Fern Flower
Published on October 25, 2019

Flying saucers, the movement of matter and energy, science and socialism

The Alien
Flying Saucers, the process of matter and energy, science and socialism
Unknown author

Juan Posadas (Spanish: Juan Posadas) is an Argentine Trotskyist who laid the foundations of a peculiar trend called Posadism. Since 1968, Posadas has also become known for his theory concerning UFOs. He believed that the existence of UFOs confirms the existence of socialism on other planets, that only a socialist society is able to create the technologies necessary for interplanetary travel. In addition, he claimed that the inhabitants of UFOs can help in the implementation of the socialist revolution on Earth.


Juan Posadas (Spanish: Juan Posadas, 1912 - May 14, 1981), real name - Omero Romulo Cristali Frasnelli (Spanish: Homero Rómulo Cristali Frasnelli) was an Argentine Trotskyist who laid the foundations of a peculiar trend called Posadism.

Since 1968, Posadas has also become known for his theory concerning UFOs. He believed that the existence of UFOs confirms the existence of socialism on other planets, that only a socialist society is able to create the technologies necessary for interplanetary travel. In addition, he claimed that the inhabitants of UFOs can help in the implementation of the socialist revolution on Earth.

In 1968, in Paris, he published a brochure "Flying Saucers, the movement of matter and energy, science and socialism" (French: "Les Soucoupes Volantes, le processus de la matiere et de l'energie, la science et le socialisme"), which was then translated into English by David Broder ("Flying Saucers, the process of matter and energy, science and socialism"). In it, Posadas reflected that UFOs would not linger on Earth for a long time, because "capitalism is not interesting to UFO pilots… They are also not interested in the Soviet bureaucracy, since it does not have any prospects."

The obsession of the Posadists with the idea of UFOs became the occasion for ironic remarks that Trotsky opposed the theory of "socialism in one country", and Posadas opposes the theory of "socialism on one planet".

It's interesting

Juan Posadas (Spanish: Juan Posadas, 1912 - May 14, 1981), an Argentine Trotskyist, believed that the existence of UFOs confirms the existence of socialism on other planets, and claimed that the inhabitants of UFOs can help in the implementation of the socialist revolution on Earth.


Most of the text is devoted to Marxism, socialism and the construction of a social system in the future that surpasses Marxism. We are only interested in the theses concerning UFOs and aliens, which perform the role of hypotheses in the text, with the help of which the basic ideas of Posadas are substantiated.


The book contains the following thoughts about unidentified flying objects observed in all the earth:

  • May matter in other planetary systems and galaxies organized differently, in infinite combinations and in very different forms, similar to those that we know on Earth.
  • From this we can deduce the existence of extraterrestrial beings and accept that UFOs are real, too.
  • There are many stories about UFO sightings, and not all of them are fictitious.
  • Testimony of observers of UFOs from different parts of the world are the same.
  • Most people who have seen aliens, they say, of them as normal beings. These same people say they do not believe in ghosts or spirits.
  • We [did not specify who: the people of the world? posadiste? the Marxists?] believe in the existence of aliens and accept the fact.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

The Alien

Basic thoughts about aliens:

  • These beings are just watching us. They give us to understand that they did not intend to cause harm. Their behavior demonstrates their higher degree of organization.
  • Aliens may not apply our idea of time.
  • They have no aggressive momentum, they do not need to kill to live.
  • These beings arrived from other planets, the organizational structure in which such human. They could appear as a result of processes of organization of matter, such as those that occurred on Earth and led to the appearance of people. However, they could use the earth's matter to make clear to us the form.
  • We can assume the existence of aliens, even taking into account the large share of fantasies among reports, stories, observations and affirmations.
  • If aliens exist, then we should encourage them to intervene to help us solve the problems we face on Earth: to overcome poverty, hunger, unemployment and war, to give everyone the opportunity to live in dignity and to lay the foundations of human brotherhood.

The author clearly links the phenomenon of UFO sightings with aliens from outer space and considers the latter a higher and more developed beings. It does not stop on the description and analysis of their appearance, although mentions of the certificate, which referred to the aliens, similar to humans (this ignores other descriptions).

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»