Fern Flower
Published on July 22, 2020

The Blessing Way (2)

TV Show Episode1995
The Alien
The Movie DataBase
The Blessing Way (2)
September 22, 1995
Scully finds her career with the FBI in jeopardy as Mulder is still missing and the Cigarette Smoking Man is pursuing the stolen files. The Navajo elders find Mulder's body in a cave and perform an ancient ceremony to call the spirit back to the empty vessel.


"Blessed path" (eng. "The Blessing Way") and "Clip" (Engl. "Paper Clip"), respectively the first and second episodes of the third season of the series "Secret materials". They belong to the so-called "mythology" of the series and continue the storyline set in the pilot episode.

The plot of the episodes is a continuation of the story begun in the last episode of the second season.

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The plot of the first episode:

In new Mexico albert Hostin and his family are attacked by men in black who are looking for Fox Mulder. Black helicopter stalking Dana Scully, the soldiers detained her and take away printed copies made by albert transfer files from your digital film.

After Scully returns to Washington, the FBI temporarily sends her to retire, forcing him to return the badge and a gun. In the office of Mulder, Scully discovers that the tape is stolen. Meanwhile in new York the Smoker deals with the members of the Syndicate who doubt that cassette from him.

Mulder is alive, but he is injured after an explosion in a freight car. Albert finds him and performs a ritual that can heal him. Being unconscious, Mulder sees Deep Throat and his father, who convinces him to continue the pursuit of truth.

Melvin Frohike comes to Scully and shows her an article about the murder of Kenneth Suna. Scully shows article Skinner, believing that it may prove the innocence of Mulder for the murder of his father. But Skinner refuses to do anything.

When Scully walks into the headquarters of the FBI, the detector is behaving strangely. Leaving the building, Scully asks to check her detector again. The device indicates the presence of metal near the neck. Scully goes to the doctor, which removes sewn into her skin a metallic implant.

Melissa all along persuades his sister to go for a session of hypnosis to recover lost memories of abduction. Scully agrees, but during the session she gets scared, and she interrupts him. Returning home, Scully finds Skinner leaving her apartment; he later denied that he had been there.

Mulder wakes up after the ritual. Scully goes to Boston for the funeral of William Mulder, where he meets a mother Fox, Tina. At the cemetery, Scully meets one of the members of the Syndicate, who warns her about the threat of an attack from someone she knows. Mulder travels to Connecticut and asks the mother about the old pictures which his father, along with other members of the Syndicate about the unknown building. Melissa all along calls Scully and says that goes to her. Scully gets a strange phone call and tries to warn Mellisa and leaves his apartment. Melissa all along comes to Scully by mistake and gets shot by Luis Cardinal, who works together with Alex Gracecom. Realizing that was a mistake, they are hiding from the crime scene.

Skinner and Scully are in the apartment Mulder. Scully keeps the chief under the gun, because of the words of the man from the cemetery believing that he is a traitor. Skinner tells Scully that the digital tape from him. Behind the door, footsteps are heard, and Skinner, taking advantage of the confusion Scully pulls out a gun and aims at her.

The plot of the second episode:

Dana Scully and Walter Skinner hold each other at gunpoint. Fox Mulder bursts into the apartment and forces Skinner to put the gun down. He also demands that Skinner gave digital film. Skinner insists on keeping the film, saying that it was their only lever in the disclosure of the conspiracy.

Agents pay a visit to the "Lone gunmen" and show them an old photograph of bill Mulder, the Smoker, Deep throats and other members of the Syndicate. "Arrows" learn Victor Klemper known Nazi scientist who was brought to the United States under operation Paperclip. Melvin Frohike informs Scully of her sister Melissa. Mulder persuades Scully to visit Melissa in the hospital, as there she would become a target.

Enraged by a bug which affected sister Scully, the members of the Syndicate require that the Smoker showed the film. He promises to provide her the next day. Meanwhile Mulder and Scully visit Klemper, who reports that the photo was taken at a former mining facility in West Virginia. When agents leave, Klemper calls one of the members of Sindicato and reports that Mulder is alive. This news causes the Syndicate to even greater distrust of the Smoker. Meanwhile, at the hospital albert Hostin comes to visit Melissa, next to the house which goes to a suspicious man in a suit.

Mulder and Scully arrive on the deserted enterprise, and using the code provided to them by Klemperer, opened one of the doors leading into the mine. After her agents show a large number of filing cabinets containing the records of vaccination against smallpox and tissue samples of U.S. citizens. Mulder finds a dossier of his sister Samantha and discovers that it was originally intended for him. Meanwhile Skinner tells the Smoker that he may have found the digital tape. Smoker excited about this, but said that would not make a deal with Skinner, and threatens him with violence.

Hearing noise, Mulder goes outside and sees flying overhead a UFO. Inside Scully runs past the crowd of low creatures. Arrive to the mines the cars full of armed soldiers, forcing the agents to flee. They meet with Skinner at a diner in rural Maryland. Skinner wants to return the film to the Smoker in exchange for their safety and reinstatement. After the first objection, Mulder agrees to return the film. Skinner goes to Melissa in the hospital, and Hostin tells him about the mysterious man in the suit outside. Skinner chases the man to a stairwell where he is attacked by Alex Krycek and Luis Cardinal, who beat him unconscious and steal the tape.

Krycek narrowly escapes assassination when his car explodes. Then he calls the Smoker and tells him that the film he has, and he will publish its contents if it will pursue. The smoker is lying to the other members of the Syndicate, stating that the killer of Melissa Scully died in a car bombing and that the tape was destroyed along with him.

Mulder and Scully back in the greenhouse Clamper and you find a man with whom Scully spoke at the funeral of bill. He admits that he knew Mulder's father, and claims that he helped gather genetic data for post-apocalyptic identification. These data Klemper used in the breeding of hybrids of aliens and humans. He says that Samantha was taken to ensure bill Mulder's silence after he learned about the experiments.

Mulder finds out from his mother that his father prefers that he and Samantha had been abducted. In the headquarters of the FBI Skinner once again meets with the Smoker about digital film. He believes that Skinner's bluff, knowing he no longer has the tape, but Skinner says that Hostin and twenty other members of the tribe Navajo have memorized the contents of a tape and is ready to reveal it if Mulder or Scully gets hurt.

Mulder meets with Scully at the hospital. She reports that her sister died a few hours ago. Mulder tells Scully that he believes that the truth is still in the x-files. Scully replies that he heard the truth, and now she wants answers.

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Mulder sees a huge aircraft of unknown origin and a destination near the abandoned mining facility.

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The Alien

Scully is faced with is similar to the classic gray aliens, unknown creatures in the caves near the abandoned factory. It is a short humanoids with large heads that don't wear clothes. Presumably, they are the result of genetic experiments to create hybrid alien-human.

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