Fern Flower
Published on March 25, 2020


TV Show Episode1994
A vampire
The Movie DataBase
November 4, 1994
Mulder, back on the X-Files but alone for the first time, investigates a series of vampire-like murders in Los Angeles and finds himself falling for the one woman that may be the prime suspect.


"3" ("Three") – the seventh series of the second season of the series "Secret materials". The episode is among the "monsters of the week" and is not associated directly with the primary "mythology of the series."

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In Los Angeles, Garrett Lorre, a middle-aged businessman, secluded in his home with a stranger you met at a corporate party. During their lovemaking in the Jacuzzi a woman bites Lorra in the neck to drink his blood. The woman joined two men who help her to kill Lorra, repeatedly piercing hollow needles.

The next day in Washington, Mulder puts Scully certificate, missing FBI agent, in the archives of "Secret materials" in the folder with her name, leaving her pectoral cross. It can cause in Los Angeles, and the murder of lorra he meets with detectives Los Angeles police Department who are investigating this case. It turns out that the last three months, Mulder followed the murders with a similar M. O. that occurred in the two neighboring States. Quickly finding clues and police explaining their purpose or meaning for the killer, which, according to Mulder, consider themselves "Unholy Trinity" at the request of the joint investigation, the agent refuses. According to his theory, the killer will soon disappear, but until they have completed their cycle of killing in this city. According to Mulder, one of the killers needs to work where it will have free access to blood.

Phoned the local blood banks, Mulder learns that one of them recently was hired as a night watchman. Arriving at the Bank, Mulder is arrested the guard, catching him drinking blood in the pantry. During interrogation, the suspect tells Mulder that belongs to the three vampires who crave immortality. His nickname is "Son", the remaining two, a man and a woman named "Father" and "Unholy spirit." Mulder does not believe in what he says "Son", but at sunrise he dies from terrible burns when his body barely touches the sunbeam. Mulder is taken aback, as I was sure that vampires only exist in myths. During the inspection of the body, "Son," Mulder finds a stamp club "the Impaler", a local establishment with a vampire theme. There he crosses paths with a young woman named Kristen Kilar, beginning to suspect the use of blood. The agent follows Kristen, when she and another visitor to the club, David young, leaving school, going to a closed restaurant. Watching through the window of their prelude to sex, Mulder accidentally gives himself. Kristen escapes, and young, taking Mulder a pervert, stuns him with a blow in the face. Returning to the restaurant, Yang is attacked by three killers.

Mulder studying the material, checking Kristen, and discovers that in the past she lived in Memphis and Portland areas committing the previous killings. Mulder is helping the LAPD track down Christine's house, where they discover a variety of attributes associated with the blood. Deception shoved the cops out of the house, Mulder is still waiting for Kristen. Returning Kristen tells Mulder that she met "Son", known then as John, in Chicago, and that they drank the blood of each other. Later she ran away from John, and he has teamed up with the "Unholy Trinity". Mulder and Kristen are joined in a long kiss, while from behind the window watching the resurrected "Son."

The next morning, "Son" is faced with Kristen and tells her that by killing Mulder and drinking his blood, she will become one of them. Kristen sneaks up on Mulder with a knife but instead stabs "Father", hiding in the bedroom. The son attacks Mulder, but he overcomes and binds a vampire. Together with Kristen they are trying to escape by car, but are attacked in the garage, "Unholy Ghost." Kristen kills the vampire, pushing her car to the wooden pin sticking out of the wall. Deception forcing Mulder to running out, Kristen comes back inside and pours gasoline everywhere from the canister, despite the heart-rending cries of "Son." Setting fire to the house, she gives his life to kill other vampires. After several hours, firefighters find under the debris four bodies, while Mulder sitting at a distance, watching the cross Scully.

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A vampire

In the episode shown not vampires in the usual sense of the term, and people who consider themselves vampires. They are reflected in the mirror (but claim otherwise), are afraid of the light, including artificial, not afraid of crucifixes and consider themselves immortal, beyond age-related changes and diseases. They believe that to sustain life, they often need to drink blood, and for this purpose will descend and its.

Three vampires, and they call themselves the "unholy Trinity", "Father", "Son" and "Unholy spirit." "Spirit" can be anyone who believes in the existence of vampires and life force of blood. To become one of the vampires need to drink blood "of the spirit" and to take a life (not sure whose blood tasted the future vampire). To kill a vampire by another vampire.

Despite the fact that vampires are not real, they show some uncanny abilities. So, "Son" gets fourth degree burns from the morning sunlight and suffering in the dying. Later, however, he is resurrected by an unknown way, fully restoring his body, including the hair.

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