Fern Flower
Published on September 17, 2017

The Flying Saucer

Circles on the field and other formations.
The Alien
The Movie DataBase
Il disco volante
December 23, 1964
An exasperated police inspector receives different eyewitness accounts surrounding a downed saucer and its female occupant.


Italian fiction film "Flying saucer" from Director Tinto Brass is a parody of the fashion at that time (in the 1960-ies of the last century) fascination with space travel and aliens.

As is clear from the story, a flying saucer and the aliens in the film - elements are optional. The story focuses more on the life of the inhabitants of that time, which does not change even in the face of regular landings of flying saucers and walking among the locals of the Martians. People live their life - go on holidays to the pub and just trying to survive in difficult economic conditions.

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The Brigadier of the carabinieri in a small town near Venice instructed to carry out an investigation into the arrival on Earth of a flying saucer. They all questioned people say that they have seen Martians. A poor peasant widow Vittoria manage to catch a Martian, and she sells it to son of the Countess and availability of accommodation, which is not quite in his right mind, and besides the homosexual. But the Countess orders to throw the Martian into the well, accusing Vittoria of fraud, and the foreman takes away from it all than to pay her for the Martian count Momo.

Apart from them, the Martians see a few people: a priest, a Telegraph operator and his mistress, and in the end, and the Brigadier. Despite the presence of traces of the landing plates and numerous witnesses, all who claim to have seen it to be in a psychiatric hospital. The result of such witnesses becomes so much that they even opened a special Department.

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UFO in the movie is represented as the classic "plates". This form was popular as eyewitness testimonies and fiction works of the time.

The appearance of a UFO in the film, probably copied from famous photographs of a "Flying saucer from Venus", photographed by George Adamski on 13 December 1952. They were available for the General public, not only from Newspapers but also from his books "Flying saucers have landed" (1953) and "Inside the space ships" (1955). The UFO shown in the film, has a domed design on the bottom, which confirms the similarity with a plate, photographed by Adamski. These designs in the film are shown in great detail, and can understand that they are instruments and devices of aliens.

During takeoff UFO makes sounds similar to the noise of taking off on the creative thrust of the aircraft. During the flight the dish rotates and emits whistling sounds, which are often found in movies about UFOs. During the movement of the plate releases large amount of gases.

The plot of all landings occur in the same field. While near the UFO stops working electrical appliances: in the landing throughout the town the lights and the car and the bike when approaching the landing spot fade away.

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Circles on the field and other formations.

The crop circles in the film are traces of prizemleniya an alien spaceship. They represent the twelve small (a meter and a half in diameter) circles of scorched grass.

This description is fully consistent with the views of the time about the places of UFO landing. Usually, in such places has also found a substance of unknown origin in the form of small black balls. In the film, these beads are also mentioned, but are the object of the joke: policeman says that the story left aliens, and goats.

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The Alien

Kosmicheskie the aliens in the movie called the Martians, they look like normal people in suits. The aliens in the film clearly are sex differences, while the suit of an alien female has a transparent glass bulges on the chest. Men's suit is fully closed.

The number of newcomers is not clear. Immediately after their landing, the film shows a large number of them, however, continue to show only two: man, captured by the farmer, and the woman who came to the masquerade.

The purpose of the appearance of the aliens is unclear. They just go around not talking to anybody and do not try to get in touch with the locals. When they are captured by humans, they show no emotions, not trying to escape and not do anything at all. Alien male drowned in the well, however, and at this moment he had no resistance. The woman sat quietly in the car of the carabinieri until, until the opportunity arose to return to the spaceship.

Thus, to say something about the level of civilization of the newcomers and the purpose of their appearance on Earth is not possible. For the film they are the backdrop for demonstrations of life in a small Italian village.

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