Fern Flower
Published on December 10, 2017

Earth vs. the Flying Saucers

The Alien
The Movie DataBase
Earth vs. the Flying Saucers
July 4, 1956
Test space rockets exploding at liftoff and increased reporting of UFO sightings culminate in a direct attempt by alien survivors of a dead, extra-galactic civilization to invade Earth from impervious flying saucers, using ray-weapons of mass destruction.


Earth vs. Flying Saucers is a 1956 American black-and-white science fiction film. It was based on the book by Naval aviator Donald E. Keyhoe "Flying Saucers from Outer Space", published in 1953. Since this is not a work of fiction, it is obvious that the ideas contained in the book were used as the basis for the film.

Some of the scenes shown in the film are edited using real documentary footage. For example, in the scene where the plane is shown, into which the alien beam hits, footage of a real aviation disaster that occurred during World War II on July 23, 1944 is used.

The alien voice was created by manipulating the recording of a human voice (Paul Fries).

The appearance of alien ships is not entirely an invention of specialists in scenery and special effects: they were designed based on the descriptions of a well-known (and considered one of the first) contact with aliens George Adamski.

The film is a classic example of alien films made in the 50s of the XX century. He not only influenced the films about aliens made later (including such parody tapes as "Mars is attacking!"), but also probably had a noticeable impact on the stories of UFO eyewitnesses.

It's interesting

The appearance of alien ships in the film "Earth vs. Flying Saucers" (1956) is not entirely an invention of specialists in scenery and special effects: they were designed based on the descriptions of a well-known (and considered one of the first) contact with aliens George Adamski


Scientist Dr. Russell Marvin and his young wife Carol are driving to work when a flying saucer appears above their car. Dr. Marvin accidentally records the sound made by a UFO on a tape recorder, but since he has no other evidence, he reluctantly notifies his superiors about the event. He is told that he probably saw one of the ten research satellites launched by the American space program Project Skyhook, in which Marvin himself works.

General Hanley, Carol's father, informs Marvin that many of the Project Skyhook satellites have fallen to Earth after launch. Marvin admits that he has lost contact with them and suspects a foreign sabotage. Next, Marvin witnesses the fall of the eleventh satellite almost immediately after launch.

The next day, a flying saucer lands at the Skyhook training ground, a group of aliens in metal suits comes out of it. The polygon guards open fire and kill one of the aliens who has gone beyond the force field of the saucer. In response, the aliens destroy everything at the facility and kill everyone except the Marvin couple, who accidentally find themselves locked in a bunker. Aliens kidnap General Hanley. Sitting in a locked bunker, Russell discovers and decrypts a message on his tape recorder: the aliens wanted to meet Dr. Marvin and landed at the landfill for this purpose. Unfortunately, it's too late.

Marvin communicates with the aliens on the radio at the frequency indicated by them and goes to meet them. He is joined by Carol, Major Huglin and a police patrol officer. They voluntarily board a flying saucer, where they discover a general whose memory has been erased as a result of transferring information to the ship's computer. The aliens explain that they are the last of their kind, because their star went out, and they fled from the destroyed solar system to find a planet for colonization. They shot down all the launched satellites, fearing that they could be used as a weapon against the aliens. They offer the earthlings to surrender so that the colonization will take place without resistance and sacrifice. To prove their strength, the aliens destroy a US Navy destroyer and give Dr. Marvin the coordinates of the place of its flooding. The patrolman shoots a pistol, and the aliens subject him to the procedure of transferring information and erasing memory. Major Huglin and the Marvins are released to transmit to Earthlings the message that the aliens want to meet with world leaders in 56 days to discuss the occupation of Earth.

Dr. Marvin's research shows that the protective suits of aliens are made of solidified electricity. Marvin develops a weapon, which he later successfully tests on one of the flying saucers. During the flight, the aliens throw General Hanley and a patrol officer out of a flying saucer (both fall from a great height and crash). After that, groups of alien ships attack Washington, Paris, London and Moscow, but meet desperate resistance and are destroyed by Dr. Marvin's weapons. It is also discovered that aliens can easily be killed by simple firearms when they are outside the force fields of their plates.

The threat is eliminated, Dr. Marvin and Carol calmly celebrate the victory, returning to their favorite beach and resuming their honeymoon.


UFO in the movie is the alien spaceships in a shape of classic flying saucers. When moving the hull of a flying saucer spinning. In flight they emit a characteristic sound which at least once was significantly accelerated voice an appeal to the earthlings. The plate surrounds the magnetic force field protecting the alien ships and weapons of the earthlings in flight and upon landing.

Inside the flying saucer is a spacious room with a machine-translator, which hangs from the ceiling, and a screen showing the view behind or another video at the request of owners. Also there are 2 Windows, which can be seen aliens.

The second group was represented in the movie UFOs are luminous spheres of small size, which at first mistaken for the lights of St. Elmo, and then it turns out that drones-spies used by aliens to spy on humans. In appearance these machines is very similar to plasmoids or the "lights of Phoenix".

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

The Alien

The aliens in the movie are the aliens who arrived from the solar system with the extinguished star. They plan to take over Earth and live with its inhabitants. However, they prefer not to unleash a full-scale war, because I do not want to deal with the resisting population. They offer the people to surrender without a fight, citing the fact that the forces are not equal too.

Aliens, humanoids, and even in the suit they are quite vulnerable: you can kill them from a real gun. They are constantly (even on Board his spaceship) are virtually weightless suits exoskeletons of "solid electricity", which "strengthen their muscles to atrophy". In helmet integrated devices that enhance vision and hearing. The helmet is functional, even when worn on the person.

Aliens live "in another time continuum", which is much faster than ours. They speak very quickly, it becomes clear to the earthlings only when a large deceleration. And time is speeding up and people who are close to them: once on Board flying saucers, people with it fly "thousands of miles away from Earth" for a matter of seconds, and seconds hand and pulse of their own hearts seem frozen.

Alien technology strongly developed. They can read from human brain, all memories and place them on the endless carrier of information inside the vehicle (the brain from these data is cleared). They have automatic translators, placed on a ship and fitted into the suit. Do the aliens have a weapon that will annihilate the target or cause her tremendous harm. At the same time to communicate with people aliens use radio communication, assigning the communication frequency of 225.6 MHz.

The image of the alien in this movie is approaching to the description of the classic "grey" aliens: this applies to their appearance (bald head with huge eyes, immature body) and to the description of their technologies, highly superior earth.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»