Fern Flower
Published on October 27, 2020

The conversation of the high priest of Amun Hansemesse with a Ghost

Unknown author
1290 BC


"The talk of the high priest of Amun Hansemesse with a Ghost", "Horsemen and the Ghost", often known just as "Ghost Story» - an ancient Egyptian literary work about ghosts, Dating back to the Ramesside period (XIII—XII centuries BC).


The beginning of the story is lost, but the plot outline implies that a certain person spent the night at the tomb in the Theban necropolis, where he met a very restless spirit that howls all the time. Locals say that this spirit fulfills any desire. Then the man went to the high priest of Amun at Karnak by the name Honsinger and explained what he had done. Horsemen could not solve one important question all the time and asked for help, but never found a way. After hearing this story Honsinger decides to awaken a Ghost.

The text begins with Khonsuemheb speaking from the roof to the gods of heaven, the gods of earth, and the gods of the other world to send him this venerable spirit. When he appears, he immediately answers how to solve khonsuemheb's question and advises him to sleep at His grave to see a prophetic dream. Horsemen asks his name, his mother and father, so he offered them a sacrifice. He says that he Abusaleh, son Anglena and MS Tames. Honsberger offers to restore the tomb and provide gold-plated coffin from Sisyphus the deceased, to appease his spirit. But the spirit does not believe the words of the high priest. The spirit answers that the heat is not excessive for one who is tormented by the winds in winter; he is not hungry who does not know food; the stone does not age with the ages, but crumbles. The priest is shocked by his words. In response, he cries and asks to tell about his unfortunate fate, otherwise he will refuse food, water, air and daylight.

Nebusemeh tells about his past life, when he was a Treasurer, military official and chief of the Treasury under the Pharaoh Rahotep. After the death of nebusemeh in the summer of the 14th year of the reign of Pharaoh mentuhotep, This ruler gave Him a set of canopies, an alabaster sarcophagus and a tomb of ten cubits. However, the centuries did not spare the tomb, which was partially destroyed, and the winds penetrated the burial chamber. And to Hansengel many promised to restore the tomb, but did not keep his promise. Khonsuemheb vows to comply with any request of the Ghost and offers to send ten servants to make daily offerings in his tomb. The Ghost laments that this idea is useless.

It goes on to tell of three men sent by Khonsuemheb who are looking for a suitable place to build a new tomb for the Ghost. They find the perfect location in Deir El-Bahri, near the funeral temple Of mentuhotep II and returned to Karnak, where he served as Horsemen. Joyful Honsinger reports to the head of service Amon's Menkau about his plan.

Here the text breaks off, but it is likely that Hanswilhelm managed to carry out his plan and appease the Ghost.


The Ghost in the work indicates that when he was alive, he worked as a caretaker of the king's Treasury Rachota, and was a Lieutenant in the army.

The spirit at the tomb howls all the time, because his tomb has been worn out over the centuries. Khonsuemheb promises to restore the tomb to calm the spirit, but the text breaks off and we do not know whether he succeeded or not.

Locals say that this spirit fulfills any desire. When Khonsuemheb comes to the spirit to ask for advice on how to solve an important issue for him, and the spirit advises him to sleep at the grave to see a prophetic dream. 

It is pointed out that in Ancient Egypt, ghosts (called akh) were similar to their former selves, and interactions between ghosts and living people were considered less supernatural than in our days.