Fern Flower
Published on December 8, 2019


The mystical fog
A vampire
The Movie DataBase
July 20, 1979
Romanticized adaptation of Bram Stoker's 1897 classic. Count Dracula is a subject of fatal attraction to more than one English maiden lady, as he seeks an immortal bride.


"Dracula" (orig. "Dracula") – American-British horror film, released in 1979. The film adaptation of the novel by Bram Stoker and the play in 1924.

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Count Dracula arrives from Transylvania to England on the ship "Demeter". Mina van Helsing finds Dracula lying on the shore after his ship crashed on the rocks. Dr. Jack Seward, who runs the nearby mental institution, invites the count to visit his house, where Mina and daughter of Dr. Lucy, a friend of Mine. Charming guest makes an unforgettable impression on the hosts, with the exception of Jonathan Harker, Lucy's fiance.

Night Dracula attacks Mina and drinks her blood. The next day Mine dies and Lucy finds the wounds on her neck.

Dr. Seward can't find causes of death, Mines, and calls her father, Professor van Helsing, who begins to suspect that her daughter was killed by a vampire. Seward and van Helsing examined the coffin of a Mine and find a tunnel. Along the way they encounter a not-dead Mina and kill her.

Lucy comes to the new home of Dracula, CARFAX Abbey, and she offers the box to become his bride. Seward and van Helsing are trying to prevent the transformation of Lucy, making her a blood transfusion. Together with Jonathan they are trying to find Dracula's coffin to destroy it and thus save Lucy, but Dracula managed to escape from them and free his beloved.

Harker and van Helsing get a ship which carries Dracula and Lucy in Romania. They manage to find the tomb vampires. Dracula wakes up and in the fight mortally wounded, van Helsing, but he manages to stab the count in the hook, which stretches from the rope. Harker, seizing the rope, pulls Dracula into the light, which burns a vampire.

Lucy seeks support for Jonathan, but he rejects her. The final film leaves the possibility to suggest that Dracula is not dead, and Lucy is expecting his child.

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The mystical fog

The appearance of count Dracula is sometimes accompanied by thick fog. In some cases, the vampire from him materialized. Presumably, taking the form of mist, Dracula is able to penetrate into a locked room.

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Dracula manifests supernatural powers, subordinating the will of the people. Also the vampire has a capacity for pyrokinesis, burning a wooden cross in the touch of a hand.

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A vampire

First shown in the film the vampire is count Dracula. He comes from Romania by ship in a box filled with earth. As befits a vampire, Dracula is immortal: in his own words, he lives for 500 years. Dracula does not eat, does not drink wine, is not reflected in the mirror, afraid of garlic, crucifixes and sunlight. He can climb a steep wall, to turn into a bat or wolf, to travel in the form of mist to materialize out of thin air. Dracula has power over the will of people who are able to hypnotize their victims.

Dracula drinks the blood of young girls, leaving their necks puncture marks from fangs. His victims also become vampires, but weaker. So, the touch of a crucifix causes to smoke the skin bitten by Dracula girls, while the count himself calmly touches the cross, causing him to ignite. Possibly, in order to become a full vampire, you must drink the blood of the Dracula.

To kill a vampire is difficult. It can immobilize, pierced with a wooden stake. Hurt also cause the crucifixion (the vampire's skin starts to smoke at the place of contact with the cross) and sunlight (which causes severe burns). In order to permanently kill a vampire, you must retrieve his heart.

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Throughout the film, count Dracula turns into a wolf and a bat.

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