Fern Flower
Published on October 17, 2017

Farewell to the master

The Alien
Farewell to the Master
Harry Bates


The story of Harry Bates (Harry Bates, full name Hiram Gilmore Bates III) "farewell to the master" (Farewell to the Master) was written in 1940. He became widely known through the 1951 film "the Day the Earth stood still" (The Day the Earth Stood Still), based on the motives of this story. In 1973, with the permission of the Bates story was adapted by Marvel Comics for its Worlds Unknown series.

The plot of the story is very different from the film adaptation.

The story is told from the viewpoint of cliff Sutherland (Cliff Sutherland), a reporter-photographer who was present during the landing of a mysterious ship instantaneously appears on the territory of the United States Capitol in Washington, DC.

In two days from the ship out man of incredible beauty and huge robot with a height of 8 feet (2.44 m), made of green metal. The first time to only say: "I am Klaatu and this Bend" ("I am Klaatu and this is Gnut"), after which it kills some crazed. A humanoid creature who called himself Klaatu, buried near the landing site of the ship. In the days that followed the robot Bend remains stationary, and around it and the ship building of the laboratory and the Museum, because they move so as not to damage, is not possible.

Sutherland compares the photos taken on different days, and discovers that the robot enters the ship each night when no one sees, and then comes back to the same place. Bend sees that the reporter was watching him, but ignores him. Sutherland does some of the records on camera, but not from the best position, and the main event (fight robot with a gorilla) the entry does not fall, so he stays in the building next to the Bent one more night. After the events of the second night it found near the bodies of several people and gorillas (as it turned out - "clones" from experiments Gnote to recreate Klaatu). After which Sutherland tells the world about their observations.

Gnata decide to enclose it within a dome of special, durable, transparent thermoplastic that becomes flexible when heated and hardens when cooled. Bend easily selected from his prison, and then, ignoring the attempts of others to hurt him or to destroy, goes to the mausoleum for a corpse Klaatu. The robot tries to recreate Klaatu (this can be done with a clear voice recording, since this will restore the unique vibrations of the body), but the new alien tainted because made on the day of his death, the recording was imperfect, and dies shortly after the conversation with the reporter.

Later, when the robot is ready to go, the Terrans asked him to tell his masters that Klaatu's death was an accident. Bend replied: "You misunderstood. I am the master". And disappears with the ship.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


As such flying object here is not mentioned. The UFO phenomenon is applicable here only because of the presence of the description of the ship "of the aliens from the unknown".

In the story, the emphasis is on immediate appearance of a ship that just appeared on the ground in front of the Smithsonian institution and did not come from the sky. It was metal, consisting of some unknown greenish alloy:

It's not so much a spaceship, as the ship travel through space and time, which materialized in the blink of an eye at the desired point. Looks like he came from some so far corner of the Universe, that light itself would take millions of years to overcome this distance.

The ship itself is smooth, without a single gap:

No slightest break or crack do not violate the perfect smoothness of the curved surface of the ship.

The ship opened only by the voice of the robot.

Inside the ship looked like a scientific laboratory. On its walls and tables were unknown devices and mechanisms. In the middle of the room on the ship was a design similar to a coffin, with many connected cables.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

The Alien

Aliens is presented in a story two types - humanoid creature and a giant robot.

The robot had a human appearance giant size (8 ft (2.44 m)) made of a greenish metal. He had a rather pronounced muscles. It was noticeable, because with the exception of the waist, he looked like naked.

The material from which was made the robot (and the ship), was a heavy-duty, so the composition could not figure out. He did not succumb to the effects of fire and tools.

Also the robot is described as very fast:

He can move with surprising speed when he wants. I saw it when he attacked the gorilla, but most often he walks, as if methodically solving some simple problem.

The eyes of the robot looked like red lanterns. They were the only thing that gave him life:

It seemed that two tiny red flashlight was turned from side to side, watching the movements.

The second alien looked like a man of unearthly beauty. Its external features radiated kindness and friendliness:

All the assembled thousands of people at once it was evident that the stranger was friendly. The first thing he did was raised his right hand high in the universal gesture of peace. All who were close to him saw the face, which radiated kindness, wisdom, pure generosity. In his slim painted robe he was like good God.

With graciousness and dignity the man pointed at himself, then at his companion robot and said in perfect English with some special emphasis: "I am Klaatu," or a name that sounds like, "and this Bend". At that time, names were not well understood, but it was recorded on camera and later they became known to all.

Interestingly, the main alien was not Klaatu, and Bend. Thus, the aliens, in the view of the author (and since the story is quite popular, his fans), though humanoid, but not all humanoid. It's hard to say what story lies behind this pair. Was the view, which is Klaatu, enslaved or domesticated species Gnote? Or that aliens from different planets or races, working together voluntarily?

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


  • Антология "Reel Future: The Stories That Inspired 16 Classic Science Fiction Movies", 1994 г.