Fern Flower
Published on December 9, 2018


The Alien
The Movie DataBase
April 11, 1986
Carnivorous aliens arrive unannounced at a Kansas family farm; two intergalactic bounty hunters soon follow, determined to blow them off the planet.


"The Critters" (orig "The Critters") is a 1986 American fantasy comedy horror film, the first of four in the series about the attack of the Toothpicks.

​Interestingly, the script was based on a childhood nightmare that the future director of the film Stephen Herek once had.

It's interesting

The script of the film "The Toothpicks" (orig "The Critters", 1986) was based on a childhood nightmare that the future director of the film Stephen Herek once dreamed of


In the depths of our Galaxy live Toothpicks - small and evil lumps that somewhat resemble terrestrial hedgehogs. They came from deep space to destroy our entire civilization by eating it.

The Toothpicks started their business on an ordinary farm in Kansas, where they begin to taste everything that moves. But there are Space Hunters in Space whose goal is to fight evil aliens. They can change their appearance and have weapons in their arsenal that are guaranteed to destroy Toothpicks. On Earth, Hunters find allies, among whom is a slightly eccentric, but brave guy named Charlie. The joint actions of people and Hunters lead to the defeat of the Toothpicks, but they manage to lay eggs.


The film shows two of the alien ship: the ship and the hunters, which arrived critters. They both are small (no more buses), and not like the classic flying saucer.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

The Alien

The film shows three types of aliens.

The first of them – the head of the space prison. This amorphous creature looks like a human face moving on a levitating platform.

The second type of aliens and space bounty hunters. They are anthropomorphic, but instead faces radiating the green light to a smooth surface. They are able to assume the form of the inhabitants of this planet on which to perform its mission.

The third type is actually critters, small (the size of a porcupine), covered with thick fur creatures with three rows of teeth and glowing red eyes, devouring all in its path. If you have a large amount of food they can grow to enormous size. Along the ridge located critters have poisonous needles, which they can with great accuracy to shoot the victim. Poison needles are not fatal, but people become limp and lose consciousness. If a needle extract, then the person recovers. The behavior of the critters resemble prokaznitsa children.

Anthropomorphic aliens (the warden and hunters) speak English. Critters also communicate with each other in their own language.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»