Fern Flower
Published on September 26, 2021

Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man

The Movie DataBase
Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man
March 5, 1943
Grave robbers open the grave of the wolf man and awaken him. He doesn't like the idea of being immortal and killing people when the moon is full so tries to find Dr. Frankenstein, in the hopes that the doctor can cure him. Dr. Frankenstein has died; however, his monster is found.


"Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man" (English: "Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man") is a film from the classic series of horror films by Universal Studios, which is a direct continuation of the films "The Wolf Man" (1941) and "The Ghost of Frankenstein" (1942).

The original script, containing replicas of Frankenstein's monster, was shortened. The references to the fact that the monster is blind were also removed (a side effect of Igor's brain transplant into the monster's body at the end of "Frankenstein's Ghost"). Thus, the film does not explain the monster's sleepwalking gait with outstretched hands, which not only became the subject of ridicule, but also became stereotypical for future films and parodies.

It's interesting

In the movie "Frankenstein meets the Wolf Man" (Eng. "Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man") for the first time, the sterotypic gait of Frankenstein (and many zombies) is encountered.  But due to the fact that the references to the fact that the monster is blind were removed (a side effect of Igor's brain transplant into the monster's body at the end of "Frankenstein's Ghost"), the explanation of his strange shaky gait with outstretched hands disappears from the film.


Full moon. A couple of grave robbers make their way to the Talbot family crypt in an abandoned cemetery, who discover that Lawrence's coffin is filled with aconite (wolf grass), and the corpse has not changed over the years. Suddenly, the corpse comes to life and grabs one of the thieves, the other runs away.

On the street of an English town, a policeman finds a stranger with a wound on his forehead. He is sent to the Royal Hospital in Cardiff, where he remembers that his name is Lawrence Talbot. The policeman contacts the department in the village and finds out that Lawrence Talbot died 4 years ago. At night, during the full moon, Talbot changes: his hair grows, his fangs, his consciousness changes. He escapes from the hospital and kills a policeman. In the morning, he returns to the ward and demands that the doctor call the police. He tries to tell his story, but they don't believe him. However, Dr. Mannering and the inspector still go to the village and find the corpse of a tramp in the crypt.

Lawrence escapes from the clinic and travels around Europe until he finds a gypsy woman Maliva, whose son turned him into a werewolf. The gypsy agrees to help, and they go to the city of Vasaria, where Dr. Frankenstein once lived. However, it turns out that the doctor has died, and the residents are not happy with the visitors looking for him. At night, Talbot turns into a wolf and runs away from the gypsy.

The townspeople find a girl killed by a wolf. They organize a raid, but Talbot hides in the ruins of Frankenstein's castle. There he finds a monster frozen in the ice. Together they search for the doctor's laboratory and find the scientist's notes. They find out that the doctor has a daughter, Baroness Elsa. Talbot meets with her and tries to get her father's diary from her.

The festival of young wine begins in Vasaria, the residents are having fun until the night. At this time, Dr. Mannering arrives in the city, who is trying to return Lawrence to England. Their conversation is overheard by the innkeeper. Suddenly, a Frankenstein's monster appears on the street of the town, which leads the residents to panic. Talbot and the monster manage to escape. The townspeople demand that the mayor force Elsa to take part in the search for the monster. Dr. Mannering manages to persuade them to allow him and the Baroness to visit the ruins. They find Talbot and promise to help him. Elsa shows Lawrence where Dr. Frankenstein's diary is located. Talbot finds Frankenstein's machine and demands that the doctor help him die. Mannering decides to restore the laboratory. At this time, one of the residents of the city decides to blow up the dam to flood Frankenstein's castle.

Mannering is going to" drain " the energy from Talbot in order to let him die. During the experiment, Frankenstein's monster gets out of control, beats up the doctor and tries to kidnap the Baroness. However, he is attacked by Talbot, who has turned into a Wolf-Man. The Doctor and the Baroness manage to escape. The dam explodes, and the ruins with the fighting monsters are under water.


The film shows the same monster created by Victor Frankenstein from human body parts and revived with the help of electric energy. The references to Igor's brain transplant performed in the previous picture to the monster, as well as the sudden blindness that followed, were removed from the script of the film.

The character of the monster is different from that shown in the early films. If there he was not definitely an evil character and could experience positive emotions towards people, then in this film he shows only aggression, attacking everyone he sees. Unlike the previous pictures, the monster does not utter a single word during the entire film. His gait has changed: it has become more constrained, and he mostly moves with his arms outstretched in front of him. The strange gait of the monster with his arms outstretched was initially due to his blindness, but after correcting the script, they decided not to change the already filmed scenes.

It turns out that the monster is able to live much longer than an ordinary person. From the notes of Dr. Frankenstein:

Matter ages because it loses energy. The artificial body I created is charged with superhuman energy, so its life expectancy will be much longer. It will be equal to more than a hundred lives of ordinary people. My creation will never perish, unless its energy is deliberately withdrawn.

The characters of the film try to kill the monster with the help of an electric device of Dr. Frankenstein, changing the polarity to the opposite. It remains unknown whether this method works, since it was never used in the film.


The werewolf does not differ from the one shown in the original film: he grows fur and loses his mind on a full moon (and only if he sees the full moon himself), and his abilities are restrained by wolfsbane. But we also learn new details: for example, it turns out that a person affected by a werewolf's curse is immortal. At the end of the original film, he was allegedly beaten to death with a silver cane and buried in a coffin filled with aconite. However, his body has not decomposed in four years and comes to life soon after the monkshood was removed.

The characters of the film try to save the werewolf from immortality with the help of Dr. Frankenstein's electric device, changing the polarity to the opposite. We don't know if this method works, since it was never used in the film.