Fern Flower
Published on October 3, 2020

Forbidden Planet

The Alien
The Movie DataBase
Forbidden Planet
March 23, 1956
Starship C57D travels to planet Altair 4 in search of the crew of spaceship "Bellerophon," a scientific expedition that has been missing for 20 years, only to find themselves unwelcome by the expedition's lone survivor and warned of destruction by an invisible force if they don't turn back immediately.


Forbidden Planet is a 1956 American film that was one of the Central representatives of American fantasy films of the 1950s and had a decisive influence on the development of the genre. In 2013, the film entered the United States national film registry.

The film premiered in the United States on March 15, 1956. At some screenings of the film, viewers were given disposable paper glasses with red light filters; through these glasses, an invisible monster could be seen on the screen.

The starting point for the screenwriters was a dramatic fairy tale by Shakespeare called "The tempest". The Plot of the forbidden planet also echoes Murray Leinster's short story The Lonely planet (1949).

Shortly after the film's premiere, a book of the same name based on it was published by Philip MacDonald (published under the pseudonym W. J. Stewart). The book clarifies some details of the fictional universe. For example, according to this book, the internal structure of tigers and deer in the house of Morbius (as it turns out during the autopsy) has nothing to do with terrestrial animals: alien animals are generated by the doctor's consciousness. According to the book, the krells paid the price for daring to put themselves in God's shoes.

It's interesting

At some screenings of the film "Forbidden Planet" (1956), viewers were given disposable paper glasses with red light filters through which an invisible monster could be seen on the screen


The C57-D spacecraft with a rescue mission is flying to the planet Altair IV, where there was once a colony of earthlings founded by the crew of the Bellerophon ship. While still orbiting the planet, commander John Adams receives a warning from the surface about the danger of landing, but takes the risk and lands the ship.

On Altair IV, only Dr. Morbius, his daughter Altair, who was born and raised on The planet, and the robot Robby, who was designed by him, live. While the officers are getting acquainted with the wonders of technology and reminiscent of the earthly Paradise housing Morbius, the ship is attacked by a mysterious invisible monster, which kills one of the crew members. The security measures taken are initially ineffective, but in the end the monster is stopped by force fields and driven away by Blaster fire.

It turns out that under the surface of the planet there is a Titanic machine created by the disappeared Crell civilization, which is able to translate into reality the mental images of someone who learns to control it. It was with the help of this machine that Morbius created his wonderful home. But he did not take into account the fact that the machine also perceives images that are not controlled by consciousness – so there was a "monster of the subconscious", which once destroyed the colony, and now attacks the crew of the ship.

Morbius is unable to cope with jealousy towards the astronauts, who, tired of the male company, and hover around his daughter, and it is these negative emotions that the invisible monster absorbs. In the end, the monster destroys the doctor and disappears itself. The spaceship leaves the planet with Altair.


The interplanetary ship of earthlings has the shape of a classic flying saucer. Its lower part glows red and rotates. When landing, a support is extended from the center of the ship, and the landing process is softened using a blue force field.

The Alien

The aliens died out thousands of years ago, leaving behind only automatons that still work today. Using one of these devices, which can read and materialize thoughts, Professor Morbius, without realizing it, creates a creature that attacks people, which the other characters in the film take for an inhabitant of the planet. The creature is invisible and takes shape only under the influence of energy weapons of earthlings. The Professor's subconscious creates a monster, because he does not want to leave the planet and is afraid that the earthlings who have arrived will separate him from his daughter.

With the help of alien technology, Professor Morbius creates many other things, including his own home and the robot Robi, which has a developed artificial intelligence and the ability to synthesize objects by repeating the molecular structure of the sample. Unlike a monster, Robie can't harm a sentient being.