer and Igor that he wants to put Kettering's brain into the monster's skull. Igor objects and asks Ludwig to use his brain. Frankenstein refuses to fulfill Igor's request. Elsa tries to dissuade her father from the operation, but he does not agree. Igor and the monster are hidden in a secret chamber; Igor tries to explain to the monster that he will be given another brain. Igor also taunts Bokhmer, telling him that he should not be Frankenstein's assistant. Igor promises to help Bokhmer if he agrees to put his brain into a monster. Bochmer is considering this option

The police arrive at Frankenstein's house in search of the monster. The authorities find a secret room, but Igor and the monster are in the city. The monster kidnaps the little girl that he liked, and returns to the house of Frankenstein. The reason why the monster kidnapped the little girl soon becomes clear: he wants the girl's brain in his head. When Igor objects, the monster violently pushes him away, injuring Igor's back. The girl asks to be taken home, and the monster reluctantly gives her to Elsa. Dr. Frankenstein performs the operation, believing that he is putting Kettering's brain into a monster. However, Bokhmer replaced Kettering's brain with Igor's brain.

In the village, the girl's father wakes up the neighbors, telling them that his daughter was abducted by a monster, and that Frankenstein is hiding them in his house. The townspeople go to the house of Frankenstein. Erik Ernst is unable to stop them, but asks the crowd to give him a few minutes to convince Frankenstein to kill the monster. Ludwig admits that he has the monster, and agrees to show it to Eric. He says that Kettering's brain is located in the monster's skull. Frankenstein asks the monster questions, but he answers them with the voice of Igor. Everyone is shocked by what happened.

The villagers are waiting for Eric to come out of the house, and when he does not come out, they decide to storm the house. The monster decides to fill the house with gas to kill them. Frankenstein tries to stop him, but the monster repels the attack and fatally wounds the doctor. The villagers find the girl and run out of the building, which is already full of gas. The monster suddenly becomes blind, because Igor's blood does not match the monster's blood. The angry monster kills Bohmer, then inadvertently sets fire to the castle, which because of this begins to fall apart and fills up the monster. Eric and Elsa walk towards the sunrise together and look back at the burning ruins.


The ghost of Victor Frankenstein appears to his son when he is about to kill a monster, and offers him to save his creation and only transplant the brain of a good person to him. The ghost looks like a translucent elderly man in a dark suit.

It remains unknown whether the ghost exists in reality or only in the imagination of the scientist.


As in the previous films, the living dead is represented by a monster created many years ago by Victor Frankenstein from the body parts of deceased people. Despite the fact that at the end of the previous film, the monster fell into a pit with molten sulfur, he survived and was not even burned. He comes to himself immediately after the cooled and dried sulfur shell is destroyed. A long stay in the sulfur captivity only led to a decline in strength, which the monster restores after a lightning strike.

This is the first film in which it is explicitly stated that the monster is immortal and nothing can kill him.

In the course of the plot, Igor's brain is transplanted to the monster, and he acquires a new personality (including begins to speak fluently, although before that he communicated mainly with gestures). Due to the discrepancy between the blood groups of the monster and Igor, the brain does not take root, and soon after the operation, the monster goes blind.