Fern Flower
Published on April 21, 2020

The Fearless Vampire Killers

A vampire
The Movie DataBase
The Fearless Vampire Killers
November 13, 1967
A noted professor and his dim-witted apprentice fall prey to their inquiring vampires, while on the trail of the ominous damsel in distress.


"Tanz der vampire" (eng. "Dance of the Vampires", in American theaters was called "The Fearless Vampire Killers, or Pardon Me But Your Teeth Are in My Neck", which translated into Russian language as "the Fearless vampire killers, or Pardon me but your teeth dug into my neck") – the first color film directed by Roman Polanski, released in 1967. The painting is considered "respectful parody" of the vampire movies.

The film was shot in the Dolomites, in the center of Ortisei and the castle of Taufers.

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Professor of königsberg University of Abronze or Abronsius along with his assistant-a student of Alfred travel to Transylvania. Their goal is to test the rumors that there is a castle in which lives a vampire named count Von Krolock together with his son-gay Herbert Von Kreacom. They stop at the Inn, which is owned by Yoni Chagall, a middle-aged man. Chagall lives with his family: wife Rebecca, his beautiful daughter Sarah, with whom first sight falls in love with Alfred, and maid.

Professor Abronsius asks Chagall and other inhabitants of the yard about vampires, but the only answer that I've never seen anything like it. The feeling that people are hiding something: a boy accidentally blurt out when the Professor arrives only to him, but Yoni and his guests kill the young man and move the conversation to another topic. The Professor says to his assistant Alfred that found nearly all the signs of vampires: garlic, which hung almost everywhere at the Inn, and the castle, whose existence is concealed by the locals. One morning at the Inn arrives in a sleigh, a strange humpbacked man with crooked teeth and a raspy hoarse voice. This man asks the innkeeper Yoni sold him some candles for the castle.

The Professor, who was watching Breakfast this picture, tells his assistant to follow him, as he can lead them to the castle where the vampires live. The hunchback sleigh prepares to leave and says daughter Chagall Sarah, who was watching him through the window of his room. Alfred clings to the rear end of the sled hunchback and goes like that for a while, but then Alfred hands slip and he falls out of the sleigh; the hunchback, not noticing the presence of Alfred leaving. The evening of the same day to the Inn secretly sneaks Graf Von Krolock and kidnaps Sarah Chagall, when she takes a bath. Yoni Chagall and his wife in a panic and tears, but then Yoni in desperation, goes in search of his daughter. The next morning the woodcutters bring the dead body of the Yoni.

Professor Abronsius examines the corpse and finds the bite marks on the body similar to those that leave the vampires. Loggers say that Yoni bitten wolves that really Angers Abronsius and he runs the loggers, calling them liars and ignorant. Through the day Yoni comes alive, bites her neck and a maid hiding in the eyes of the Professor and his assistant. Abronsius and Alfred haunted Chagall and enter the castle, the existence of which knew the Professor. In the castle, they meet count Von krolock, and personally acquainted with the hunchback (which, as it turned out, called the Cowl) and son Herbert Von krolock. Von Krolock is very smart and educated man: he's in the castle a large library; when talking with the Professor he gives to understand that well versed in the natural Sciences. The count invites the Professor to live for a while in the castle. The next day Professor Abronsius and Alfred find out that the count Von Krolock and his son – vampires.

Herbert first sight falls passionately in love with Alfred and actively seeking his location. Naive when Alfred finally understands what he should do, he takes a lot of work to avoid harassment of Herbert.

Von Krolock admits that he's a vampire, locks the Professor on the balcony of his castle and goes to prepare for the vampire ball, which is scheduled for this evening. On the castle cemetery all the dead are vampires of the past centuries, Wake up, push the tombstone and go to the castle for the ball. Professor Abronsius with an assistant selected from the imprisonment and also going to the ball. There they steal prom suits have two vampires and join the dance. Their goal is to escape with Sarah Shagal in love with Alfred. All participants of the ball find that the Professor and Alfred are not vampires, as they are reflected in the mirror. Professor Abronsius and Alfred begins the chase; they manage to escape on a sleigh with Sarah Shagal. But the Professor doesn't know that Sarah is now also a vampire. Thus, Abronsius, trying to eradicate the evil, on the contrary, carries it from Transylvania around the world.

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A vampire

The film presents the classic vampires like ordinary people with pale skin and fangs. They drink blood, sleep during the day in coffins, no reflection and are afraid of crosses. However, there are differences from classical conceptions: the local vampires are scared of garlic, not waiting for an invitation to enter the house, and no one in the entire movie does not turn, although a lot of talk about bats. Their victims, they bite into the veins located anywhere on the body, not necessarily in the neck.

The Professor claims that to kill a vampire, plunging a stake in his heart (between 7th and 8th rib), but for the entire movie of any of them and not killed.

All shown in the film, victims of the vampires, sooner or later, they turn themselves into vampires. Those of them that were not consumed to the end (i.e. did not die immediately after the bite), this process takes longer time. After becoming vampires, they retain the habits and habits inherent in human life.

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