Fern Flower
Published on January 19, 2021

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

The Movie DataBase
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
December 24, 1931
Dr. Henry Jekyll believes that there are two distinct sides to men - a good and an evil side. He believes that by separating the two, man can become liberated. He succeeds in his experiments with chemicals to accomplish this and transforms into Hyde to commit horrendous crimes. When he discontinues use of the drug, it is already too late.


"Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" (English: "Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde") is an adaptation of the novel "The Strange Story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde"by Robert Louis Stevenson.

The transformation of Jekyll into Hyde in the film takes place in exact accordance with the theory of the psychiatrist Cesare Lombroso, who believed that the criminal inclinations of a person can be determined by appearance. In one of the later editions of Lombroso's work, a frame from this film was used as an illustration.


Dr. Jekyll intends to marry his beloved Muriel as soon as possible. She hesitates. Her father, the prim General Carew, insists that the lovers, out of "decency", postpone the wedding for 8 months and get engaged on the anniversary of his own wedding.

That evening, walking home by a short road, in a gloomy area of London, Jekyll, annoyed by the general's stubbornness, meets a prostitute, Iva, who was beaten by a friend right at the door of her house. He takes her upstairs to her room, she tries to seduce him and is ready to drag Jekyll to her bed. Suddenly, Jekyll's friend Dr. Lanyon appears, who catches them during a kiss, spells his teeth and pulls him out of the hands of the prostitute. Jekyll must now realize that his "puritanical world" does not accept communication with "girls of easy virtue".

Since then, he begins to experiment in his laboratory in order to help himself break out of the vicious circle. He makes a drink, after taking it, he transforms into a different state and exclaims:

"Free! Finally free! Lanyon! Carew! You hypocrites, deniers of life. If you could only see me now!"

In the guise of an ape-like (and not only outwardly, but moving like an orangutan) Hyde, Jekyll finds Quince, seduces her and eventually turns into a tyrant boyfriend. He turns back into Jekyll only periodically. Iva finds him and asks for protection, not recognizing him as Hyde. Jekyll, who promised himself and Iva that Hyde would not return, turns without taking the drug and strangles Iva in a fit of rage.

The murder remains unsolved, and Jekyll is on the verge of insanity. He meets Muriel and breaks up with her, fearing for her life. It is only after leaving her doorstep that Jekyll suddenly turns into Hyde, returns to Muriel through the window, and attacks her. The general appears, and a fight ensues. Hyde kills Muriel's father and flees. The police are on his heels, catch up with him at the Jekyll house, and shoot him. Hyde is lying on the floor. As he dies, he slowly transforms into Jekyll.


Scientist Dr. Jekyll creates a chemical that suppresses all the good in a person and frees his dark nature. A person who has drunk this solution changes not only the character, manners, gait and other habits, but also the appearance. He begins to look like a primate or prehistoric man: fangs appear, the hair on his hands and face increases, and facial features change. In order to return to his original form, Jekyll needs to drink the antidote. At the same time, he retains memories of the actions that he performed in the image of his alter-ego Mr. Hyde.

After some time, Jekyll stops controlling Mr. Hyde and begins to turn into him without taking the drug, after experiencing severe stress.