Fern Flower
Published on March 31, 2020

End of the World

The Alien
The Movie DataBase
End of the World
August 1, 1977
After witnessing a man's death in a bizzare accident, Father Pergado goes on a spiritual retreat, where he encounters his alien double bent on world conquest.


"End of the world" (orig. "End of the World") is an American science fiction film of 1977. Currently, the film is freely available and accessible for viewing to all interested.

Despite low ratings, the film had a powerful impact on the audience. For example, Edgar Wright reworked the movie plot for one of the paintings of the famous "trilogy There".

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Professor Andrew Boran, a researcher who discovers in outer space strange radio signals that seem to emanate from the Ground. Signals predict natural disasters that occur around the world.

Andrew and his wife Silvia decided to find the source of the signals and end up in captivity in the monastery, captured by aliens. The aliens are planning to destroy the world, sending on his a natural disaster. As explained by the leader of the aliens named Sindar, the Earth is a hotbed of disease, which spread through the galaxy should not be allowed.

Threatening Sylvia, the aliens are forcing Andrew to give them a technical device of a laboratory space in which it operates. The device requires that aliens could fix the teleport and go back to their planet before Earth will be destroyed. Andrew brings them the device, and the aliens leave, inviting the couple to follow them. After some thought Boranes also teleport, and after a few seconds the earth explodes.

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The aliens have superhuman abilities. They can remotely destroy (including ignite and explode) items not even being in the zone of their visibility. Not knowing that the cause of these phenomena are aliens, they can be mistaken for the manifestation of a poltergeist. The film does not specify whether the aliens used to do this some technical devices, or can destroy objects telepathically.

Aliens can also affect the minds of the people. For example, they do not allow the main characters to escape from the monastery: those who are free to leave, but in whichever direction went, back.

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The Alien

The aliens arrived from another planet to destroy Earth, which according to them is a source of aggression and threat to other civilizations (in contrast to the alien planet where all live in peace and harmony). The aliens give Earth disasters: earthquakes, floods, hurricanes. In the end, the planet does not stand up and explodes.

The aliens take the form of humans, copying the bodies of dead people. They capture the monastery, replacing all of its inhabitants, and in its basement is equipped headquarters and a laboratory where send signals to their home planet. There they build a teleportation device, intending to leave Earth before it is destroyed.

The true form of the alien in the film show only a few seconds. This is a high creature, with a large hairless head and huge eyes.

Aliens can the power of thought to influence the objects and people's mind.

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