Fern Flower
Published on October 16, 2017

The Day the Earth Stood Still

The Alien
The Movie DataBase
The Day the Earth Stood Still
December 10, 2008
A representative of an alien race that went through drastic evolution to survive its own climate change, Klaatu comes to Earth to assess whether humanity can prevent the environmental damage they have inflicted on their own planet. When barred from speaking to the United Nations, he decides humankind shall be exterminated so the planet can survive.


The film "the Day the Earth stood still" Director Scott Derrickson - a remake of the classics, 1951. The world premiere took place on 10 December 2008 Russia - 11 December 2008.

Although the plot and moved to the present day, the scenario largely follows the original.

For example, remakes of old films is very interesting to observe changes in the mood of society about a particular phenomenon. In this case we are talking about aliens from outer space, aliens, and on the comparison of the films in 2008 and 1951 it is possible to speak about significant changes in mass culture during the half century.

So, the aliens stopped vyglyadet initially as people moved from Mars to the unknown "distant planet". These and similar changes are easily explained by the fact that for 50 years the development of science, people learned a lot about the cosmos, the harsh conditions of Mars, the evolution of living beings, and the version of the 1951 alien to the modern viewer looks naive and unreliable.

Changed the motives of the aliens. The 1951 film was created on the background of the beginning of human exploration of space, and also a recent invention (and first use) atomic bombs. The political background was only that the creation of the UN and the beginning of the Cold war. It is not surprising that the main message of the old film was pacifism: the mission of the alien seclocales in alerting people to the fact that the space community will not allow such an aggressive civilization to behave the same way beyond the home planet. In fact, the aliens don't care how people treat their own kind, as long as they do not pose a threat to other civilizations.

The 2008 film promotes a very different idea. The aggressiveness of people's attitude towards each other has faded into the background, and the main problem was looming (supposedly) ecological disaster caused by the reckless actions of mankind. An alien, sent to Earth, not going to warn people: its task is to decide whether they can change and stop acting in relation to nature as barbarians - and in the case of a negative response simply to destroy them, after all, the habitable planet is a rarity, and its value is far higher than the value of the individual living on it view.

Together with the motifs have changed and the principles of a stranger. Klaatu produced in 1951 has consistently demonstrated their love of peace and tries not to hurt people even turning off the electricity across the planet, demonstrating his power, he leaves it in airplanes, hospitals and other critical facilities. The alien from the movie 2008 seems to be little concerned with the number of secondary victims of his activities, he is without any doubt destroys soldiers and police officers standing in his path.

Despite the naivety of the film 1951, picture of 2008 contains more inconsistencies and logical holes:

  • It is unclear why the alien did not pass the transformation, while in the ship - it would have saved him from an obvious risk which he was subjected in a medical facility people.
  • To find out whether or not to give a chance to human civilization, Klaatu meets with another representative of the aliens abandoned the planet 70 years ago. It raises many questions. Can one alien to adequately assess the prospects and verdict of an entire civilization? It was not worth it to send a greater number of "agents" to study earthlings, because they can get into a different social environment and convey a more objective picture?
  • Given the much more advanced alien technology, was not possible to obtain information from agents in advance and not to decide the important question about the destruction of civilization in the place? And if you can then why to send Klaatu to Earth, why not hold the whole operation in automatic mode? One robot would be more than enough.
  • Why Klaatu has a change of heart? He saw the manifestation of love, change under the action of an external threat of one man, and on this basis decided not to destroy humanity? How can he be sure that other people will change too, or that he is not subjected to the banal deceit? Is the decision about the destruction of civilization was so fragile basis that was changed after a few words spoken by Helen Jacob?

Not surprisingly, the film was cool received by critics and has a fairly low ratings (5.5 on IMDB, 21% on RottenTomatoes)

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


To the Ground flies unidentified cosmic body at an obviously predetermined path. It was a shining sphere of large size, which made landing in Central Park in new York. The ship arrives alien Klaatu with the biorobot Grotto. Klaatu demands to gather a special meeting of the UN, which he wants to play, but the us authorities deny him that. The military want to know more about the aliens and are going to enter Klaatu truth serum, but Dr. Helen Benson is serum injects him with normal saline. Klaatu lead to the lie detector, through which it first receives power over one person and then using their abilities to manage the earth's electronics neutralizes the guards and escapes.

