Fern Flower
Published on June 10, 2020

Fearful Symmetry

TV Show Episode1995
The Alien
The Movie DataBase
Fearful Symmetry
February 24, 1995
In a small town in Idaho, a man is killed by what seems to be an invisible elephant. Mulder's investigation into the local zoo, its owners and a local animal rights group uncovers evidence of insidious alien experiments.


"Terrible symmetry" (eng. "Fearful Symmetry") is the 18th episode of the second season of the series "Secret materials". It belongs to the class of "monster of the week" and is not associated with the main "mythology" of the series.

The name of the episode is taken from a poem by William Blake "the Tiger" (eng. "The Tyger"):

Tyger! Tyger! burning bright

In the forests of the night,

What immortal hand or eye

Could frame thy fearful symmetry?

A classic translation of poems into Russian language made by Balmont and Marshak, the phrase "fearful symmetry" has no unambiguous interpretation.

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In Fairfield, Idaho, two employees witness the unseen forces destroying everything in its path. Down the street, this force kills a road worker. The next day in front of a moving truck suddenly materializes elephant. The driver manages to stop in time, but the animal still dies. It turns out that the elephant was still there, in his cage in the zoo, Fairfield, 40 miles from the place of death.

Fox Mulder and Dana Scully investigate done to the city damage that could be caused by the elephant, though the animal no one noticed. Trainer zoo ed meechum tells them that the cage that had been holding the elephant continues to be locked. His boss will Ambrose tells the agents that because of the loss of the animal, the zoo can cover. She blames the problems of the zoo activists of society of protection of wild animals (OSG). However, the leader of OSG Kyle lang has denied any involvement in the release of elephant. Lang tells the agents that the government had filed a lawsuit against Ambrose for the gorilla she was out of the country ten years ago.

Mulder is associated with Frohike and Byers who told him that Fairfield is known for its animal disappearances and UFO sightings. They also mention the gorilla who can communicate in sign language. Meanwhile, Scully follows one of the animal rights activists, who sneaks into the zoo. The activist OSG trying to free the tiger, but after a bright flash of light, the animal disappears. Some time later, someone invisible is attacking the animal rights activist and kills him, this locks night vision camera. When questioned lang denies any responsibility for his death. Ambrose introduces the agents to the gorilla, Sophie, who is clearly afraid of the light.

The elephant autopsy conducted by Scully shows that she was pregnant. However, this seems impossible, because the animal never mated. At the construction site Beuys appears missing tiger. Ambrose tries to catch the animal, but it can't. Tigress attacking her, but at the last moment Meacham manages to shoot the predator. Mulder tells Ambrose that the tiger was also pregnant, and tells his theory about how the aliens impregnate the endangered animals, collect the embryos and form your own "Noah's Ark". Mulder thinks that Sophie is pregnant and is afraid the kidnapping of their baby. Sophie confirms Mulder's suspicion, by showing gestures: "the light will carry the baby."

The Deputy Sheriff is going to take Sophie to send her back to Malawi. Ambrose unsuccessfully seeks help from his ex-boyfriend lang, but he advises to allow Sophie to return to the wild. Lang later goes to Ambrose at the warehouse where Sophie is preparing to ship, but finds the cage empty. Someone is killing lang, relieving his head from the box. Scully suspects Ambrose of murder, but she says she is to blame Meacham. Mulder was going to arrest Meechum, which contains angry Sophie in another warehouse near Boyce. Meacham suddenly locks Mulder in the room with Sophie, and an angry gorilla attacks and wounds the agent.

Sophie manages to show Mulder the last message in sign language, and then a bright light takes her. Mulder asks Ambrose to translate the message, and she replies that it means: "man save man." Agents and Ambrose is called on a highway, where they found hit by a car, Sophie. Abrous and Fort worth Meacham faces charges of manslaughter lang. When the agents leave Idaho, Mulder says that the events in Fairfield are alien conservationists.

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Abducted by aliens animals after returning some time remain invisible. The results of their interaction with the environment (broken Windows, dented cars, and injured people) can be mistaken for poltergeist activity.

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The Alien

The aliens kidnap animals from the zoo Fairfield, conduct artificial insemination and return them to the place. During the abduction there is a bright light. Cells in the abduction is not opened, the animals just disappear.

After some time again the aliens kidnap animals to extract the embryo. After the second theft the animals appear not in the zoo, and at a distance of several miles from him. For some unknown reason, returning animals for some time (several hours) remain invisible. External signs of physical effects on the bodies of stolen animals is not detected.

Mulder suggests that the way the aliens gather a Bank of embryos of endangered species of terrestrial animals.

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