Klaatu asks the help of Dr. Helen Benson, and she agrees, although her young stepson Jacob feels a strong hatred of aliens. Klaatu meets his countryman, who was sent to Earth much earlier to study people. He reports that despite the existing positive qualities in people, they are not able to change. Klaatu suggests that he leave, but he refuses, saying that he loved humanity.

After this conversation, Klaatu is sent along with Helen and Jacob in the woods, where starts another alien spheres smaller and initiates the running of such areas around the world. Later it turns out that these balls collect various types of earthly creatures. The spheres leave the planet. Watching the American high command was aware that what is happening is very reminiscent of the salvation of the creatures on Noah's ark and understand that we should expect the impact from the outside.

Helen Benson is constantly trying to prove to Klaatu that humanity can improve, that it should not be destroyed, but the alien can't believe it. Helen takes him to a scientist-mathematician, who first asks the alien how he managed to change themselves? He said that they have lost the shining light, and for the salvation they had to change. The scientist told him that humanity will be able to change, just standing on the edge of death. He asks not to deprive people of that chance. However, their conversation is interrupted by the arrival of air force helicopters. The military manages to grab Helen, but Klaatu breaks the remaining machines.

Meanwhile, the US armed forces managed to take control of Gort, who was dressed in protective screens and removed from new York to out of town military base to study. However, Gort suddenly breaks down into tiny particles that are nano-robots in the form of insects, destroying the base and turn to dust everyone who was in it, and then form a huge cloud that moves in all directions, including to new York, destroying everything in its path.

Taken to the headquarters asks Helen to let her go, as any way to persuade Klaatu to prevent a catastrophe can only it. Realizing that to cope with the threat to earth technology is impossible, the Minister of defense gives the nod. Helen helps her friend, scientist Michael Granger, Klaatu and Jacob are Dating. Seeing the touching scene of the meeting of Helen and Jacob, Klaatu seems to recognize that the people "has another side" that can give them the opportunity to change, but says that people need to completely change your lifestyle. Meanwhile, the cloud of evil has come to new York, and the four of them hurry into the city, to the sphere. But in Central Park they fall under the attack of aircraft, which is carrying out the order of the Minister of defense, opened fire on the sphere. Michael dies, and Helen, Jacob and Klaatu be flown in the destructive cloud. Klaatu first wants all three of them got to the sphere, but it is too late and they take refuge under a stone bridge in the Park.

However, anonaceae have time to get into the body of Helen and Jacob, starting to eat away at them. Helen asks Klaatu to save Jacob at least. He saves both, bringing the nanobots out of their body to himself, then finally decides to give humanity a chance. He comes out from under the bridge to the cloud, comes to the sphere and touches it. In this case the activation of the sphere leads to the destruction of all robots-insects, but at the same time stops the whole earth technique around the world. Sphere leaves Earth.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


UFO in the film looks like a flying sphere, on which surface are visible in the blurred patterns. When flying these spheres are shining so brightly that they become like little stars.

The alien ships are represented by two species differ externally only in size: the large the ship, Klaatu, as well as much smaller ships designed to collect samples of living organisms from the Earth.

Unlike the 1951 film, here we do not show the internal structure of the ship.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

The Alien

As in the 1951 film, the alien ship has landed two: Klaatu and his robot. In addition to them, there is another stranger - a man of Asian appearance, abandoned on the Earth 70 years ago and making conclusions about the possibility of the salvation of mankind.

Klaatu arrives on Earth in some semblance of a bio-spacesuit, which subsequently decomposes. The film is due to the fact that the transformation of the body of a stranger in the form familiar to the earthlings. A DNA sample for this form was taken by aliens at random climber a century earlier.

During his escape Klaatu demonstrates a remarkable capacity to control electric and electronic devices (and the authors do not distinguish between them - so alien for the power supply accesses the image cameras, activates and deactivates the alarm and locks, affects the security of the communication system, by touching the body of the car causing it to move in the right direction, etc.).

Unlike the old movie, here in Klaatu's identity is almost nonexistent, there's only goal - the fulfillment of the set tasks.

Robot Grotto differs from the robot shown in the film of 1951. At first, it is much higher, and secondly, does not demonstrate the possibility of shooting laser red eyes. As it turns out at the end of the film, the Grotto consists of a huge number of nanobots that team Klaatu are activated and begin to destroy everything in its path, at the same time propagating and implementing the classic scenario "grey goo".

Unlike the 1951 film, where robots were independent tool for the preservation of order within the space community, here the Grotto is a machine for the destruction of civilizations, not bearing any creative functions.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»